Suggest correction - #8448 - 2021-07-21

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    $400 12
The Mayans were using this by the 4th century; the concept of that number didn't make it to Europe until the 1200s or so

Show #8448 - Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Josh Saak game 4.
Matt Amodio game 1.
Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to Be The Match.


Matt Amodio, a Ph.D. student from New Haven, Connecticut

Elizabeth Devereaux, a middle school teacher from Lawrence, Kansas

Josh Saak, a traffic engineer from Boise, Idaho (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $66,405)

Jeopardy! Round

(Robin: Each response will have that form such as, "on end".)
    $200 18
Traditionally taken upon graduating, the modern version of this vow no longer acknowledges Apollo or Asclepius
    $200 15
Ed Sheeran won 2015 Song of the Year & Best Solo Pop Performance Grammys for this ruminative tune
    $200 28
The Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve, made their lives bitter with hard bondage in mortar & in this
    $200 23
Put rocks in a drink to serve it this way
    $200 29
Nic Cage & Angelina Jolie make cars disappear in this title length of time in a 2000 film
    $200 30
"For years politicians have promised" this, Nixon said in 1969--"I'm the first one to be able to deliver it"
    $400 1
510 or above (out of a possible 528) is a good score to aim for when you take this 4-letter medical school admissions test
    $400 5
In a 2018 Top 10 tune by The Weeknd, this request to a lover precedes "my name"
    $400 27
"God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness of" this body of water
    $400 6
A proverb says getting here "early" will help make you robust, rich & smart
    $400 2
A skilled pro in this job that's done about once a year can take care of one Merino in 3 minutes
    $400 7
Herbert Hoover ran ads in the 1920s promising one of these "for every pot"
    $600 16
Third-year students typically begin clinical these to gain experience in many specialties for a few weeks to a few months
    $600 10
In 2004 indie rockers Franz Ferdinand declared, "You say you don't know; I say" this title
    $600 26
"And the Lord said unto Moses", this man "thy brother shall be thy prophet"
    $600 3
This exclamation of enthusiasm or surprise is an interjection followed by a young male
    $600 25
Roger Bannister made history by becoming the first person to do this in less than 4 minutes
    $600 8
In 1964 this Republican candidate promised to end the draft, saying: "The military forces need trained volunteers"
    $800 4
WCC for short, this "colorful" rite of passage for new med students originated at schools like the Univ. of Chicago & Columbia around 1990
    $800 9
Bruno Mars sang, "You make me feel like I've been" this title "for too long"
    DD: $1,800 11
"I will smite all thy borders with" these creatures: "and the river shall bring forth" them "abundantly"
    $800 12
Dictionaries that say it expresses dismay & frustration don't quite capture the spirit of this borrowing from Yiddish
    $800 13
A fighting penalty in the NHL can net you this much time in the penalty box--just like in the name of a band!
    $800 24
This party that existed from 1848 to 1854 also fittingly promised "free speech, free labor and free men"
    $1000 22
As opposed to M.D.s, some students become D.O.s, doctors of this type of medicine
    $1000 17
"We can" do this "and get it straight or say goodnight", sang the Beatles in a 1966 No. 1 hit
    $1000 20
"Thou shalt not bear" these 2 words "against thy neighbour"
    $1000 19
To Longfellow's Paul Revere, the signal shown here meant this
    $1000 14
For plutonium-228, this interval of time of decay is thought to be about 1.1 seconds
    $1000 21
"You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold", said this man in a fiery 1896 speech

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Josh Elizabeth Matt
$2,600 $2,200 $4,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Josh Elizabeth Matt
$5,000 $3,400 $7,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 11
2 nations make up this peninsula whose name is related to that of its Ebro River
    $400 28
The highest-rated these for bird-watching include the Bushnell Legend Ultra HD
    $400 12
The Mayans were using this by the 4th century; the concept of that number didn't make it to Europe until the 1200s or so
    $400 29
This composer's EGOT includes Tonys for "Evita", "Cats" & "Sunset Boulevard"
    $400 19
Alan Moore's dystopian look at a near-future England is called "V for" this
    $800 5
This 10,400-square-mile peninsula sits between the Black Sea & the sea of Azov
    $800 3
A good beginner's sighting is this largest North American thrush, with its red breast & "cheerio, cheery-up" song
    $800 4
An ancient Hindu text calculates the square root of this integer as 1.4142156, which is correct to 5 decimal places
    $800 7
Composer Robert Lopez won both a Grammy & an Oscar for this song from "Frozen"
    $800 9
"The Bourne Identity" & "The Bourne Supremacy" were followed in 1990 by this third entry in the series
    $800 10
A Washington State congressman & a friend invented this tennis-like sport in 1965 to entertain their bored families
    DD: $3,400 1
The name of this French region that protrudes into the Atlantic has a name related to the land to its north
    $1200 27 listed this majestic endangered raptor as a North American bird birdwatchers most want to see
    DD: $6,000 6
Their numerals weren't handy for arithmetic, so ancient Romans did most of their calculating on this device
    $1200 8
For "The Producers", he's won an Oscar, 2 Grammys & 3 Tonys
    $1200 18
"Barbarians at the Gate" is an expose of the fall of this giant food company behind brands like Oreo & Ritz
    $1200 22
Molded jelly made from meat or fish stock
    $1600 2
Cape Apostolos Andreas is the easternmost part of this island nation's Karpaz Peninsula, which stretches towards Turkey
    $1600 26
In 1934 Roger Tory Peterson put out this 2-word type of book "to the Birds", the first of many used by birders
    $1600 13
The Babylonians used base 60, which could be counted on 5 fingers of one hand & the 12 these on 4 fingers of the other
    $1600 20
Whoopi Goldberg won Emmys for "The View" & for hosting a documentary about this "Gone with the Wind" actress
    $1600 17
This Maeve Binchy novel is about a group of pals attending a Dublin university
    $1600 23
These jars used by Ancient Egyptian embalmers got their name from an ancient city
    $2000 15
Schleswig & Holstein in northern Germany are at the southern end of this peninsula
    $2000 25
For many birders, their pride & joy is this alliterative "list", a personal history of all bird species they've encountered
    $2000 14
Some think Ancient Egyptians represented fractions using symbols from the eye of this falcon god
    $2000 21
Nov. 8, 2014 was a great day-o for this singer & actor who received an honorary Oscar for his humanitarian work
    $2000 16
1990 saw the release of "Postmortem", Patricia Cornwell's first novel featuring this crime-solving medical examiner
    $2000 24
Now meaning trifling, it was originally used in Louisiana & elsewhere in the South to refer to a coin of little value

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Josh Elizabeth Matt
$19,800 $12,400 $20,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Some devotees of this emperor who died in 1975 trace his lineage to King Solomon & the Queen of Sheba

Final scores:

Josh Elizabeth Matt
$24,805 $270 $40,400
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $40,400

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Josh Elizabeth Matt
$15,000 $10,200 $19,200
19 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W

Combined Coryat: $44,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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