Suggest correction - #1537 - 1991-04-16

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    $600 8
This stripper made her first nude appearance when she was born in Seattle in 1914

Show #1537 - Tuesday, April 16, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Tom Klarquist, a physician originally from Cadillac, Michigan

Sheila Alway, a teacher from Clinton, New Jersey

Burt Albert, a lawyer from Salem, Virginia (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $28,402)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
With Rhode Island absent, the Constitution was signed September 17, 1787, by representatives from this many states
    $100 16
He that is his own one of these has a fool for a client
    $100 18
Denmark's Kronborg Castle often hosts productions of this Shakespeare play
    $100 6
"Annie Hall" is the only film directed by him to have won an Oscar for Best Picture
    $100 20
The "fish house" type of this drink served in a bowl contains rum & brandy, but luckily, no fish
    $100 11
Canine term for the days from mid-July to early September
    $200 2
On August 11, 1958 the Skate became the second sub to go under the North Pole; this sub did it August 3
    $200 17
Wanton kittens make sober these
    $200 19
His childhood home in Odense, Denmark, is now a museum featuring fairy tale memorabilia
    $200 7
When he served as the president of the Academy from 1927-29, his wife, Mary Pickford, won an Oscar
    $200 24
To make an El Diablo, you need lime, creme de cassis, ginger ale & this Mexican liquor
    $200 12
In German, this day is called Mittwoch, meaning middle of the week
    $300 3
The USA's first commercial nuclear power plant was in this state that had our first oil well
    $300 21
This is half spent before we know what it is
    $300 28
The Nobel Peace Prize is not awarded in Stockholm, but in this capital city
    $300 8
He won an Oscar for adapting his own novel, "The Exorcist", to film
    $300 25
In names of cocktails, this color precedes baby, rose, & Russian
    $300 13
Bissextile is another term for this kind of year
    $400 4
Black Friday, September 24, 1869, was Wall Street's reaction to Gould & Fisk's attempt to corner this
    $400 22
Do this in haste & repent at Reno
    $400 29
Sami, one of Norway's major languages, is spoken by this northern minority group
    DD: $500 9
1 of the 2 songs by Henry Mancini & Johnny Mercer that won Oscars in 1961 & 1962
    $400 26
A "widow's dream" is a cocktail that contains this B&B ingredient
    $400 14
India's Samrat Yantra, built in 1724 & 118' high, is the largest of these time pieces
    $500 5
From 1959-74, he served as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    $500 23
It is better to be born lucky than this
    $500 30
The names of the basic monetary units of all three Scandinavian countries mean this
    $500 10
Like brother Joseph, Herman Mankiewicz won an Oscar; his was for co-writing this 1941 Welles classic
    $500 27
This cocktail made with lime juice, Southern Comfort & cranberry juice is named for a Southern belle
    $500 15
The measurement of time by the apparent motion of fixed stars

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Burt Sheila Tom
$2,600 $700 -$300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Burt Sheila Tom
$2,700 $1,100 $600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
As First Lord of the Admiralty, this future British prime minister took the blame for the debacle at Gallipoli
    $200 1
Dante's "Inferno" placed him in limbo while Cassius & Brutus dwelt in the lowest pit of Hell
    $200 12
The United States handles its diplomatic affairs through this Cabinet department
    $200 21
Among the sections of this Handel work are "His Yoke is Easy" & "He Shall Feed His Flock"
    $200 9
This Italian astronomer was born three days before Michelangelo died
    $200 6
Our 12th president, Zachary Taylor, was the 7th president born in this state
    $400 19
Billy Mitchell directed a 1918 attack against Saint-Mihiel by some 1,500 of these machines
    $400 2
Though she has an illegitimate child & kills a man, the hearty tale about her is subtitled A Pure Woman
    $400 14
Following an appeal by this American, Syria released Navy pilot Robert O. Goodman on January 3, 1984
    DD: $1,500 23
The Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus & Benedictus & the Agnus Dei are five parts of these compositions
    $400 13
For discovering radioactivity, Antoine Becquerel shared the 1903 Nobel Physics Prize with them
    $400 7
Poet William Blake spent most of his life in this capital city, his birthplace
    $600 20
On August 4, 1914, 30,000 Germans attacked Liège despite this country's neutrality
    $600 3
According to the title of the Melville tale, Bartleby was one of these
    $600 15
Jefferson held this rank when he represented us in France; the U.S. didn't have ambassadors until 1893
    $600 24
An ordained priest, this "Four Seasons" composer taught at a Venetian girls' orphanage for many years
    $600 22
To continue his own work, this developer of the smallpox vaccine turned down a post with Captain Cook
    $600 8
This stripper made her first nude appearance when she was born in Seattle in 1914
    $800 27
The U.S. declared war on Germany April 6th, 1917, but not on this country until December 7th
    $800 4
Title hero of a 1928 Virginia Woolf novel or a tourist city in central Florida
    $800 16
Of 2, 4, or 5 years, the length of the UN secretary general's renewable term
    $800 25
He spent 17 years in the Russian navy & the sea figures prominently in his "Sadko" & "Scheherazade"
    $800 26
In 1789, this French scientist published the first modern chemistry textbook
    $800 10
The artist Sir Anthony Van Dyke was born in this Flemish city, one of the world's busiest ports, in 1599
    $1000 28
In 1916, Charles succeeded this man as Habsburg emperor
    DD: $1,000 5
This Dickens tale may have been inspired by the mysteries of his friend Wilkie Collins
    $1000 17
In 1985, after 28 years as Soviet foreign minister, Andrei Gromyko was replaced by him
    $1000 29
Sweden's Carl Wilhelm Scheele & this 18th century Englishman are both credited with discovering oxygen
    $1000 11
John James Audubon was born to a French father & Creole mother in what is now this Caribbean country

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Burt Sheila Tom
$6,100 -$400 $800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This granite peak is the most famous of the Black Hills

Final scores:

Burt Sheila Tom
$10,599 -$400 $1,599
4-day champion: $39,001 3rd place 2nd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Burt Sheila Tom
$7,000 $1,100 $800
25 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
11 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)
8 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $8,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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