Suggest correction - #2075 - 1993-09-17

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    $300 12
Mott Street is the main street of this ethnic neighborhood that features pagoda-shaped phone booths

Show #2075 - Friday, September 17, 1993

John Cuthbertson game 4.


Andy Amster, a quality assurance specialist from Los Angeles, California

Kriss Reed, a planning assistant from Diamond Bar, California

John Cuthbertson, a physicist originally from Liberty, Missouri (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $46,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 2
Under Roman Catholic auspices, this university was founded near South Bend, Indiana in 1842
    $100 14
Elizabeth Taylor's dying words in this film are "Antony, wait"
    $100 26
The shaddock is the largest citrus fruit & this is second
    $100 1
The Delacorte Theater in this park is the summer home of the New York Shakespeare Festival
    $100 21
It's the Romanian region that was home to Count Dracula
    $100 15
    $200 3
England took over this country & its canal in 1882 as a temporary measure & stayed for 40 years
    $200 10
In a 1948 film Gene Kelly pretended to be "Mack the Black", one of these dreaded nautical criminals
    $200 27
If exposed to too much sun, the head on this cabbage family member may turn purple instead of white
    $200 11
New Yorkers call it "The Village"
    $200 22
It's the term for a female ogre
    $200 16
    $300 4
It's the famous 1848 declaration written by Marx & Engels
    $300 9
This comic & Shirley Ross introduced the song "Two Sleepy People" in the 1938 film "Thanks for the Memory"
    $300 28
This "hearty" vegetable is also called a globe thistle
    $300 12
Mott Street is the main street of this ethnic neighborhood that features pagoda-shaped phone booths
    $300 23
The wail of this Irish female spirit is a harbinger of death
    $300 18
    $400 5
On October 4, 1830 Belgium declared its independence from this country
    $400 8
Marlene Dietrich played a saloon singer in this 1939 Western that starred Jimmy Stewart as Tom Destry
    $400 29
This salad vegetable comes in 3 main types: Belgian, curly & escarole
    $400 13
Fiorello La Guardia reportedly said he visited this place to "read between the lions"
    $400 24
It's the voodoo spell or power to reanimate the dead as well as the dear reanimated departed
    $400 19
    $500 6
In 1865 John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln & William Booth founded what is now this group
    $500 7
Peter Ustinov directed the film version of this Herman Melville work & played Captain Vere
    $500 30
The seckel, a small, brownish variety of this fruit, is often poached or canned in a spiced syrup
    DD: $500 17
There are several branches of this Museum of American Art, but the main museum is on Madison Avenue
    $500 25
It's the name of the devil to whom Goethe's "Faust" sells his soul
    $500 20
Cynthia Gregory,
Suzanne Farrell,
Gelsey Kirkland

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

John Kriss Andy
$200 -$400 $2,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Kriss Andy
$3,000 -$400 $3,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Good year.)
    $200 21
Congress eliminated this metal from dimes & quarters & reduced it in half-dollars
    $200 1
This airline's AAdvantage program is the oldest frequent flyer program
    $200 18
In "Lost Horizon" the High Lama tells Conway the history of this strange land
    $200 9
In Britain one of these is equal to about 4.5 liters; in the U.S., only about 3.8
    $200 23
The "middle" part of this organ is an air cavity in the temporal bone
    $200 20
His works have inspired several operas, including "Pickwick"
    $400 19
This company introduced its $20 Swinger camera
    $400 5
Pierre Balmain designed the Malay sarongs worn by this airline's flight attendants
    $400 14
Solzhenitsyn chronicled "One Day in the Life of" this character whose last name is Shukhov
    $400 10
This mile is made up of 6,076 feet
    $400 24
Popularly called the shinbone, it's the larger of the 2 bones in the lower leg
    $400 22
Of Pasta, Paella or Panettone, the first woman to sing the title role of "Norma"
    $600 4
When one of these occurred on Nov. 9, 1965, it affected 30 million people in an 80,000-square-mile area
    $600 6
In July 1992 this bankrupt airline was found guilty of willful misconduct in the Lockerbie disaster
    DD: $2,000 13
In the last chapter of this Steinbeck novel, Rose of Sharon delivers a stillborn child
    $600 17
The longest measure of time, the Hindu kalpa, is equal to 4,320,000,000 of these
    $600 25
While humans have 2 of these collarbones, dogs don't have any
    $600 28
This charismatic Greek-American was acclaimed for her 1947 performance as "La Gioconda" in Verona
    $800 3
From the capsule, James McDivitt joked to this 1st U.S. spacewalker, "You smeared my windshield, you dirty dog!"
    $800 7
This airline was named for its Chicago airport hub
    $800 12
Stingo is the narrator of this William Styron novel about a Polish survivor of Auschwitz
    $800 16
The coulomb is the International System unit of this type of charge
    $800 26
Resting on the maxilla, the zygomatic is this bone in the face
    DD: $200 29
This Gian Carlo Menotti opera debuted on Christmas Eve, 1951
    $1000 2
This PBS host may have written in his journal in July, "I replaced George Reedy as presidential press secretary"
    $1000 8
This airline acquired both Piedmont & PSA in the 1980s
    $1000 11
Offred is chosen to be a handmaid in this author's "The Handmaid's Tale"
    $1000 15
A micron is one-millionth of this measure
    $1000 27
It's the collective name for the bones that form the fingers & toes
    $1000 30
Despite her parents' schemes, Marenka marries the man she loves in this Smetana opera

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Kriss Andy
$10,000 -$400 $10,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

Its population center is farther north than any other country's

Final scores:

John Kriss Andy
$18,000 -$400 $500
4-day champion: $64,400 3rd place: DeLonghi pump-driven espresso/cappuccino & accessories + Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! for the 16-bit Super Nintendo Entertainment System & the Sega Genesis system 2nd place: a trip to Maui on Delta Airlines & a week at the Sands of Kahana on the shores of West Maui

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

John Kriss Andy
$10,000 -$400 $9,100
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
4 R,
6 W
28 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $18,700

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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