Suggest correction - #698 - 1987-09-23

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    $200 15
Appropriately, Ginger Rogers was on 1st show of his own series, though he was in Europe at the time

Show #698 - Wednesday, September 23, 1987

Roy Holliday game 3.


Pam Clem, a computer auditor from Granada Hills, California

Gerald Price, a journalism professor originally from Los Angeles, California

Roy Holliday, a radiologist from Brooklyn, New York (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $23,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We are going for characters and the weapons they are associated with.)
    $100 3
The Olympic Rain Forest in this state gets over 140 inches of rain a year
    $100 11
On the power stroke of a piston's 4-stroke cycle, air & this are ignited by an electric spark
    $100 1
3 domestic types of these honkers are the Chinese, Toulouse & common barnyard
    $100 2
A 2-handed tapping stroke in field hockey, or a 1-handed tapping stroke in basketball
    $100 5
During the 17th c. London plague, this was established as the proper depth for graves
    $100 22
Firing his .44 Magnum made this character's day
    $200 7
Most of the eastern boundary of this state is formed by the Savannah River
    $200 12
Before air really caught on, it's said syrup, sawdust, & tennis balls were tried as-filling for these
    $200 4
A huge one named Weirdo reportedly weighed 22 lbs., crippled a dog & killed 2 cats
    $200 6
During Louis XIV's reign the French court permanently moved here, to the suburbs
    $200 23
He had 2 .45 automatics & knew what evil lurked in the hearts of men
    $300 8
Hells Canyon carves a 1 1/2-mile-deep border between Idaho & this other northwest state
    $300 13
Among early prototypes of this 1st U.S. production sports car was a station wagon
    $300 19
If you're having squab, you're eating one of these that's about 4 weeks old
    $300 15
Fear of angering the army made this leader of the English Revolution refuse the crown
    $300 24
His card could have read:
"Have Colt .44, will travel"
    $400 9
Of Pittsburgh, Buffalo, or Miami, the city farthest west
    $400 14
G.M.'s chief stylist was inspired with the idea of tail fins while looking at these other vehicles
    DD: $500 20
Poultry featured in title of the following "Reel":

[Instrumental music plays.]
    $400 16
The reign of Czar Michael established this dynasty which ruled Russia until the 20th c.
    $400 25
He never liked using his Luger or Smith & Wesson to say "Farewell, My Lovely"
    $500 10
To feed Lake Ontario, Lake Erie's waters pass through this 33 mile river
    $500 18
To avoid high import taxes, for many years some of these British cars were built in Springfield, Mass.
    $500 21
Domestic ducks are descended from the wild South American Muscovy & this common wild species
    $500 17
Profits of the East India Company made this canal city the financial capital of the world
    $500 26
It was in a 1958 novel that he swapped his Beretta .25 for a 7.65 Walther PPK

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Roy Gerald Pam
-$700 $700 $100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Roy Gerald Pam
$400 $1,900 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 23
"The Prince of Peace"
    $200 15
Appropriately, Ginger Rogers was on 1st show of his own series, though he was in Europe at the time
    $200 24
Of local, state, or federal, level of government which has jurisdiction over marriage & divorce laws
    $200 1
After his performance in this Disney film, Mickey Mouse shook hands with Leopold Stokowski
    $200 2
In the song "America", it follows "sweet land of liberty"
    $400 22
"Father of Continental Congress" or "Poor Richard"
    $400 14
Name of radio program featuring Grace & Eddie Albert, not Jackie Gleason & Audrey Meadows
    $400 25
There are 11 of these federal courts whose authority falls between district courts & the Supreme Court
    $400 4
He was 1st American-born musician to be musical director of the New York Philharmonic
    $400 29
J.M. Barrie's own dog was the model for this canine nursemaid in "Peter Pan"
    $400 16
Popular Alan Bates film whose French title was "Le Roi de coeur"
    $600 3
    $600 19
Kids said the darndest things every day on his "House Party"
    $600 26
From Latin "caput" meaning head, you might lose your head by committing this class of felony
    $600 8
An avid skier, tennis player & dancer, Seiji Ozawa conducts this New England orchestra
    $600 7
Though only 4 ft. 6 in. tall, he stretched his "Rape of the Lock" from 2 to 5 cantos
    $600 9
The 1949 Geneva Convention recognizes that they have a duty to attempt to escape
    $800 5
"The Nightmare of Europe" or "Man of Destiny"
    $800 20
"Where the elite meet to eat" was Archie the manager's description of this saloon
    $800 27
If a woodchuck could chuck wood but fails to honor an agreement to chuck, he could be sued for this
    $800 10
Sir Georg Solti of the Chicago Symphony has won more of these than any other classical recording artist
    $800 17
Early in his career, he wrote sketches of London life for newspapers & signed them "Boz"
    DD: $1,000 12
Alphabetically, the 1st "of" in a deck of playing cards
    $1000 6
"The Iron Duke"
    DD: $1,000 21
Instrument played on "The Fred Allen Show" that was piped in from a site 2 miles away
    $1000 28
One of the most influential works of Anglo-American law was his "Commentaries on the Laws of England"
    $1000 11
Conductor Michael Tilson Thomas is the nephew of this silver screen star who played Pasteur
    $1000 18
Author of "The 3rd Man", he wrote "We are saved or damned by our thoughts, not our actions"
    $1000 13
Molded from an old Argentine cannon, this statue stands at the summit of Uspallata Pass

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Roy Gerald Pam
$4,800 $4,500 $3,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 non-European countries that originally signed the NATO Pact in 1949

Final scores:

Roy Gerald Pam
$9,200 $8,800 $7,199
3-day champion: $33,000 2nd place: trip on Eastern to St. Thomas & stay at Frenchman's Reef 3rd place: Lloyd/Flanders Heirloom wicker furniture

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Roy Gerald Pam
$5,300 $4,500 $4,600
21 R,
7 W
(including 1 DD)
12 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
12 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $14,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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