Suggest correction - #8451 - 2021-07-26

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    $800 11
The FBI behavioral analysis unit on this show took its last case on CBS in 2020

Show #8451 - Monday, July 26, 2021

Matt Amodio game 4.
First game with LeVar Burton as guest host.
Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to Reading is Fundamental.


Kathleen McHugh, a retired legal assistant originally from Detroit, Michigan

Patrick Pearce, a product specialist from Fountain Valley, California

Matt Amodio, a Ph.D. student from New Haven, Connecticut (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $101,400)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 25
Enewetak Atoll in the Pacific saw the first use of this powerful new weapon in 1952
    $200 3
Greendale is this title type of college
    $200 29
Andalusia's Doñana National Park in this country is one of the only places to find the Iberian imperial eagle
    $200 22
Jimmy Kimmel gave a rough idea of the length of the receipts given by this 3-letter pharmacy chain--"the equator"
    $200 15
This "numerical" party game traditionally begins with learning the objective is "animal, vegetable or mineral"
    $200 30
This 6-letter word denotes a riot or turmoil
    $400 10
This 1815 battle was called the Battle of Mont St. Jean by the French, but the victorious English & allies picked the name that stuck
    $400 24
On this drama, Dr. John Carter worked at County General
    $400 26
The tundra hare, seen here in its seasonal lights, is native to this state
    $400 21
This tech company incorporated on June 25, 1981; 5 years later, it moved to Redmond, Washington & its stock went public
    $400 27
Are you going to be shy all night & act like this proverbial yellow perennial plant or are you going to cut loose & dance?
    $400 28
It's a golf do-over after a lousy shot
    $600 9
Overthrown by the U.S., this Panamanian dictator was convicted in Miami of federal drug & racketeering charges in 1992
    $600 17
Vought International employs this show's ethically challenged superheroes
    $600 20
Now found mostly in a single national park, the Kashmir stag used to roam these 2 countries
    $600 16
On January 13, 2021 the stock price of this company opened around $20; on January 29, $380 & by February 5, $54
    $600 19
Our '80s party wouldn't be complete if we didn't crank this Billy Idol hit! "It's a nice day for" it
    $600 23
It's a protective covering to enrich soil; hardwood chips or grass clippings are organic types
    $800 4
Not Peter or Catherine but a "Great" ruler of this name won independence for Moscow from the Golden Horde in 1480
    $800 11
The FBI behavioral analysis unit on this show took its last case on CBS in 2020
    DD: $4,200 12
The North Island brown is a variety of this flightless bird
    $800 13
In 1911 this oil company got its trust busted & had to divest itself of 33 companies
    $800 14
Got my king cake, mask, beads & pralines! I'm ready to party & celebrate this, which will fall on Tuesday, March 1, 2022
    $800 18
A great number; the Bible says love covers a this "of sins"
    $1000 1
A tool of mariners by the 1400s, this instrument aided navigation by determining the position of the Sun & other stars
    $1000 2
On this show, Mae Whitman works at Fine & Frugal, but helps rob it
    $1000 7
General term for a ground squirrel, such as a woodchuck; in Vancouver Island, one is found only in Canada, pita
    $1000 8
The National Union Life & Limb Insurance Company evolved into this one with a snappier name that still includes "Life"
    $1000 5
I'm busting out my spinach & this veggie dip--it's a version of the one at Applebee's
    $1000 6
To openly proclaim a new doctrine or law

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Matt Patrick Kathleen
$9,200 -$1,400 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Patrick Kathleen
$13,000 -$200 $1,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 4
Arabia is separated from Africa by this body of water along its west
    $400 26
This word can refer to a craving or an Asian currency
    $400 18
One theory says the first pope, St. Peter, had nerve damage that led to the traditional gesture of this with 2 fingers curled in
    $400 12
When she won for "Tootsie", Jessica Lange said she felt real lucky to have this man "as my leading lady"
    $800 5
This city in the Sirat Mountains commands the attention of the devout 5 times a day
    $800 24
This author created the characters Jonathan Harker & Dr. Van Helsing
    $800 19
Alexander III convoked 1179's Third Lateran Council, which gave this "College" the task of electing a new pope
    DD: $3,000 11
This "Moonstruck" actress said, "Okay, Michael, let's go!" referring to her cousin running for president
    $1200 14
In Yemen Iran & Saudi Arabia are waging this type of war where others do the fighting
    $1200 16
In "Gulliver's Travels", some of these greedy & violent humanoids have been tamed by the Houyhnhnms
    $1200 22
It almost sounds like a symptom of sleepiness, but this word means to deviate from a ship's course
    $1200 25
Our ambassadors such as JFK's sister, Jean Kennedy Smith, have lived in the little place seen here on 62 acres in this city
    $1200 17
In 993 John XV was the first pope to take this step, honoring Bishop Ulrich of Augsburg, dead just 20 years
    $1200 10
In 2021 this "Nomadland" Best Director quoted a Chinese work that begins, "People at birth are inherently good"
    $1600 3
Animals in the region include camels, a main mode of transport, & these 2 farm animals known there as khiraf & ma'iz
    $1600 15
He's the scrawny schoolteacher who gets frightened by the headless horseman
    $1600 6
This Latin word meaning "thus" begins Virginia's state motto
    $1600 1
Ariel Rios, who died battling the flow of cocaine, is honored with his name on the D.C. headquarters of this bureau named for other substances
    $1600 2
Pope Francis is the first pontiff to have been a member of this religious order that pope Clement XIV abolished in 1773
    $1600 9
Winning for this "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" character, Louise Fletcher said, "I've loved being hated by you"
    DD: $2,000 7
This emirate, a 100-mile-long peninsula on the east coast, has taken a more independent line than its neighbors in recent years
    $2000 13
Tom & Laura Wingfield are brother & sister in this play
    $2000 23
A depression in the path of a mountain's summit; Hillary climbed Everest's "South"
    $2000 21
What's now a federal center in this Michigan city was once the sanitarium run by John Harvey Kellogg
    $2000 8
Pius XI revived the custom of giving this blessing whose Latin name means "to the city and to the world"
    $2000 20
In 1952 he said, "It's a very long way from the heart of the Belgian Congo to the stage of the Pantages Theater"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Matt Patrick Kathleen
$17,000 -$7,400 $10,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Following his death in 2018, his ashes were interred at Westminster Abbey between the remains of fellow scientists Darwin & Newton

Final scores:

Matt Patrick Kathleen
$21,000 -$7,400 $17,200
4-day champion: $122,400 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Matt Patrick Kathleen
$13,600 -$5,400 $13,200
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
10 R,
11 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $21,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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