Suggest correction - #1465 - 1991-01-04

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    $600 28
A hooded cloak worn by monks, it is usually the same color as the habit of the order

Show #1465 - Friday, January 4, 1991

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Susan Sheridan, a teacher from Ironton, Ohio

Jim Kingsley, an early childhood educator from Portland, Maine

Jerry Standlee, an air traffic controller from Fort Worth, Texas (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $1,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 16
Noah Webster fought for this law, which now protects a writer's work for life plus 50 years
    $100 26
Usually the last car on a train, it serves as an office for the conductor
    $100 18
Traditionally, he signs the marriage certificate as the groom's witness
    $100 1
Of public, cable or network TV, the one people watch the least
    $100 2
Germans are first per capita, but Aussies aren't far behind in consumption of this potent potable
    $100 11
Male lions are the only cats that wear this fur collar
    $200 17
The opposite of euphony, this harsh combination of sounds also ends with "phony"
    $200 27
Name of the train in Arlo Guthrie's 1972 hit
    $200 19
Tradition says the first one was held to provide gifts to a Dutch girl denied her dowry
    $200 3
He was suspended from "60 Minutes" in February 1990, but was back on the air in March
    $200 7
The 100,000 square mile Nullarbor Plain gets its name from its lack of these
    $200 12
Along with some antelope, this equine animal is the lion's favorite dish
    $300 20
A long, heroic narrative poem; "The Aeneid" is one
    $300 28
Its official name is the National Railroad Passenger Corporation
    $300 21
Catholics have these wedding announcements posted for three Sundays before they marry
    DD: $500 4
For 21 years now, this show's "Sunny days have been sweeping the clouds away" per its theme
    $300 8
Finding Botany Bay unsuitable, Captain Arthur Phillip founded the first colony where this city is now
    $300 13
Shaw wrote a play about this Roman slave who removed a thorn from a lion's paw
    $400 24
Latin for "a leaf", it's the type of book in which Shakespeare's works appeared in 1623
    $400 29
Europe's transcontinental Orient Express ran between Paris & this Turkish city
    $400 22
From the French for "bundle", it's the bundle of possessions the bride carried to her new home
    $400 5
Jane Pauley's primetime show that made its debut in July 1990
    $400 9
In 1984 "Advance Australia Fair" replaced this as the national anthem
    $400 14
When members of one of these lion groups meet, they greet by rubbing the face & forehead
    $500 25
French for "untying", it's the unwinding of a plot after the climax
    $500 30
It's the fastest train you can take from New York City to Washington, D.C.
    $500 23
Legal term for the person who substitutes for the bride or groom if they can't attend
    $500 6
One of the two women who refused to perform when Andrew Dice Clay hosted "Saturday Night Live"
    $500 10
Known to the aboriginals as Uluru, this sandstone monolith is 1½ miles long & about 1,100' high
    $500 15
Only about 200 lions still live in the wild in Asia, in the Gir Forest of this country

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Jerry Jim Susan
$2,200 $900 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jerry Jim Susan
$4,100 $2,300 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1950s
    $200 2
There are fewer people living in this New York City borough than any other
    $200 20
These moving masses of ice can be classified as valley, piedmont & continental types
    $200 8
This many shots are fired in a salute to a president or other head of state
    $200 13
In June 1953 they became the first Americans executed for espionage during peacetime
    $200 12
The earliest known example of a sandal was made of papyrus & worn in this country
    $200 1
Duchamp painted a notorious one descending a staircase
    $400 3
Mount Erebus is an active volcano on Ross Island just off this continent's coast
    $400 23
Spanish for cauldron, one is created by the collapse of a volcanic cone
    $400 15
In "A Visit from St. Nicholas", Clement Moore mentions this many reindeer, but doesn't mention Rudolph
    $400 14
A TV tower was added to this building in 1950, raising its height to 1,454'
    $400 27
British designer known as "The Mother of the Miniskirt"
    $400 5
Da Vinci left "The Adoration of" these men unfinished in Florence to work as a military engineer
    $600 4
Spain's Balearic Islands are located in this body of water
    $600 24
A coronagraph is a telescope that simulates this natural occurrence to allow study of the sun's corona
    $600 17
In Aeschylus' play, the number "Against Thebes"
    $600 16
Though not a candidate, this Texan received 80 votes at the 1956 Democratic Convention
    $600 28
A hooded cloak worn by monks, it is usually the same color as the habit of the order
    DD: $2,000 9
Rembrandt painted "The Blinding of" this Biblical character
    $800 6
As a result of 1980's Hurricane Allen, this state's Mustang & Padre Islands are now one island
    $800 25
In some respects, light behaves like waves, & in others, like these particles
    $800 21
In the title of the traditional English song, number of "Jolly, Jolly" pence "I've got"
    $800 18
This country exploded an A-bomb on October 3, 1952, becoming the third member of the nuclear club
    DD: $500 29
Noted for his extravagant taste in fashion, he required Dukes of the Realm to help him dress:
    $800 10
His dramatic sculpture of Balzac was rejected by the committee that commissioned it
    $1000 7
Though founded by men who mutinied against Britain, it's now the only British colony in the Pacific
    $1000 26
Three of the six noble gases
    $1000 22
Journalists are considered members of this imaginary estate
    $1000 19
In 1955, he completed his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy
    $1000 30
French designer known for his youth-oriented 1960s styles, including short skirts & white boots
    $1000 11
This title place that Picasso's "Les Demoiselles" hailed from was not the town, but a street of ill-repute

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jerry Jim Susan
$9,000 $6,700 -$1,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 Presidents whose assassins were sentenced to death & executed

Final scores:

Jerry Jim Susan
$15,000 $13,400 -$1,000
2-day champion: $16,000 2nd place 3rd place

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jerry Jim Susan
$9,100 $6,700 $1,000
26 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W
19 R,
3 W
6 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $16,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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