Suggest correction - #1577 - 1991-06-11

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    $300 18
The DAV, which aids those who were incapacitated in the line of duty in war, stands for this

Show #1577 - Tuesday, June 11, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Edward Lobb, a teacher originally from Toronto, Ontario

Kim Gaffney, a claims adjuster from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mark Strauch, a molecular biologist originally from South Bend, Indiana (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,601)

Jeopardy! Round

1940s TV
    $100 8
Spiders have been found living on the slopes of this, tallest mountain in the world
    $100 3
Duke, who led the orchestra in the world premiere of "Black, Brown & Beige" in 1943
    $100 16
In 1907, George Freeth, the son of a Hawaiian princess, became the first professional in this sport
    $100 1
In 1864, a new 2-cent piece, minted to relieve a coin shortage, was the first to display this motto
    $100 19
Viewers in 1946-47 saw James Beard hosting one of these shows on NBC
    $100 26
A brave & vigorous man,
England's Richard I was known by this nickname
    $200 9
Uzbek is a Turkish language, spoken in Uzbekistan, part of this country
    $200 4
A harmonium has no pipes, but is often used as a substitute for this keyboard instrument
that has pipes
    $200 17
Movie in which Humphrey Bogart said, "Let's talk about the black bird"
    $200 2
The dime with his likeness was introduced January 30th, 1946,
which would have been his 64th birthday
    $200 20
In the 1940's Richard Coogan played this captain who was the guardian of the safety of the world
    $200 27
A frank discussion between two persons
    $300 10
In 1987, this island nation made Creole a co-official language with French
    $300 5
This clef is also known as the G clef
    $300 18
The DAV, which aids those who were incapacitated in the line of duty in war, stands for this
    $300 13
Legend says she was the model for liberty on the 1792 half-dime, & her silver was used in the first ones
    $300 21
Since it had begun on radio, it wasn't "Candid Camera" at first, but "Candid" this
    $300 28
19th century writer, Fanny Fern was the first to say it's through his stomach
    $400 11
Las Hadas, or the ferries, is a multi-million dollar resort in Manzanillo in this country
    $400 6
Color of the "Cockerel" in the title of Rimsky-Korsakov's last opera
    $400 24
In a set of numbers arranged from least to greatest, it's the middle number
    DD: $600 14
Due to changes for the bicentennial coin, there were no quarters with this year stamped on them
    $400 22
The title of a 1949 mystery anthology series was starring this movie monster player
    $400 29
Eddie Albert received an Oscar nomination for his role in this 1972 film,
written by Neil Simon
    $500 12
Maputo, the capital of Mozambique lies on Delagoa Bay, an inlet of this ocean
    $500 7
19th century violin virtuoso, whose playing was so incredible, some believed he was in league with the devil
    $500 25
Her best selling novel, "Breathing Lessons" won the 1989 Pulitzer Prize
    $500 15
Surprisingly, this major mint didn't put its mark on a domestic coin until the 1942 nickel
    $500 23
This 1949 sitcom with Jackie Gleason, not William Bendix, won an Emmy as Best Film Made for & Viewed on TV
    $500 30
Jesus said, "Blessed are" these "for they shall see God"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Mark Kim Edward
$2,200 -$300 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Kim Edward
$4,600 $900 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
The men who took part in this event on December 16, 1773, boarded the ships at Griffin's Wharf
    $200 5
Storms that hit this Massachusetts cape in November 1990, uncovered a 7,000 year old settlement
    $200 1
Joyce Kilmer taught Latin for a year at Morristown High School in this, his home state
    $200 16
This large rodent's name is derived from the Latin words for "quill pig"
    $200 21
He supported the sky, but we don't know if he supported his grandson Hermes
    $200 26
Five members of the Walton family are billionaire owners of this retail chain
    $400 8
One year after her first husband died of yellow fever, Dolley Payne Todd married him
    $400 12
Physical anthropology concerns itself with the biology of this species, our own
    $400 2
His castle was destroyed by fire in 1598 & much of "The Faerie Queene" may have gone up in smoke
    $400 17
Of the more than 65 species of this marsupial, only the Virginia or common plays dead
    $400 22
Legend says this founder of Rome disappeared in a storm & became the god Quirinus
    $400 27
The Agnelli family car company that supplies about half of Russia's autos
    $600 9
This chief justice presided over Aaron Burr's 1807 treason trial
    $600 13
With the possible exception of these sea creatures, man has the most complex brain of all mammals
    $600 3
First name shared by New England poetesses
Bradstreet & Sexton
    $600 18
Holding its breath, this plated mammal can cross a river by walking on the bottom
    DD: $1,000 23
After Pygmalion fell in love with a statue he'd created, this goddess gave it life
    DD: $3,600 28
According to Forbes, this country has the third most billionaires after the United States & Japan
    $800 10
British General Edward Braddock was ambushed & killed near Fort Duquesne during this war
    $800 14
If the writing on the tablet you found on this island is in Linear A, it's Minoan, B it's Mycenaean
    $800 6
Robinson Jeffers’ adaptation of Euripides' tragedy about her was produced on Broadway
in 1947
    $800 19
Identified by its black & white coat, this breed of cow produces more milk than any other
    $800 24
The Hecatoncheires
were worker giants who had this number of hands as their name implies
    $1000 11
In 1832, this southern state declared recent federal tariffs null & void & threatened to secede
    $1000 15
Some 15,000 years ago, this subspecies of modern men painted a cave wall in Altamira, Spain
    $1000 7
Sadly, he became addicted to opium soon after moving to the Lake District in 1800
    $1000 20
Popular as pets, domestic ones range from the 2-pound Netherlands dwarf to the 17-pound Flemish white giant
    $1000 25
She's the Hawaiian goddess of fire

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Kim Edward
$7,600 $100 $0
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Amusement park, known for its gardens, built in 1843 on the old ramparts of a capital city

Final scores:

Mark Kim Edward
$10,000 $200 $0
2-day champion: $17,601 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mark Kim Edward
$7,000 $100 $3,600
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
5 W
8 R,
5 W
15 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $10,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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