Suggest correction - #1471 - 1991-01-14

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    $200 13
The famous Gorky Park is on this river

Show #1471 - Monday, January 14, 1991

Lois Kurowski game 1.
Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Lois Kurowski, a doctoral student from Elkhart, Indiana

Kevin Osborne, a writer from Cliffside Park, New Jersey

Shane Pederson, a statistician originally from Fulda, Minnesota (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,100)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
To lose weight, dieters often count these units of heat
    $100 7
Magazines with ampersands include "Road & Track", "Travel & Leisure" & "U.S. News &" this
    $100 10
Major Stede Bonnet may have been the only pirate who actually made his victims walk this
    $100 6
This large part of the New York State Barge Canal System opened in 1825
    $100 26
In the finale of "Newhart", Bob discovers the series was a bad dream when he wakes up with this ex-TV wife
    $100 22
A ballad or a Hawaiian garland of flowers
    $200 2
The formation of dew from water vapor is an example of this process
    $200 8
This magazine had a TV special in April 1990 on "How to be Famous"
    $200 28
In the 1600s, Sir Henry Morgan was noted for plundering Spanish colonies in this sea
    $200 13
The famous Gorky Park is on this river
    $200 11
One of the two "Golden Girls" who appeared as a regular on "Mama's Family"
    $200 17
A labyrinth or corn on the cob
    $300 3
Contact lenses are worn directly on this part of the eye
    $300 9
Each week, "New York" magazine reprints this feature of the Sunday Times of London
    $300 27
The Barbary States, once the base of the Barbary corsairs, were on this continent
    $300 14
The Huangpu & Yangtze rivers meet about 14 miles north of this major city
    $300 12
In spring 1990 she "& Company" provided a late-season hit for NBC
    $300 18
A common urban bird or a simplified form of speech
    $400 4
From the Greek for "time" & "measure", it's the scientific name for a highly accurate timepiece
    DD: $1,100 24
It altered its red & white logo twice; it was black & white when JFK died & in 1990 it was green for Earth Day
    $400 29
Canine term used to describe English privateers like Sir John Hawkins
    $400 15
A lake & the city on it in this country are both called Maracaibo
    $400 19
She moved from radio to TV in 1951 after she dreamt old friend Carol Lombard said, "Go ahead"
    $400 20
An ornamental embroidered loop or a grade of black tea
    $500 5
Operating at about 5,000 RPM, this machine separates mixtures of different densities
    $500 25
Harry Guggenheim & his wife, Alicia Patterson, founded this Long Island paper in 1940
    $500 30
He once lived in Bath, North Carolina, where an outdoor musical about him featured his decapitation
    $500 16
The U.S. has a base at Thule on this large island
    $500 23
Though she had 5 CBS series bearing her name in the 1970s & 80s, only 1 was a success
    $500 21
To shape with an axe or a particular gradation of color

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Shane Kevin Lois
$1,300 $1,100 $700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Shane Kevin Lois
$1,500 $2,000 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: This is about authors, of course, and all of the authors, their last name begin with the letters M-C.)
    $200 1
This event postponed the third game of the World Series, October 17, 1989
    $200 26
The carol aside, this patron of Czechoslovakia was never a king, good or otherwise
    $200 10
American jurist Jonathan Hasbrouck gave his name to a variety of this fruit
    $200 6
You'll find the Motor Speedway Museum in this state capital
    $200 17
Turkish cooks are famous for this dish consisting of vegetables & meat cooked on a skewer
    $200 8
19th Century educator who wrote a primer, a speller, & 6 readers
    $400 2
On February 25, 1986, both Corazon Aquino & this man were sworn in as Philippine president
    $400 27
Though he became patron saint of England, he lived & died in the Middle East
    $400 13
The area where the chorus danced in Greek drama gave us this word for a group of musicians
    $400 7
The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum in this U.S. city is noted for its Polynesian artifacts
    $400 18
This dish of ground, seasoned beef served raw is named for Mongol tribes
    $400 9
Canadian communications expert who prophesied the replacement of print man by electronic man
    $600 3
We bought these islands from Denmark in 1917 to prevent a German foothold in the Caribbean
    $600 28
While there are a number of St. Vincents, this one is the patron of charitable societies
    $600 16
Mutt, meaning a mongrel dog or a stupid person, is a shortened form of this word
    $600 15
Medieval armor is on display at the John Woodman Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester, in this state
    $600 23
It's the Spanish name for a chickpea
    $600 11
He wrote "Fatal Vision" at the suggestion of its subject, who later sued him over it
    $800 4
In 1917, the federal government ordered all businesses in the Storyville section of this city closed
    $800 29
One saint with this name was first Archbishop of Canterbury, another was Bishop of Hippo
    $800 21
A jester's hat watermark formerly found on cheap paper gave us this name for legal-size yellow pads
    $800 19
This state's Historical Society Museum contains period rooms & an original Concord coach
    DD: $700 24
From the French for "to stir", this vegetable dish contains eggplant, green peppers, tomatoes & squash
    $800 12
"Reader's Encyclopedia" calls her novel, "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", a parable on fascism
    DD: $1,000 5
He served on the Supreme Court from 1939-75 & his 36-year tenure was the longest in U.S. history
    $1000 30
Author of "A Holy Rule", he's considered the father of Western monasticism
    $1000 22
Term for the lowest point or greatest despair, from the Arabic for "opposite the zenith"
    $1000 20
A museum devoted to maritime history is located in this Connecticut seaport
    $1000 25
Also called Chinese white cabbage, it's used in salads & as a stir-fry vegetable
    $1000 14
His first novel, "Horseman, Pass By", was made into the movie "Hud"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Shane Kevin Lois
$7,200 $3,200 $7,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 U.S. Presidents who served in the military in World War I

Final scores:

Shane Kevin Lois
$8,000 $5,000 $14,800
2nd place 3rd place New champion: $14,800

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Shane Kevin Lois
$8,400 $3,200 $7,600
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
(including 1 DD)
14 R,
1 W
17 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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