Suggest correction - #701 - 1987-09-28

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    $200 6
Any substance which prevents spread of bacteria when applied to tissue; iodine, for example

Show #701 - Monday, September 28, 1987

Both Judi & Clare are returning players.


Judi Greenberg, a housewife from Northbrook, Illinois

Clare Dellemann, a credit manager from Huntington Beach, California

Bob Blincoe, a minister from Pasadena, California

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 15
It's said there were about 500 gang murders in this city during the '20s, including the 7 on Feb. 14, 1929
    $100 1
While the "C" & "H" on the sugar box refers to California & Hawaii, on faucets they refer to these antonyms
    $100 10
Richard Chamberlain miniseries that featured scenes in Japanese without English subtitles
    $100 4
Its stomach is only a slender tube, so a true vampire bat can't digest any food but this
    $100 20
This cosmetics queen is the mother of U.S. ambassador to Austria, Ronald Lauder
    $100 27
An actor's lines in a play, or the line where he divides his hair
    $200 16
If you owned a "flivver", you had an old, dilapidated one of these
    $200 2
Its antonyms include "new" & "young"
    $200 11
James Beard's "I Love to Eat" opened w/ a shot of this famous &, hopefully, non-edible Borden company symbol
    $200 5
Larousse says you can recognize one by its "ugly voice"
"offensive odour" & hump
    $200 21
This FBI director once gave his mom a canary he bought from the Birdman of Alcatraz
    $200 28
Your business associate, your spouse, or the person you dance with
    $300 17
Henry E. Huntington picked up this Gainsborough painting, it was reported, for a mere $640,000
    $300 3
With turkey meat, the antonym of this word isn't "black", but "dark"
    $300 12
A recent book about this now controversial early 1950s series is aptly titled "Holy Mackerel!"
    $300 6
Pipid frogs lack these organs entirely, though most frogs have long sticky ones
    $300 22
Wanting her to sing opera, Renee Lieberman used to puncture this daughter's basketballs with a screwdriver
    $300 29
It stands on the Acropolis
    $400 18
A '20s jazz classic pined "I wish I could" do this dance "like my sister Kate"
    $400 9
For genes, it's the opposite of "dominant"
    $400 13
Maybe "60 Minutes" could expose why this man's son Chris reports for NBC, not CBS
    $400 7
During the Dark Ages some of these common household pets were actually put on trial for witchcraft
    $400 23
This actor's last words, as he died in 1865, were "Tell mother I die for my country"
    $400 30
    $500 19
Her book "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", was called a handbook for golddiggers
    DD: $600 24
The famous lantern signal received by Paul Revere told him which of this antonym pair to expect
    $500 14
This ex-"Dynasty" star who "married" Prince Charles in a TV movie is really his 3rd cousin
    $500 8
Because the kiwi is nearly blind, it relies mostly on this sense to locate its food
    $500 26
When her daughter married King Tut, this ancient beauty became his mummy-in-law
    $500 25
Extremely stingy

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Bob Clare Judi
$300 $1,800 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Clare Judi
$1,900 $1,800 $5,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 4
It began in 1936 & ended in 1939
    $200 1
In 1986, for the 1st time since 1924, this U.S. automaker had the highest profits in the industry
    $200 17
This late 1st lady has been turned into a murder-solving detective by her son-the-writer, Elliott
    $200 6
Any substance which prevents spread of bacteria when applied to tissue; iodine, for example
    $200 15
The word "cult" comes from the same Latin root as this term for the basic process of agriculture
    $200 10
She was "always window shopping but never stopping to buy"
    $400 5
The number of monarchs that have ruled Spain since 1900
    $400 2
Ronald Reagan used to tell us that at this company, "Progress is our most important product"
    $400 18
The Ency. of Mystery & Detection says she was loosely based on Agatha Christie's grandmother
    $400 16
It's an infected gland of the eyelid, whether on a pig or not
    $400 22
The ill-fated cult led by Jim Jones
    $400 11
In 1968, Simon & Garfunkel told her, "We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files"
    DD: $1,100 7
Title of the following, it means a woman from the 2nd largest Andalusian city:

[Instrumental music plays]
    DD: $1,500 3
In 1932, Mr. Den, Mr. Aoyama & Mr. Takeuichi produced this car which they called their "son"
    $600 19
Like his creator, Dick Francis, detective Sid Halley used to do this for a living
    $600 26
At least 1 variety of these skin growths caused by the papilloma virus disappears by itself
    $600 23
Ted Patrick known as "Black Lightning", became the 1st of these after his son was drawn into a cult
    $600 12
Exclaiming, "Her skin is tender as DiMaggio's glove", the Seabees in "South Pacific" called her "the girl I love"
    $800 8
1 of the 3 largest islands of the Balearic group, all 3 popular resorts
    $800 20
This detective's secretary, Velda, is as stunning as his female clients
    $800 24
Many American cults are millenarian, which means they are based on this religious prophecy
    $800 13
It's said that in the original calypso version this girl was, "down by the seaside shifting", not sifting sand
    $1000 9
"Blood Wedding", "Yerma" & "The House of Bernarda Alba" form a famous trilogy by this playwright
    $1000 21
Hammett's operative for the Continental Detective Agency is only referred to as this
    $1000 25
"Cults of America" says members of current U.S. cults are mainly from this race & social class
    $1000 14
Elvis was "tellin' ev'ryone in town 'bout the love that he just found &" this was the name "of his latest flame"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Clare Judi
$6,800 $2,400 $8,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

2 of the 4 states that are officially called "Commonwealths"

Final scores:

Bob Clare Judi
$800 $1 $3,500
2nd place: trip on Delta to Las Vegas & stay at the Landmark Hotel & Casino 3rd place: Pressman box games including home game of Jeopardy! New champion: $3,500

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bob Clare Judi
$5,800 $2,400 $9,700
15 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
10 R,
2 W
25 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $17,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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