Suggest correction - #2131 - 1993-12-06

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    $800 23
A London Times crossword clued it as "Kosher Diet (7)"

Show #2131 - Monday, December 6, 1993


Adam Kasanof, a police lieutenant from New York City, New York

John Barlow, a marketing manager from San Diego, California

Carole Lord, a systems consultant from Ocean, New Jersey (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
The best-known uses of this gas are in water purification & bleaching compounds
    $100 12
When Anna arrives in Siam in "The King and I", she sings "I Whistle" this
    $100 25
West Indian poet Derek Walcott was the 1992 recipient of this award for Literature
    $100 7
Until the mid-1800s, it was believed that this continent was simply a large ice sheet
    $100 3
The old city of Port Royal, Jamaica sank into this sea during an earthquake in 1692
    $100 1
"Sono scozzese" means "I'm Scottish" while "sono canadese" means this
    $200 4
This "laughing gas" became a widely-used dental anesthetic during the 1860s
    $200 13
This play opens outside Tevye's house in the Russian village of Anatevka
    $200 26
Long hailed as "Mr. Pops", he was honored with the American Symphony Orchestra League's 1976 Gold Baton award
    $200 8
It covers about 33% of the world's land area & has about 60% of its population
    $200 14
His son Jean-Michel has spent a lot of time underwater, too
    $200 15
You probably think of otto as a man's name, but in Italian it's the word for this number
    $300 17
This gas, when burned, produces water
    $300 16
This actress introduced the role of Lorelei Lee in the musical "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"
    $300 27
In November 1992 Dennis Eckersley became only the 4th American League relief pitcher to win this award
    $300 9
To colonists coming to the New World, this continent was the "Old World"
    $300 22
Greek Orthodox men celebrate Epiphany by diving for a cross at Tarpon Springs in this U.S. state
    $300 18
Alitalia's frequent fliers know these 2 airport antonyms are "arrivo" & "partenza"
    $400 5
Sir William Ramsay & Morris Travers named this gas from the Greek word meaning "new"
    $400 21
In this 1955 musical comedy, Joe Boyd's favorite baseball team was the Washington Senators
    $400 28
In 1990 this chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was 1 of 2 recipients of the Service to Democracy Award
    $400 10
The Bahamas are considered part of this continent
    $400 23
If you were in Petrograd in December 1916, you might have found this "Mad Monk" underwater
    $400 19
A hairbrush is una spazzola per capelli & this is uno spazzolino da denti
    DD: $800 6
This light noble gas is the only element that can't be changed to a solid under normal pressure
    $500 29
In the 1921 production of "Bombo", he dropped to his knees & sang "My Mammy"
    $500 30
This creator of "A Prairie Home Companion" won the 1985 Edward R. Murrow Award for Public Broadcasting
    $500 11
This continent formed the core of the ancient landmass known as Gondwanaland
    $500 24
Aviator & movie mogul whose film "Underwater!" premiered underwater; guests had to wear aqualungs
    $500 20
A sign that says "non toccare" means this; you might see one in a Venetian glass shop

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Carole John Adam
$1,100 $800 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carole John Adam
$3,400 $900 $4,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Though it was discovered in Calif. as early as 1842, it wasn't until 1848 that there was a "rush"
    $200 7
The face on this landmark near the Great Pyramid was fashioned after the pharaoh Khafre
    $200 2
Although of Greek origin, this artist is best known by his Spanish name, which means "the Greek"
    $200 30
Iraq has the National Assembly & this neighbor has the Islamic Consultative Assembly
    $200 10
It took Edward Gibbon 6 volumes to describe this empire's "Decline and Fall"
    $200 25
When used with a date, A.D. stands for this, meaning "in the year of the Lord"
    $400 3
Until it became a separate territory in 1853, Washington was part of this territory
    $400 8
After a 5-minute cable car trip, you can see this South American city from the top of Sugar Loaf Mountain
    $400 11
The bombing of Guernica, Spain was symbolized in a 1937 painting by this artist
    $400 29
This country's Oireachtas is made up of the president, Seanad & Dail
    $400 13
In 1960 Penguin Books took a risk & printed the full text of this D.H. Lawrence novel to sell in England
    $400 26
From 1970-1981 Adlai Stevenson III represented this state in the Senate
    $600 4
In 1789 Henry Knox, for whom the fort was later named, became the first to head this Cabinet department
    $600 9
At the Jagiellonian Univ. in Krakow, you can see many of the instruments used by this Polish astronomer
    $600 12
As a boy Michelangelo became a protege of Lorenzo the Magnificent, a member of this ruling family
    $600 24
You "Khan" see this country's "Khongress" meet in its "State Great Khural" in Ulaanbaatar
    $600 18
During the 17 years it took him to write "Finnegans Wake", he published parts as "Work in Progress"
    $600 27
The only 2 factors of a prime number are itself & this
    $800 5
In August 1894 the American Railway Union declared that this 3-month strike was over
    DD: $1,500 14
Precautions against malaria are advisable when visiting this country's Kruger National Park
    $800 16
This Dutchman's 1633 "Descent from the Cross" was based on a painting by Peter Paul Rubens
    $800 23
A London Times crossword clued it as "Kosher Diet (7)"
    DD: $5,000 19
She was suggested as the next poet laureate when Wordsworth died; Tennyson was appointed instead
    $800 28
In a 1690 essay John Locke wrote that at birth this is like white paper without any innate ideas
    $1000 6
The 1901 Platt Amendment gave the U.S. the right to intervene in this country's affairs
    $1000 15
On Cyprus many cities have 2 names; Lefkosa is the Turkish name for this capital
    $1000 17
In 1966 this Russian- born artist completed 2 murals for the Metropolitan Opera at Lincoln Center
    $1000 22
It's the lower house of the German parliament
    $1000 20
Charlotte Bronte found this "Pride and Prejudice" author's work limited
    $1000 21
The 3 main types of blood cells in the body are red cells, white cells & these

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carole John Adam
$6,000 $6,800 $14,100
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

The U.S. gov't owns 85% of this state's land, the largest portion for any of the lower 48 states

Final scores:

Carole John Adam
$1,000 $1 $14,099
2nd place: a trip to Huntsville, Alabama aboard Delta Airlines & U.S. Space Camp's Aviation Challenge training 3rd place: Lane Early American authentically-reproduced video cabinet + Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy! for the 16-bit Super Nintendo Entertainment System & the Sega Genesis system New champion: $14,099

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carole John Adam
$6,000 $6,100 $9,600
16 R,
2 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
25 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $21,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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