Suggest correction - #1589 - 1991-06-27

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    $400 10
About 1820 the Dwight Mission was set up to teach these Indians, who had been forced out of the east

Show #1589 - Thursday, June 27, 1991


Mark Wasley, a computer consultant from Atlanta, Georgia

Maggi Walker, a public relations consultant from Los Angeles, California

Fred Andrus, a programmer analyst from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
This author lived at 23 Montague Place facing the British Museum, not at 221B Baker Street
    $100 7
Confederate forces set up a state capital in the town of Washington while a pro Union regime was here
    $100 2
In this event, discontinued after 1920, the first team to pull the other past the line, won
    $100 24
People magazine said the guys in Mötley Crüe sport about 60 of these dermal decorations
    $100 21
These deep ditches filled with water were a feature of Norman castles
    $100 16
Beth & Norman pooled their money and bought one of these dogs
    $200 12
He published "Black Spring" between "Tropic of Cancer" & "Tropic of Capricorn"
    $200 8
The Red, the St. Francis & this river act as natural borders
    $200 3
The five interlocking circles on the Olympic flag stand for this
    $200 25
This company introduced its new Kiss with almonds by dropping a giant replica in Times Square
    $200 22
The domes on St. Basil's Cathedral are often described as being shaped like this vegetable
    $200 17
The original London cast of this musical included Elaine Paige as Grizabella
    $300 13
Author of "Caravans" & "The Source", he was foundling adopted by Pennsylvania Quakers
    DD: $500 9
When it was a territory the name didn't end in "S", but with this letter
    $300 4
This winter event shares its name, originally French, with the sled used for it
    $300 28
Old Smuggler, Scoresby & Clan MacGregor are three brands of this
    $300 23
A turret used for ventilation on the roof of a medieval building, or an art museum in Paris
    $300 18
Elsa is such a devoted shopper that she never misses one of these
    $400 14
W.H. Auden married Erika Mann, this novelist's daughter, so she could leave Nazi Germany
    $400 10
About 1820 the Dwight Mission was set up to teach these Indians, who had been forced out of the east
    $400 5
In 1984 Joan Benoit of the U.S. was the first to win this new event
    $400 26
An adava, or bullseye one of these, is round or oval with bars that radiate from a central eye
    $400 19
Valerie Harper might hoard video tape of this sitcom
    $500 15
This Briton wrote his famous diary in cipher & it wasn't decoded until 1825
    $500 11
The federal government made it a health resort 89 years before it became a national park in 1921
    $500 6
In 1988 this East German swimmer won 6 gold medals, the most ever by a woman
    $500 27
He was an astronomy professor at Oxford but the first building he designed was a chapel at Cambridge
    $500 20
I was disappointed when my aunt gave me a can of it for my birthday

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Fred Maggi Mark
$400 $0 $1,300

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Fred Maggi Mark
$800 $1,400 $4,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 24
This president told Harriet Beech Stowe, "I shall never live to see peace, this war is killing me."
    $200 13
This Thai capital is the home of Chulalongkorn University
    $200 3
"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore"
    $200 1
There already was a machine to remove the seeds of coastal cotton; he invented one for inland cotton
    $200 2
This U.S. lexicographer was the first to delete the "U" from words like "colour" in his 1806 dictionary
    $200 12
Bouillon is from "to boil", but the word for this fish soup means "to boil it & then lower the heat"
    $400 25
From 1780-83 James Monroe studied law under this man, then governor of Virginia
    $400 14
Sri Lanka's minority Tamil are mostly Hindu & the majority Sinhalese mostly this religion
    $400 5
"Pinch me, Rosie, here we are going down the river like Antony and Cleopatra on that barge"
    $400 22
He came up with a gyroscopic stabilizer for ships before his company merged with Remington Rand
    $400 4
Russian uses this 32-letter alphabet developed from the Greek alphabet
    $400 17
Instead of sipping this reptilian soup you can make a mock version flavored with veal
    $600 26
This president was the 1st inductee into the Conservation Hall of Fame
    $600 15
The governor of Macau is appointed by the governor of this European country
    $600 9
"Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!"
    $600 23
He may have understood gravity, but the steam-powered car he built in 1680 didn't work
    DD: $3,000 6
It's the most widely spoken romance language
    DD: $3,000 18
A madrilène is a consommé flavored with this kind of juice
    $800 27
In 1935 he played on the college all star football team against the Chicago Bears
    $800 16
The island of Singapore is separated from this peninsula to the north by the Strait of Johor
    $800 10
"Now that we're through with "Humiliate the Host"... how about a little round of "Get the Guests?"
    $800 29
No one knows who invented the razor but we know this man invented the safety razor
    $800 7
While English does not, Cornish, Welsh & Gaelic do belong to this language group
    $800 19
These stuffed noodles, the Jewish version of raviolis, are usually served in soup
    $1000 28
During his administration the U.S. acquired Puerto Rico, Guam & the Hawaiian Islands
    $1000 21
It's Burma's new 7-letter name
    $1000 11
"Wherever there's a fight, so hungry people can eat, I'll be there"
    $1000 30
Ottmar Mergenthaler's machine for producing printing bars is better known as this
    $1000 8
According to the World Almanac this international language could shortly have 2 million speakers
    $1000 20
From the Tamil for "pepper water" it's a spicy curry soup

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Fred Maggi Mark
$4,000 $8,400 $12,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

He originally titled his work "How Petya Outwitted the Wolf", but that gave away the end

Final scores:

Fred Maggi Mark
$7,999 $400 $17,200
2nd place: trip on America West to San Antonio & stay at Menger Hotel + Jeopardy! how game or computerized version 3rd place: Maytag washer & dryer + Jeopardy! how game or computerized version New champion: $17,200

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Fred Maggi Mark
$4,000 $6,000 $10,000
12 R,
2 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
27 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $20,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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