Suggest correction - #1546 - 1991-04-29

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    $300 23
A colonel & 8 others were finally charged in the 1989 killing of 6 Jesuits in this country

Show #1546 - Monday, April 29, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording.


Kay Kipling, a journalist from Bradenton, Florida

Mike Lizanich, a distribution manager from Oakland, New Jersey

Phyllis Marks, a domestic engineer originally from Cleveland, Ohio (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $12,099)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
For years, this genial host said, "Good morning, America"
    $100 21
Germany agreed to send food stockpiled in Berlin for a Cold War crisis to this country
    $100 1
This line on a garment can be jewel, scoop, cowl or V
    $100 2
The highest NBA game score was made when this Detroit team squeaked by the Denver Nuggets 186-184
    $100 8
Sixtus was the seventh one of these, serving from about 115-125
    $100 26
Captain Ahab could tell you the beluga whale is also known by this colorful name
    $200 17
The middle S in his name could have stood for "stone-faced silent star"
    $200 22
Time reports after women demonstrated in Riyadh, this country formally banned them from driving
    $200 4
1 of 2 types of shears used to keep raw fabric edges from unraveling
    $200 3
In the 1976 Indianapolis 500, it took Bobby Unser a record 4 seconds to make one of these
    $200 9
A good lute player, in the 1500s he wrote Protestant hymns, as well as the "95 Theses"
    $200 27
Term for when a whale jumps clear of the water & falls back with a big splash
    $300 18
This playwright won a Tony for directing "My Fair Lady" on Broadway
    $300 23
A colonel & 8 others were finally charged in the 1989 killing of 6 Jesuits in this country
    $300 5
Sharps & betweens are 2 types of these used in sewing
    $300 13
In this sport, participants doing delayed drops can travel at 625 miles per hour, a non-mechanical record
    DD: $600 10
Name shared by 2 kings of Portugal, 2 kings of the Two Sicilies, & 7 kings of Spain
    $300 28
This whale who swam into San Francisco Bay back in 1985 returned there in October 1990
    $400 19
Due to its high shoulders, this African antelope's back slopes to the rear
    $400 24
In 1990, Norplant became the first drug approved in the U.S. since the 1960s for this purpose
    $400 6
These fasteners come in chain & coil types
    $400 14
Over a 40-year career with the Bears, he won the most games of any NFL coach, 325
    $400 11
Term for the 5 men in charge during the French Revolution; you didn't dial 411 for their assistance
    $500 20
She debuted as the blind girl in "A Patch of Blue"
    $500 25
2 days before Bush visited this South American country, President Menem put down a military revolt
    $500 7
Some of these holding devices come with a bag of emery for sharpening, & some look like tomatoes
    $500 15
A record 10 million people are live spectators during the 3 weeks this event is run in Europe
    $500 12
In Gaul, these Celtic priests led rebellions against the Romans

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Phyllis Mike Kay
$1,100 -$100 $200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Phyllis Mike Kay
$1,900 $1,400 $2,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
The main character of this H.G. Wells novel is simply called "The Time Traveler"
    $200 12
St. Barbara is said to protect people from this because her dad was struck by it after he killed her
    $200 26
Using laser reflectors left there 20 years ago, scientists have found it's receding from the Earth
    $200 1
The English translation of this Strauss opera is "The Bat"
    $200 2
Sydney, this "Little Tramp"'s son now runs a restaurant near Palm Springs, California
    $200 17
A Welsh symbol for hundreds of years, this fire-breathing creature appears on the flag of Wales
    $400 8
The ghost shows him his former self when he was apprenticed to old Fezziwig
    $400 13
Edward the Confessor died a week after this abbey he built had been consecrated
    $400 27
In 1965, Edward White did this 1st for the U.S. & it lasted 20 minutes, longer than the 1st American was in space
    $400 22
This bride of Lammermoor & her love, Edgardo, wind up dead at the end of the opera
    $400 3
Differences with the American Ballet Theatre management led to his resignation as artistic director in 1989
    $400 18
This famous dish consists of melted cheese & butter served on toast
    $600 9
Dr. Pangloss teaches this Voltaire hero that they live in the best of all possible worlds
    $600 14
St. Paul was present when this first Christian martyr was stoned, but he didn't throw any stones
    $600 28
Sputnik 1 went up empty; Sputnik 2 had Laika, one of these, inside
    $600 23
A number of operas called Esmeralda are based on a novel by this Frenchman
    $600 4
This chairman of the Federal Reserve Board was a close friend of philosopher Ayn Rand
    $600 19
The name of this Welsh capital means "fort on the Taff River"
    $800 10
The people of Camelot called this Mark Twain title character "The Boss"
    DD: $1,000 15
St. Rupert went to the old Roman town of Juvavum in Austria, opened salt mines, & renamed it this
    $800 29
In 1973, Owen Garriott spent 59 days aboard this
    DD: $1,000 24
Transformed into one of these insects, Gvidon takes flight in a Rimsky-Korsakov opera
    $800 5
His first English-language album, "1100 Bel Air Place", sold over a million copies in 5 days
    $800 20
In 1536, this Tudor king proclaimed the Act of Union, uniting Wales & England
    $1000 11
In this play, Katharina & Bianca are daughters of Baptista, a rich gentleman of Padua
    $1000 16
This personal secretary to Pope Damasus translated the entire Bible into Latin
    $1000 30
Named for a 16th c. explorer, on May 4, 1989, it became the 1st planetary mission launched from a shuttle
    $1000 25
Written for the opening of Prague's national theatre, his "Libuse" has been called "the Czech national opera"
    $1000 6
Making fun of his folksy style, some called this 1940 presidential candidate "a simple barefoot Wall Street lawyer"
    $1000 21
Wordsworth wrote lines composed a few miles above this 12th century abbey in the county of Gwent

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Phyllis Mike Kay
$6,700 $4,800 $8,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

The World Bank estimates that by the year 2100, this country will have more people than China

Final scores:

Phyllis Mike Kay
$13,400 $5,100 $13,500
2nd place: trip to Las Vegas 3rd place: Sanyo stereo system + Nintendo Entertainment System New champion: $13,500

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Phyllis Mike Kay
$6,500 $4,800 $8,900
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
16 R,
3 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $20,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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