Suggest correction - #8447 - 2021-07-20

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    $600 9
After an expedition was sent to subdue Native Americans led by Sitting Bull & Crazy Horse, this battle ensued on June 25

Show #8447 - Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Josh Saak game 3.
Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to Be The Match.


Darwin Fu, a data scientist from Nashville, Tennessee

Grace deVuono, a writer from North Hollywood, California

Josh Saak, a traffic engineer from Boise, Idaho (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $46,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Robin: The way Yogi Berra became Yogi Bear; these should be new cartoon characters.)
    $200 12
In 1876 the Centennial Exposition opened in Philadelphia & this "Centennial State" joined the Union
    $200 5
A serving dish & to throw towards the pins
    $200 20
Today the largest online retailer in the U.S., when it began in 1995, it sold only books
    $200 22
The widest part of this river seen here is 18 miles at its mouth between Whitstable & Foulness Point
    $200 27
This "colorful" company says its GC1800 cordless drill's "keyless chuck makes bit changing a breeze"
    $200 3
Kids will love this cartoon bison whose name honors the actor who plays the movies' Hulk
    $400 1
3 years after its benefactor's death, this Baltimore university opened its doors
    $400 2
Track of turbulence behind a boat & to cease to sleep
    $400 21
This combo of 2 satellite radio companies owns the Internet music service Pandora
    $400 13
By area the second-largest country in Africa is the Democratic Republic of this
    $400 23
The emerald ash borer, a bark-eating type of this insect, has killed 40 million trees just in Michigan
    $400 4
This very tall, talkative African gray bird is a tribute to a comic seen on "Everybody Loves Raymond" & "Single Parents"
    $600 9
After an expedition was sent to subdue Native Americans led by Sitting Bull & Crazy Horse, this battle ensued on June 25
    $600 8
The tilt of an aircraft when turning & the land alongside a river
    $600 24
William Shatner has been a longtime advertising pitchman for this site that helps find discounts for travel
    $600 7
At only about 250 feet, this tiny state has the lowest high point of any country in Europe
    $600 28
In "There Will Be Blood", this actor uses a straw analogy regarding oil drilling: "I... drink... your... milkshake!"
    $600 14
Based on the actor who was trying to forget Sarah Marshall, he's the same kind of dog as Snoopy
    $800 10
On August 2 Wild Bill Hickok played his last hand in this town in the Dakota Territory
    $800 11
A lively folk dance & a cylinder on which film is wound
    $800 25
This search engine began as "Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web"
    $800 6
With "Singing Sands" & a crescent-shaped lake, the oasis of Dunhuang is where Asia's Taklamakan desert meets this one
    $800 29
This 2-word dental procedure for pulp damage starts with clearing bad tissue using a drill--or even faster, a laser
    $800 18
The star of "Justified" needs to get a trunk & tusks to become this character
    $1000 15
Alexander Graham Bell beat this rival by just a few hours in filing a patent for the telephone
    $1000 17
A sharp protruding edge & a fit of emotion, like a crying one
    $1000 26
Robert Shapiro co-founded this online law service for wills, incorporating & other needs
    DD: $2,400 16
This pair of "larger" & "smaller" islands are in a group about 100 miles off the east coast of Spain
    $1000 30
One of the many uses of this drilling tool is making the hole to go ice fishing
    $1000 19
Play with the first name of TV's Randall Pearson to get this new cartoon icon, a bird such as a mynah

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Josh Grace Darwin
$3,600 $2,400 $400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Josh Grace Darwin
$2,200 $5,800 $0

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 29
This poet wrote "Adonais" on the death of his friend John Keats
    $400 2
"Lorelai's First Cotillion", "That Damn Donna Reed"
    $400 17
Arkansas columnist Paul Greenberg first used the nickname "Slick Willie" for this man in 1980
    $400 24
As plant life there can get sunlight, the epipelagic zone is where this biological process happens
    $400 20
The moment a rocket leaves the launchpad
    $400 13
In 1916 George Washington Carver published "How to Grow" this: "and 105 Ways of Preparing It for Human Consumption"
    $800 1
Sara Teasdale mentions Lesbos in her poem named for this other female poet
    $800 5
"For Immediate Release", "Guy Walks Into an Advertising Agency"
    $800 10
"The Great Orator" was a nickname for this 19th century New Hampshire-born congressman, senator & Secretary of State
    $800 19
Near the Antillean Arc, the Milwaukee Depth is the deepest point in this ocean
    $800 14
From an innocent type of person who could be duped with little effort, this adjective means easily fooled or deceived
    $800 3
You're listening to the most famous work of this Italian Baroque composer
    $1200 18
Eliot's poem about these title men says, "We are the stuffed men / Leaning together / Headpiece filled with straw"
    $1200 7
"Bachelor Party",
"The Wedding",
"How Lily Stole Christmas"
    DD: $2,000 11
Born in 1876, this author of several doggone adventures was known as the "American Kipling"
    $1200 16
Depressions called "deep-sea" these usually form where tectonic plates meet
    $1200 15
A long passage or hallway from which entrances lead into rooms
    $1200 6
In 1609 he presented his eight-powered telescope to the Venetian Senate; he got life tenure & doubled his salary
    $1600 25
This Chicago poet wrote that "The fog comes on little cat feet"
    $1600 9
"Old Friends",
"How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sophia"
    $1600 12
The 1930s politician known as "Kingfish" was also known as the "Dictator of" this state
    DD: $2,600 21
The Agulhas & East Madagascar Currents flow in this ocean
    $1600 26
This adjective means "equivalent", as in "Sir, the accusation you have made is ____ to libel!"
    $1600 4
Dan Flavin was a pioneer of this art style whose name says it tries to do more with less
    $2000 30
A sonnet by John Donne begins with these 4 words & continues, "though some have called thee mighty and dreadful"
    $2000 27
"Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship",
"She Was Killed by Space Junk"
    $2000 22
Legendary folks blues singer & guitarist Huddie Ledbetter, seen here, was better known by this nickname
    $2000 23
Galveston Bay is an example of this type of body of water where saltwater meets fresh
    $2000 28
This wide-trunked African tree can live over a thousand years
    $2000 8
Winning a 1945 Pulitzer for music put an "Appalachian Spring" in this composer's step

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Josh Grace Darwin
$17,600 $9,800 $2,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

The code name for a historic meeting at this city was Argonaut, after the heroes who searched for the Golden Fleece on the Black Sea

Final scores:

Josh Grace Darwin
$19,605 $0 $2,400
3-day champion: $66,405 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Josh Grace Darwin
$19,000 $9,800 $4,400
25 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
(including 1 DD)
15 R,
1 W
8 R,
5 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $33,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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