Suggest correction - #910 - 1988-07-15

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    DD: $500 3
Current TV series whose theme is the following:

[Instrument theme plays]

Show #910 - Friday, July 15, 1988

Bruce Naegeli game 2.
Missing introductions.


George Scurlock, from Bloomfield, Connecticut

Kasey Arnold-Ince, originally from Berkeley, California

Bruce Naegeli, a librarian from Phoenix, Arizona (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
Set in China, the tale of this lucky lad is subtitled "The Wonderful Lamp"
    $100 14
If the decision's been made, one might say this "has been cast"
    $100 19
Part of the body on which a British grenadier guard wears a bearskin
    $100 9
The '88 Super Bowl's MVP was this Redskin QB
    $100 1
As fruit sugar is fructose, milk sugar is this
    $100 22
Bud Light's marketing of this dog included a stuffed toy
    $200 7
In a quest for the rarest object, Prince Houssain found one of these that could fly
    $200 15
A slow plunge into a coloring agent for an Easter egg, or a quick plunge in the water for you
    $200 24
To strip a priest from his clothes or profession
    $200 10
In sports the "WWF" stands for this, not the World Wildlife Fund
    $200 2
If you suffer from Daltonism, you have the red-green type of this
    $200 23
In selling off the contents of this nursery rhyme woman's house & cupboard, her dog was found--stuffed
    $300 8
Until he married Scheherazade, the king was doing this to his wives the day after the wedding
    $300 16
Deafening noises; a racket
    $300 25
Island in the Bay of Naples that lent its name to a type of women's pants
    $300 11
Decade in which Billie Jean King won her 1st Wimbledon title
    $300 3
While "FM" means frequency modulation, Fm is an element named for this Italian atomic physicist
    $300 28
In the '87 Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, he was "stuffed" with helium & glided on skates down the route
    $400 20
The alternate title of "The Arabian Nights' Entertainments"
    DD: $1,000 17
Pronounced one way it's an Army fort in New Jersey, the other, it's French for 10
    $400 26
On a skirt, they might be kick, box, or accordion
    $400 12
1970, the 1st year this race had a million dollar purse, Al Unser won it
    $400 4
Going down the electromagnetic spectrum, it's ultraviolet, visible light, then this, used in photography
    $400 29
This ABC Saturday morning cartoon series is based on a line of stuffed dogs
    $500 21
Only subscribers of the Kamashastra Society received the 1st edition of his 10 vol. translation
    $500 18
    $500 27
A woman's dressing gown, its name is French for "garment worn while combing the hair"
    $500 13
Winter Olympic event in which the athletes compete lying on their backs
    $500 5
Environment in which you'd find the hairy blenny at home
    $500 30
Roy will never say "I'll be doggone" as long as this stuffed dog stands by Trigger at the museum

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Bruce Kasey George
$700 -$400 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Kasey George
$1,900 $1,300 $4,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 5
The father of this president, also named John, was also a president
    $200 10
Bartolomeu Diaz made the encyclopedias by rounding this cape in 1488
    $200 1
In 1964 & '65, this host of "The Newlywed Game" presented The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl
    $200 26
Archibald MacLeish said "We have learned... all the answers...", it is this we do not know
    $200 17
Armand Hammer changed plans to give his art to the L.A. County Museum of Art, opting to do this instead
    $200 2
Disney's Jiminy Cricket is usually seen carrying one of these
    $400 6
This era of American history is considered to have ended during the tenure of Rutherford B. Hayes
    $400 11
It's the name John C. Fremont gave to the channel at the entrance to San Francisco Bay
    $400 12
A poll of rock critics from around the world chose this '67 Beatles album as rock's all-time best album
    $400 27
Film comedian quoted as saying, "Somebody left the cork out of my lunch"
    $400 20
A Belgian has bought & is restoring the inn at Auvers-sur-Oise where this artist killed himself
    DD: $500 3
Current TV series whose theme is the following:

[Instrument theme plays]
    $600 7
The father of this president, also named John, was a governor of Virginia
    $600 18
The Victoria was the only 1 of his 5 ships to make it around the world
    DD: $1,400 13
As The Beach Boys loved "California Girls", The Beatles loved the women of Georgia in this song
    $600 23
Austria is now settling claims to the Mauer Bach collection, art objects confiscated by this group
    $600 4
Though he's been on the oats box since 1877, the Quaker didn't do this until redesigned after WWII
    $800 8
He was the last president to live long enough to witness his vice-president as president
    $800 21
The Information Please Almanac gives him credit for discovering Labrador, but questions Nova Scotia
    $800 14
In Billboard's list of The Beatles' 49 Top-40 hits, this is the only body part mentioned
    $800 24
In January 1988, NYC's MoMA lent this artist's "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" to a Paris museum
    $800 15
They say their trademark represents the god Vulcan about to strike an anvil
    $1000 9
1st name shared by the 2nd wives of both Teddy Roosevelt & Woodrow Wilson
    $1000 22
Completes the quote by Hernando Cortez, "We Spaniards suffer from a disease that..."
    $1000 19
Last #1 single in U.S. for The Beatles, its title aptly described the path of their career together
    $1000 25
Published in 1987 at $100, "One Hundred Flowers" is a collection of her work
    $1000 16
Moving van line whose logo includes a Highway 1 road sign

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bruce Kasey George
$3,900 $6,900 $5,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

His 1889 book "The Gospel of Wealth" said it's the duty of the rich to share surplus wealth, & he did

Final scores:

Bruce Kasey George
$7,700 $2,199 $0
2-day champion: $18,400 2nd place: trip on Eastern to San Juan Puerto Rico & stay at Condado Plaza Hotel & Casino 3rd place: Daniel Mink his & hers watches

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bruce Kasey George
$3,900 $6,100 $5,100
15 R,
1 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
19 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $15,100

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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