Suggest correction - #1458 - 1990-12-26

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    $400 11
The name of these 19th century slender hulled sailing ships comes from a word meaning to move swiftly

Show #1458 - Wednesday, December 26, 1990

Game entered from audiorecording. Missing prizes.


Richard Healey, a deputy district attorney from Huntington Beach, California

Claire Ryder, a computer director from Sterling, Virginia

Gordon Nash, a teacher originally from New York City, New York (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $41,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 20
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, she had so many of these, she didn't know what to do
    $100 16
This deli meat is usually made from brisket cured in seasoned brine
    $100 6
The name of this Egyptian capital is Arabic, meaning "the victorious"
    $100 1
From 1895 to 1908 this Triple Crown race was run in Brooklyn, then it returned to Pimlico
    $100 8
A tithe can be this fraction of anything, although it usually refers to income
    $100 15
Fossil records show bears may be an offshoot of this family, now popular house pets
    $200 21
First it's hot, then it's cold, then it's in the pot, nine days old
    $200 17
Growers rate the hotness of these peppers on a scale of 1 to 120; the jalapeno is a 15
    $200 7
In 1782 the Thai capital was moved from Thonburi to this city across the Chao Phraya River
    $200 2
Some fans were angry that he broke Babe Ruth's record when he hit 61 home runs in 1961
    $200 9
Numerical term used to describe those who rushed to California after gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill
    $200 25
In 1835 the British Parliament banned this sport
    $300 22
Despite their unusual diets, they licked the platter clean
    $300 18
On a restaurant menu, it's the Italian name for squid
    $300 11
This city's name, Serbian for White Castle, refers to an ancient citadel above the Sava & Danube Rivers
    $300 3
This team won the first two Super Bowls, but hasn't been in it since
    $300 10
In 1932, Walter Pitkin published a book that maintained "Life Begins at" this age
    $300 26
This state, where grizzly bears have been extinct since early this century, has one on its flag
    $400 23
Question that precedes, "I've been to London to look at the queen"
    $400 29
From the Dutch for "twisted cake", it's a long twisted donut topped with sugar or a glaze
    $400 12
The homes of Haydn & Schubert have been set aside as national monuments in this capital
    $400 4
This Olympic sport was once known as water ballet
    DD: $300 13
Number of the Beethoven symphony heard here
    $400 27
In stalking prey, a polar bear may cover this with its paw to blend in better with the white background
    $500 24
"Over the Hills & Far Away" was the only tune that he could play
    $500 30
It's a ball-shaped mixture of meat or vegetables coated with breadcrumbs & deep fried
    $500 14
During the Dutch period, this Indonesian capital was called Batavia
    $500 5
Celtics guard known as Houdini of the Hardwood whose 1-game record of 28 assists held from 1959-78
    $500 19
The book of Proverbs says, "Wisdom hath builded her house; she hath hewn out" this many "pillars"
    $500 28
The largest living land carnivore, the Alaskan brown bear, is also known by this name

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Gordon Claire Richard
$1,500 $0 $1,900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Gordon Claire Richard
$1,900 $1,600 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

THE 1920s
    $200 9
The Australian parliament moved from Melbourne to this city in 1927
    $200 10
In 1818, the "Walk in the Water" was the first ship to use this type of power on the Great Lakes
    $200 19
In Lew Wallace's classic, Messala is the villain who squares off against this hero
    $200 1
Originally worn on the bodice or waist, these tiny bouquets are now also worn on wrists & shoulders
    $200 4
Sometimes used as a legal term, "non compos mentis" means this
    $200 20
Ratso Rizzo,
Joe Buck &
    $400 15
In 1926, he was removed from the Politburo; in 1929, he was banished from the USSR
    $400 11
The name of these 19th century slender hulled sailing ships comes from a word meaning to move swiftly
    $400 27
He's the personification of evil who beats Uncle Tom to death in Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel
    $400 2
Dictionaries are uncertain as to why a low-cut woman's shoe without fastenings is called this
    $400 5
An irrelevant statement is sometimes called a non sequitur, which literally means this
    $400 23
Fast Eddie Felson,
Sarah Packard &
Minnesota Fats
    $600 16
The Graf Zeppelin began & ended its 1929 around-the-world trip in this New Jersey town & didn't blow up
    $600 12
When it caught fire & sank in Hong Kong Harbor in 1972, this liner was being prepared for use as a university
    $600 28
Tom Sawyer could tell you there's a cave named for him at Disneyland
    $600 3
The French call this cloth ribbed velvet, while our name for it is French for "the King's cloth"
    $600 6
The papal blessing "Urbi et Orbi" is specifically for the city & this
    $600 26
Jett Rink,
Uncle Bawley &
Bick Benedict
    DD: $3,000 17
With the slogan "2 Governors for the price of 1", Pa Ferguson helped elect his wife governor of this state in 1924
    $800 13
Oceanus Hopkins was born on this ship at sea, & Peregrine White was born after it dropped anchor
    $800 29
Brom Bones is the rival who loses his head & scares this schoolmaster out of Sleepy Hollow
    $800 21
American designer Victor Costa is best known for getting his designs from this source
    $800 7
If Elvis were a Roman, he could have sung "It's nunc aut nunquam", which means this
    $800 25
J.J. Gittes,
Evelyn Mulwray &
Noah Cross
    $1000 18
He demonstrated the first liquid fuel rocket in Auburn, Massachusetts in 1926
    $1000 14
Now permanently moored at Pier 1 in Baltimore Harbor, this frigate was the U.S. Navy's first warship
    DD: $500 30
In "A Tale of Two Cities", she knits while she notes the daily executions
    $1000 22
This Spaniard emerged from retirement in 1972 to design a wedding gown for Franco's granddaughter
    $1000 8
Suetonius says "morituri te salutamus", which means this, was addressed to Claudius
    $1000 24
Steve Bolander,
Big John Milner &
Wolfman Jack

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Gordon Claire Richard
$4,900 $2,600 $14,500
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

3 of the 5 states which, along with part of Minnesota, were formed from the Northwest Territory

Final scores:

Gordon Claire Richard
$5,200 $2,600 $14,000
2nd place 3rd place New champion: $14,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Gordon Claire Richard
$5,000 $2,600 $12,800
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
10 R,
1 W
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $20,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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