Suggest correction - #2098 - 1993-10-20

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    $200 19
The British once likened the structure of the atom to a plum pudding & these to the raisins

Show #2098 - Wednesday, October 20, 1993

David Venderbush game 4.


Paul Sungenis, a comedian from Vineland, New Jersey

Pat Valdata, a writer and educator from Elkton, Maryland

David Venderbush, an attorney originally from Mequon, Wisconsin (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $24,199)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Also known as.)
    $100 2
This city is the home of Florida State University
    $100 23
Ikenobo, the 1st school of flower arranging in this country, was founded in the 7th century
    $100 7
This is usually the main fruit in an upside-down cake
    $100 18
Minimum number of atoms in 1 molecule of a compound; for example, a molecule of table salt
    $100 11
Founded in 1948, this country requires its men & women to serve in the Armed Forces
    $100 10
Cherilyn LaPiere
    $200 3
There's a Royal Mausoleum on Nuuanu Avenue in this state capital
    $200 24
Coiling & this are the 2 basic methods of making baskets
    $200 8
The yellow pear variety of this is slightly smaller than the cherry type
    $200 19
The British once likened the structure of the atom to a plum pudding & these to the raisins
    $200 12
In 1793 this was invented near Savannah, Georgia by Eli Whitney
    $200 1
Joan de Havilland
    $300 4
The World Book Encyclopedia's article on this city is next to one about baton twirling
    $300 25
The "album" style of these bedcovers made at bees is often presented as an anniversary gift
    $300 9
Mark Twain called this white vegetable "cabbage with a college education"
    $300 20
By the law of conservation of this, you'll have the same number of atoms before & after a reaction
    $300 13
The tomb of this man known for his "Analects" is a pilgrimage site in Kufow, China
    $300 28
Benjamin Kubelsky
    DD: $500 5
This Maryland capital boasts more than 80 pre-Revolutionary War buildings
    $400 26
The artist & decorator Charles Le Brun established the style named for this "Sun King"
    $400 16
Originally from Asia, the shiitake variety of this is now cultivated in the U.S.
    $400 21
Years after Boyle, Charles found that a gas expands when this rises
    $400 14
In this Olympic sport, a player may be awarded a free kick
    $400 29
Rose Louise Hovick
    $500 6
For several years Daniel Boone lived near what is now this West Virginia capital
    $500 27
A sculpted female figure used as a column, its name comes from Greek for "women of Karyai"
    $500 17
The strands inside this type of squash can be served like pasta
    $500 22
Empedocles thought the 4 "elements" that combined to make up every object were air, fire & these 2
    $500 15
The name of the British royal yacht; it certainly rules the waves
    $500 30
Israel Baline

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

David Pat Paul
$1,000 $600 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

David Pat Paul
$2,000 $1,800 $3,700

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 12
In 1943 Churchill, Roosevelt & this Soviet leader met in Tehran, Iran
    $200 30
Only in the U.S. is the name of this Korean conglomerate pronounced to rhyme with "Sunday"
    $200 2
In North America the British & their Indian allies fought this country & their Indian allies
    $200 8
John Howard Payne wrote, "Be it ever so" this, "there's no place like home"
    $200 25
In 1935 this humorist was given the Spirit of St. Louis Medal for achievement in aeronautics
    $200 1
The subtitle of this 1960 book by Joy Adamson is "A Lioness of Two Worlds"
    $400 13
He was born Josip Broz in 1892 in Kumrovec, Croatia
    $400 17
This car produced by Daimler-Benz is named for Emil Jellinek's daughter
    $400 3
In 1993 this Williamsburg, Va. college celebrated the 300th anniversary of its 1693 charter
    $400 11
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "The sky is the daily bread of" these sense organs
    $400 26
In 1966 the Henry Bacon Medal for Memorial Architecture went to this St. Louis structure
    $400 24
She was born Pearl Sydenstricker in Hillsboro, West Virginia & taken to China as a child
    $600 14
In 1989 this South African education minister succeeded P.W. Botha as the country's president
    $600 18
In 1990 Harold Poling replaced Donald Petersen as CEO of this 2nd-largest U.S. auto producer
    $600 4
Following the publication of his "Principia", he had a nervous breakdown & retired from research
    $600 9
This play contains the line "A great nose indicates a great man"
    $600 27
Dorothy Loudon won a 1977 Tony for her role as Miss Hannigan in this Broadway musical
    $600 21
This author of "The Color Purple" also wrote a children's biography of Langston Hughes
    $800 15
In 1989 Tadeusz Mazowiecki became this country's first non-Communist leader since World War II
    $800 19
This largest private Italian company produces Alfa Romeo & Autobianchi cars
    $800 5
In 1693 he became chief of the MacGregor clan; he didn't become an outlaw until 1712
    $800 7
On July 21, 1861 Barnard Elliott Bee said, "There is Jackson, standing like" one of these
    $800 28
In 1966 U Thant became the 1st recipient of an award for int'l understanding named for this PM of India
    $800 22
With husband John Gregory Dunne, she adapted her 1970 novel "Play It As It Lays" for the screen
    $1000 16
Turkey's first president, he served from 1923 until his death in 1938
    $1000 20
This Wolfsburg, Germany corporation produces the Spanish-based SEAT automobile
    DD: $2,000 6
This English astronomer devised the first actuarial table
    $1000 10
Oscar Wilde defined this as "the fashionable substitute for belief"
    $1000 29
This scientist & vitamin C proponent was a recipient of the Int'l Lenin Peace Prize
    DD: $2,000 23
On her death in 1986, she was laid to rest next to Jean-Paul Sartre in Montparnasse Cemetery

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

David Pat Paul
$7,000 $2,600 $5,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

This began Sept. 2, 1666 in the house of the King's baker in Pudding Lane

Final scores:

David Pat Paul
$11,001 $4,600 $10,500
4-day champion: $35,200 3rd place: Towle Silversmiths coffee urn + Jeopardy! & Wheel of Fortune games for Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis 2nd place: Zeos notebook computer + Citizen electronic organizer

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

David Pat Paul
$9,000 $4,600 $5,400
21 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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