Suggest correction - #1507 - 1991-03-05

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    $200 16
The title character of this Dickens novel is the son of a murderer named Rudge

Show #1507 - Tuesday, March 5, 1991

Mark Pestronk game 4.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Carol Ruffner, an advertising executive originally from Chicago, Illinois

Scott Neugroschel, a software engineer and graduate student from Chatsworth, California

Mark Pestronk, a travel lawyer from Washington, D.C. (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $35,999)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Obviously, we have a music fan on our writing staff.)
    $100 1
After the US withdrew an offer to finance this dam, Egypt seized the Suez Canal
    $100 13
This New Jersey city has a Casino Career Institute that teaches craps, blackjack & roulette
    $100 15
This Bob Woodward book was subtitled "The Short Life & Fast Times of John Belushi"
    $100 2
This term refers to all Americans, not just northerners, as in the United States
    $100 7
William Gilbert coined the word electric & figured out the earth acts like a giant one of these
    $100 22
Germany is in Europe, while Chad is on this continent
    DD: $500 12
Title of the following, the biggest hit of 1956

"You know I can be found / Sitting home all alone / If you can't come around / At least please telephone"
    $200 14
This school at University Park, Pennsylvania was founded in 1855 as Farmers High School
    $200 19
Late '40s-early '50s comedy team that's the subject of the bio "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime"
    $200 3
"Plonk" is the cheap type of this potent potable
    $200 8
Hugh Hefner is helping to save Florida's Sylvilagus palustris hefneri, a breed of this named for him
    $200 23
Prior to independence in 1960, Chad had been ruled by this neighbor of Germany
    $300 25
In October 1956, this Soviet satellite nation revolted & declared its neutrality
    $300 16
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is administered by this west coast school
    $300 20
Chapter titles in a biography of this director include "The Informer", "They Were Expendable" & "Stagecoach"
    $300 4
A British hairdresser calls them "plaits"
    $300 9
In addition to two regular decks of 52 cards, Canasta uses four of these as wild cards
    $300 24
Germany has over 400 daily ones; Chad just 1, but then its literacy rate is only 17%
    $400 26
He beat 39-year-old Archie Moore to become the youngest heavyweight champ up to that time
    $400 17
This Hanover, N.H. college has the oldest graduate school of business administration in the U.S.
    $400 21
In a 1981 book title, Kitty Kelley called this actress "The Last Star"
    $400 5
A "sleeping partner" isn't a bedmate, but this business relation
    $400 10
In 1919, Asa Candler's family sold the Coca-Cola company for $25 million after he'd been elected this city's mayor
    $400 28
When it's noon at Greenwich, it's this time in both Chad & Germany
    $500 27
The last song the band played on board this ship before it sank was "Arrivederci Roma"
    $500 18
Athletic teams from The Citadel, Georgia, Mississippi & Yale all share this nickname
    $500 6
A U or universal certificate is equivalent to this American movie rating
    $500 11
A sculpture decorating the front of a ship or slang for a high profile, low power boss
    $500 29
Highly industrialized Germany has over 25,000 miles of these; Chad, none

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Mark Scott Carol
$0 $1,200 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Scott Carol
$2,700 -$600 $2,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
The title character of this Dickens novel is the son of a murderer named Rudge
    $200 1
Blanchard was first to cross this body of water in a lighter-than-air craft, Bleriot in a heavier-than-air
    $200 19
German for "lightning war", it's a swift military strike
    $200 6
No Man's Land, an island south of Martha's Vineyard, is the southernmost point of this state
    $200 11
Ambrose Bierce called this emotion "a temporary insanity curable by marriage"
    $200 26
While held captive by the English, Pocahontas was converted to this religion & took the name Rebecca
    $400 17
The heroine of his novel "Roxana", or "The Fortunate Mistress", is as amorous as his Moll Flanders
    $400 2
In the langues d'oil of N. France, these performers were trouveres; in the langue d'oc of S. France, this
    $400 20
Nickname for moonshine that fits the category
    $400 7
A bridge connecting these two California cities passes through Yerba Buena Island
    $400 12
Oscar Levant said, "Strip away the phony tinsel of" this town "& you'll find the real tinsel underneath"
    $400 27
This captain claimed that Pocahontas saved him from being clubbed to death
    $600 18
Before he dies, King Lear is briefly reunited with this daughter
    $600 3
The Palace of Peace in this Dutch city was completed in 1913, just before the world went to war
    $600 21
The trio who ask, "When shall we three meet again, in thunder, lightning, or in rain?"
    $600 8
Governador Island is the site of Galeao Airport in this city, Brazil's second largest
    $600 13
According to Holbrook Jackson, man is this animal's "ideal of what God should be"
    $600 28
A mantle that may have been worn by this man, her father, is at Oxford's Ashmolean Museum
    DD: $2,500 22
Occupation shared by Anne Bronte's Agnes Grey & Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
    $800 4
In 1300, the gold coins of this Italian Republic on the Adriatic were accepted almost everywhere
    $800 24
This Carthaginian general, Hannibal's father, was called Barca, Phoenician for lightning
    $800 9
Chateau d'If, featured in "The Count of Monte Cristo", is off the shore of this largest French port city
    $800 14
This defender of John T. Scopes said, "There is no such thing as justice, in or out of court"
    $800 29
Of "Indian princess", "playful one" or "tobacco leaf", what Pocahontas means
    $1000 23
In a trio of novels by James T. Farrell, this is William Lonigan's nickname
    $1000 5
A hood-like cap is named for this place in the Crimea where the Light Brigade made its charge
    $1000 25
The sounds of distant thunder Rip Van Winkle heard were produced by odd-looking folks playing this
    $1000 10
This Egyptian island where a lighthouse stood is now connected to Alexandria by an isthmus
    DD: $2,000 15
Samuel Johnson called this, "The last refuge of a scoundrel"
    $1000 30
Pocahontas is buried beside this river

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mark Scott Carol
$7,900 $3,600 $8,100

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 1952 film was advertised with the slogan: "When the hands point up...the excitement starts!"

Final scores:

Mark Scott Carol
$15,699 $1,522 $399
4-day champion: $51,698 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mark Scott Carol
$8,400 $2,600 $6,400
21 R,
1 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R
(including 1 DD),
8 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $17,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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