Suggest correction - #8686 - 2022-07-18

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    $1000 24
Happy & lighthearted, like a title spirit in a classic Noël Coward play

Show #8686 - Monday, July 18, 2022

Ken Jennings hosts.
Fifth regular-play game to end in a Tiebreaker Round.


Erica Weiner-Amachi, a 4th grade teacher from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

William Chou, a research fellow from Austin, Texas

Emily Fiasco, a middle school band director from St. Louis, Missouri (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $87,201)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: Each correct response will end with the letters"T-H-E".)
    $200 16
Buzzfeed featured these double-talk, thigh-high boots "that will look totally far out in your closet"
    $200 6
Around 400,000 B.C., hominids began to control this; one later use may have been to destroy habitat so as to aid hunting & foraging
    $200 1
"Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty" stars Quincy Isaiah as this Laker rookie from Lansing
    $200 25
In a novel by Herman Wouk, unstable Captain Queeg of the USS Caine faces this title event
    $200 11
If you've been afflicted by the green-eyed monster, you're guilty of this
    $200 20
To feel intense dislike
    $400 17
We'll wear these rubberized boots & walk through all kinds of puddles to go home & enjoy the same-named beef dish
    $400 7
This group of 10 guarantees (out of the 12 sent to the states) was ratified in December 1791
    $400 2
"And Just Like That...", she was back on TV as Miranda Hobbes in 2021
    $400 26
In Wouk's "Aurora Dawn" from 1947, a young man works in this broadcast medium; Wouk lived to write a book partly in e-mails
    $400 12
This rhyming fictional "illness" involves police officers disrupting operations by calling in sick
    $400 21
To alleviate or provide solace
    $600 18
Woo-woo! All aboard these boots, known for their stovepipe calf
    DD: $600 8
At first the church didn't oppose this Polish man's ideas; the center of the universe was filthy, so better not to be there
    $600 3
An Oscar winner as the outspoken Erin Brockovich, in 2022 she was "Gaslit" on TV as "Mouth of the South" Martha Mitchell
    $600 27
"The Winds of War" begins with "Pug" Henry made U.S. military attaché in this European city, sensing the winds of war indeed
    $600 13
If you're cowardly, you can be lily-livered or this other hyphenated term mentioning a nearby body part
    $600 22
To fancy up an argument with big words, or to array with garments
    $800 19
As well as pants for horse riding, they can be ankle-high boots with a strap buckled at the side
    $800 9
In the 1960s, Stanley Lebar of Westinghouse designed a special camera that allowed 650 million to see live video from here
    $800 4
It's the last name of John Hillerman's Jonathan & Perdita Weeks' Juliet, friends of "Magnum P.I." across the decades
    $800 28
In a '50s bestseller Wouk's heroine Marjorie Morgenstern anglicizes her last name to this & seeks fame as an actress
    $800 14
This annoying condition is also known as conjunctivitis
    $800 23
To be filled with violent emotion, perhaps rage
    $1000 29
This type of boot seen here shares its name with areas in London & New York City
    $1000 10
In 2020, these accords named for a biblical man raised to 6 the Arab nations with diplomatic ties to Israel
    $1000 5
Beltalowda! Keon Alexander showed wide range as Marco Inaros, leader of the Free Navy on this Amazon sci-fi show
    $1000 30
Physicist Guy Carpenter is out of a job in "A Hole in Texas", based on the real cancellation of the Superconducting this machine
    $1000 15
Seen here, this seawater discoloration caused by dinoflagellates can be lethal to marine life
    $1000 24
Happy & lighthearted, like a title spirit in a classic Noël Coward play

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Emily William Erica
$2,400 -$200 $1,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Emily William Erica
$2,600 $400 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

10-, 11- & 12-LETTER WORDS
    $400 20
In 1985 Apple's board gave this guy the heave-ho but 12 years later he got ho-heaved & was back in charge
    $400 21
This branch of the U.S. government makes the laws
    $400 3
This husband of Nicole Kidman was the 2018 Academy of Country Music Entertainer of the Year
    $400 6
He's the only president honored on Mount Rushmore who lived into the 20th century
    $400 29
David stood upon this "Philistine, and took his sword... and cut off his head therewith"
    $400 11
This Asian country, not yet divided into North & South:
From France, 1945
    $800 16
A rough New Year's Day in 1959 for Fulgencio Batista, who woke up as president of this country & went to sleep as an exile
    $800 22
Keep your eye on the birdie, also known by this longer name
    $800 2
When he won Best Director at Cannes for "After Hours", he was married to Barbara de Fina, who produced his "The Color of Money"
    $800 7
Georgia is a leading producer of the 3 Ps: peaches, peanuts & these praline nuts
    $800 30
In Exodus, "Behold", this "burned with fire, and (it) was not consumed"
    $800 12
1975, from this country
    $1200 17
Getting the supreme boot in Genesis, he was told, "a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be"
    $1200 23
Another word for the draft, it's mandatory enrollment in the military
    $1200 1
Yvonne Molinaro married 2 winners of this gridiron trophy, 1954 honoree Alan Ameche & 1946's Glenn Davis
    DD: $2,000 8
Belonging to a cousin, the historic home seen here in Salem, Massachusetts, inspired Nathaniel Hawthorne to write this novel
    $1200 26
"And when he had opened the fourth seal... I looked, and behold a pale" this: "and his name that sat on him was Death"
    $1200 13
This country:
1971, from Pakistan
    DD: $2,400 18
This Bolshevik got exiled to Siberia twice, expelled from the Politburo in 1926 & the Soviet Union itself 3 years later
    $1600 24
This word meaning "nonsense" begins with the name of a son of Odin
    $1600 4
John McEnroe won his last few ATP singles titles while he was married to this former child star
    $1600 9
It's the year chiseled into Plymouth Rock
    $1600 27
As Jesus "walked by" this body of water, "he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers"
    $1600 14
1830, from this country
    $2000 19
Elected to Congress from Tennessee in 1833 as an Anti-Jacksonian, he got the boot in the 1834 election & headed off to Texas
    $2000 25
This term for a tightrope walker comes from Latin for "rope" & "walk"
    $2000 5
L.A. Musicians Institute was the meeting place of Jae Lin & this husband, a 2022 Grammy winner with Silk Sonic partner Bruno Mars
    $2000 10
One of New York City's oldest streets, the Bowery once led to the farm of this last Dutch colonial governor
    $2000 28
Since no one had done this for 40 years, God told Joshua to get a knife & do it to the male Israelites
    $2000 15
2006, ending a union with this other Yugoslav republic

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Emily William Erica
$7,800 $8,800 $11,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

Asked to design a new set for a restaging of this 1952 play, Alberto Giacometti came up with one scraggly plaster tree

Tiebreaker Round

"The Passage of Power" covers 1958 to 1964 in Robert Caro's 4th volume on the life of this American

Final scores:

Emily William Erica
$15,600 $15,601 $15,601
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $15,601 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Emily William Erica
$7,000 $8,000 $11,600
11 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W

Combined Coryat: $26,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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