Suggest correction - #700 - 1987-09-25

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    $200 7
Rembrandt's surname, van Rijn, means of this river

Show #700 - Friday, September 25, 1987

Roy Holliday game 5.


Sam Scheibler, a consultant originally from Concordia, Kansas

Kathy Popoff, an attorney from San Pedro, California

Roy Holliday, a radiologist from Brooklyn, New York (4-day champion whose cash winnings total $43,900)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 8
About 4,000 B.C., this began turning into a desert
    $100 16
This corned beef, Swiss cheese & sauerkraut concoction was 1st created for a 1956 sandwich contest
    $100 23
1 of 5 #1 hits for the Four Seasons
    $100 15
1 way a wolf & dog differ is that a wolf typically does this instead of barking
    $100 1
An alteration of "milaner", a native of Milan, Italy, it's one who makes hats
    $200 9
Some 2/3 of the world's supply of these beasts of burden are raised in the northern 1/2 of Africa
    $200 6
Made by Henry Avery in 1890, the 1st saucepan made of this metal was used until 1933 by Mrs. Avery
    $200 17
1 of 4 #1 hits for John Denver
    $200 24
Dominick Dunne said this exiled duo once seemed like "a Filipino Ma & Pa Kettle"
    $200 19
By the 1780s, the last of the wild wolves of Ireland were destroyed by these huge dogs
    $200 2
The only U.S. state with "ll" in its name
    $300 12
In 1975, this European nation was last to give up its African colonies, Angola & Mozambique
    $300 7
Patented in 1810 by an Englishman, these containers were originally opened with a hammer & chisel
    $300 18
1 of 3 #1 solo hits for Cher
    $300 20
Of alpha, beta, or omega, term used to designate the pack leader
    DD: $500 3
Name of the brothers singing the following:

"Just let your love flow like a mountain stream / And let your love grow with the smallest of dreams / And let your love show and you'll know what I mean / It's the season..."
    $400 13
While Cape Town is South Africa's legislative capital, this city is the administrative capital
    $400 10
In 1945, a former Du Pont chemist started his own company to make these "burping" bowls
    $400 21
1 of 2 #1 hits by Leo Sayer
    $400 4
He co-hosts "The Morning Program" with Mariette Hartley
    $500 14
Old English coin so named because the gold it contained came from this African country
    $500 11
In 1955, when Tappan introduced the 1st one for home use, it cost $1200
    $500 22
Only #1 hit in the USA for the Swedish group ABBA
    $500 5
Pre-lite beer he'd already starred in films, not only as the hero he created but as himself

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 7):

Roy Kathy Sam
-$600 $700 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Roy Kathy Sam
-$200 $2,300 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 7
Rembrandt's surname, van Rijn, means of this river
    $200 1
You can use 2 of these pieces of flatware to make one of the simplest one-handed clappers
    $200 2
Only U.S. war with a year in its name
    $200 15
Penn State's College of Medicine is located in this "Chocolate City"
    $200 21
Racy Rhonda Fleming role in "Serpent of the Nile", opposite Raymond Burr's Mark Antony
    $400 9
Rembrandt is known for strong contrasts in this, creating dramatic effects upon his subjects
    $400 3
2 weeks before dying in 1985, Julian Altman confessed his violin was a hot one of these, worth $800,000
    DD: $1,900 10
WWII Gen. who said "Compared to war, other... human endeavor(s) shrink to insignificance. God, how I love it"
    $400 16
The Jan. '87 issue of this magazine named California St. U. at Chico America's Top Party College
    $400 28
Lula Carson Smith used this pen name after marrying James Reeves McCullers
    $400 8
Anthony Hopkins played this "Lion" of the Crusades in "The Lion in Winter"
    $600 13
Living among Amsterdam's Jews & using them as models, he aptly painted many scenes from this source
    DD: $1,000 4
These create the vibrations that produce a trombone's sound
    $600 11
While leading the Charge of the Light Brigade, this British officer wore the woolen vest named for him
    $600 22
Frank Lloyd Wright designed an auditorium for this state university at Tempe
    $600 25
Lillian Hellman & Truman Capote were both born in this "Crescent" city
    $600 17
Off-screen, she was once "Queen" of Hilton Hotels; onscreen, she was "Queen of Outer Space"
    $800 19
By the 18th c., his 1642 portrait of civic guards had been so darkened by dirt, it got this name
    $800 5
It's what a musician would use a plectrum for
    $800 12
During the French Revolution, this country's slaves rebelled, & Toussaint L'Ouverture seized power
    $800 24
Burt Reynolds was a football-playing "Seminole" at this state university
    $800 26
The play based on this, E. Caldwell's most famous novel, ran on Broadway for over 7 years
    $800 18
He played Henry VIII in "A Man for All Seasons", which was great exercise for his "Jaws"
    $1000 20
The work that won him fame showed Professor Tulp giving a lesson in this subject
    $1000 6
This is the bass voice in the brass section of a concert band
    $1000 14
Ency. Britannica calls this Kurdish opponent of the crusaders "the most famous of Muslim heroes"
    $1000 27
Alabama-born Harper Lee won a 1961 Pulitzer Prize for this, her only published novel
    $1000 23
Richard Harris headed the cast, but Alec Guinness lost his head as this king in "Cromwell"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Roy Kathy Sam
$7,600 $3,500 $6,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

President in office the longest under the 50-star U.S. flag

Final scores:

Roy Kathy Sam
$13,300 $50 $11,600
5-day champion: $57,200 3rd place: Gruen watches 2nd place: stay at Spa Hotel & Mineral Springs in Palm Springs & Ricoh KR-30SP camera

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Roy Kathy Sam
$7,700 $3,500 $5,100
16 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
3 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $16,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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