Suggest correction - #2072 - 1993-09-14

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    $300 13
This food fish comes in gray, yellowtail & mutton species, but the red is the most popular

Show #2072 - Tuesday, September 14, 1993

John Cuthbertson game 1.


John Cuthbertson, a physicist originally from Liberty, Missouri

Laurie Zelesenikar, a director of administration from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Paul Spudis, a geologist from Friendswood, Texas

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: [Pronounces category like "OPES"] This last category is one we manage to include on our Jeopardy! programs once each season. We don't like to have it on more than once because it is an admission of error on our part. These are mistakes we have made and that our viewers have caught us on and written us about. And so we are, uh, only too happy to acknowledge the fault publicly.)
    $100 6
April 19, 1906: "Heart is torn from great city" referred to the earthquake & fire in this one
    $100 17
In 1893 Lord Stanley of Preston, governor-gen. of Canada, donated a trophy for this sport
    $100 14
It's the Irish ingredient in an Everybody's Irish cocktail
    $100 11
Though named for their feline looks, not all of the about 2,400 species have barbels
    $100 21
It's the piece of wood or stone that fills the space under an outside door; brides are carried over it
    $100 1
We put the Mile High Greyhound Park in this Mile High City; it's actually in Commerce City
    $200 7
The April 15, 1865 New York Times called it an "awful event" & gave "details of the dreadful tragedy"
    $200 18
The Borg-Warner Trophy awarded to winners of this auto race remains at the Speedway Hall of Fame Museum
    $200 26
The name of this British holiday drink comes from Old Norse for "be in good health", ves heill
    $200 12
The caudal fin is the tail fin & this is the term for the fin on the back
    $200 22
It's the small hinged window over a door
    $200 2
We had this artist's mother hanging around the Louvre; she's now in the Musee d'Orsay
    $300 8
An 1890s article on this clothing item asked, "Does tight lacing develop cruelty?"
    $300 19
The Downtown Athletic Club of NYC annually presents this trophy to the top college football player
    $300 27
The yellow type of this liqueur with a "colorful" name is weaker than the green
    $300 13
This food fish comes in gray, yellowtail & mutton species, but the red is the most popular
    $300 23
It's a thin, Japanese- style folding mattress stuffed with cotton batting
    $300 3
We forgot to add that this Baker St. detective's love for Irene Adler was not in the original stories
    $400 9
July 23, 1934: "No. 1 Public Enemy Shot Down Leaving Theater in" this city
    $400 20
Its official name is the International Lawn Tennis Challenge Trophy
    $400 28
Cocktails with "silver" in their names, such as Silver King & Silver Streak, usually contain this liquor
    DD: $600 15
The Devil's Hole pupfish is found only in this inhospitable national monument in California
    $400 24
An inglenook is a nook, or the bench in the nook, beside one of these
    $400 4
There are several versions of this cartoon family's theme & we used the one where Jane, not Elroy, follows George
    $500 10
This group "has first session. Empty chair is reserved for America", said the January 17, 1920 Boston Herald
    $500 30
In 1984 this sport's World Championship Trophy was renamed to honor outgoing commissioner Larry O'Brien
    $500 29
Creme d'ananas is made from this tropical fruit, not bananas
    $500 16
A way to cook fish, or a term for newly-hatched salmon
    $500 25
"Religious" name of the modern table whose legs are flush with the top so they look jointless
    $500 5
We said this Michael Jackson 3-D film was in Fantasyland; it's actually in Tomorrowland

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Paul Laurie John
$1,200 $300 $2,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Laurie John
$1,700 $900 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
In October 1962 the U.S. demanded the withdrawal of all offensive missiles from this country
    $200 11
It's the Handel oratorio that features the aria "I know that my Redeemer liveth"
    $200 1
In August 1990 Coca-Cola opened a museum to itself in this city
    $200 21
After surgery a patient might be sent to ICU, which stands for this unit
    $200 16
Prince Andrey Bolkonsky dies after he's wounded at the Battle of Borodino in this Tolstoy classic
    $200 26
He was ordained a priest in 1946 in Krakow, Poland
    $400 7
It's officially known as the Hellenic Republic
    $400 12
A Tyrolienne is a folk song characterized by this distinctive kind of Alpine singing
    $400 2
The Dutch government owns 38% of this airline
    $400 22
Diagnosis is abbreviated Dx & this forecast of the chances of recovery is abbreviated Px
    $400 17
Alyosha is the youngest of Fyodor's 3 legitimate sons in this Russian novel
    $400 27
Dubbed "The Smiling Pope", he reigned for 34 days in 1978
    $600 8
The Mozambique Channel separates this island country from the African mainland
    $600 13
A Heldentenor, or heroic tenor, is well suited for roles such as Siegfried in this composer's operas
    $600 3
Mellon Bank is based in this Pennsylvania city
    $600 23
These 3 body parts are combined under the abbreviation ENT
    $600 18
Oliver Goldsmith's novel about "The Vicar of" this place ends with a double wedding
    $600 28
In 1964 he became the first pope in almost 2000 years to visit the Holy Land
    DD: $800 9
This Central American country is the smallest mainland nation in the Western Hemisphere
    $800 14
This era lasted from about 1600 to 1750--"Go for" it
    $800 4
This maker of Cheerios also owns the Red Lobster restaurant chain
    $800 24
CR, an abbreviation for this, might ring a bell with Pavlov, since he coined the term
    $800 19
Jude Fawley is tricked into marrying the vulgar, insensitive Arabella in this Thomas Hardy novel
    $800 29
Clement VI, the 4th of 7 popes based in this French city, purchased it from Joan of Provence in 1348
    $1000 10
Compiled by Elias Lonnrot from oral poetry, the Kalevala is this country's national epic
    $1000 15
Rimsky-Korsakov wrote the "Song of" this Asian country for his opera "Sadko"
    $1000 5
In 1993 this largest U.S. brewer agreed to buy part of the Mexican maker of Corona beer
    $1000 25
b.i.d. on a medicine label indicates it should be taken this often
    $1000 20
This title object in Henry James' last novel is a piece of gilded crystal
    DD: $1,000 30
Paul III approved the formation of this order by Ignatius of Loyola in 1540

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Paul Laurie John
$9,100 $1,900 $10,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 1955 2 elements were named for these 2 Nobel Prize-winning scientists then recently deceased

Final scores:

Paul Laurie John
$0 $1,200 $18,400
3rd place: Gibson food freezer + the Jeopardy! home game 2nd place: Lloyd/Flanders Heirloom Series all-weather wicker furniture + Ducane 2002S gas grill + the Jeopardy! home game New champion: $18,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Paul Laurie John
$9,100 $1,900 $10,200
23 R,
0 W
5 R,
1 W
24 R
(including 3 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $21,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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