Suggest correction - #8444 - 2021-07-15

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    $400 24
Paine apprenticed to his father for 7 years making these tight-fitting, shaping undergarments for women

Show #8444 - Thursday, July 15, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to Share Our Strength's No Kid Hungry campaign.


Andre Golovchenko, a human resources specialist from Damascus, Oregon

Judith Pond, an attorney originally from the Bronx, New York

Tyler Vandenberg, a Marine officer from Washington, D.C. (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $30,000)

Jeopardy! Round

(George: Each response is two words with a single and a double "T".)
    $200 16
We will always love this late, great singer who got her first record offer while still in high school
    $200 19
The "B" in G.B. Shaw
    $200 29
Under the law of this habitat, there are no rules & the strongest will win out
    $200 26
1.0567 quarts & scattered rubbish on the street
    $200 1
Proverbially, "It's always darkest just before" this, but when you think about it... not really
    $200 17
We'll get sporty in this nation with a 1964 Olympic site at Innsbruck & a Formula 1 race at the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg
    $400 7
As a high schooler in Freehold, New Jersey, he played with a group called The Castiles
    $400 21
The "J" in J.K. Rowling
    $400 28
Rule by military authority, it was declared in Chicago following the Great Fire of 1871
    $400 18
Not on time & hot espresso with steamed milk
    $400 27
The electric industry uses the standard abbreviation POCBS, power outage caused by these rodents
    $400 14
A visit to this New Jersey capital will include a look at the Douglass House, site of a council of war held by Washington in 1777
    $600 6
This Aberdeen, Washington local ran track & played drums in his school band before becoming the face of grunge
    $600 22
The "F" in F. Scott Fitzgerald
    $600 5
An office that monitors this law ensuring protection for authors' rights is part of the Library of Congress
    $600 8
Bestowed excessive love & the line on which you sign
    $600 15
In a 10-fight run from 1985 to '86, this heavyweight had 9 first-round knockouts; the 10th came in round 2
    $600 12
Let's check out this temple complex in Cambodia, built by King Suryavarman II in the 1100s
    $800 3
Though his life was tragically cut short, the legacy of this California kid, the first Chicano rock star, lives on
    $800 23
The "B" in W.B. Yeats
    $800 4
Sir Isaac Newton's 3 laws of this laid the foundation for classical mechanics
    $800 25
Jumped forward from one foot to the other in ballet & jumped onto a 747 & took off
    DD: $1,500 10
Hypnos was the Greek god of sleep; he was Hypnos' son who brought men their dreams, & maybe a way out of the Matrix as well
    $800 11
Though this West African country has a word for "lion" in its name, it's the chimpanzees we're going there to see
    $1000 2
No fooling, this punk poet was voted her class clown
    $1000 24
The "S" in T.S. Eliot
    $1000 20
Prices go up or down based on the law of these 2 things regarding the amount of goods available versus the desire for them
    $1000 30
More attractive & a single-masted sailing vessel
    $1000 9
How about some applause for this light-killing device that debuted in 1984, one of Time magazine's top 100 all-time gadgets
    $1000 13
We'll jet to the middle of a vast desert & find ourselves in this wealthy capital with a name meaning "a place of gardens"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tyler Judith Andre
$2,000 $200 $3,700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tyler Judith Andre
$6,000 $400 $4,500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 24
Paine apprenticed to his father for 7 years making these tight-fitting, shaping undergarments for women
    $400 17
According to this 1st gospel, at the moment of the crucifixion, bodies of saints came back to life & walked out of their graves
    $400 21
This large colorful mammal's heart rate was first recorded in 2019: as low as 2 bpm while diving, up to 37 bpm when coming up for air
    $400 2
Pioneering California architect Julia Morgan designed several residences for this man, including his San Simeon Castle
    $400 7
The land of Oz, before & after Dorothy dropped in
    $400 1
Rhinology isn't the study of the Rhine River, but of this body part & its related diseases
    $800 25
Paine wrote, "I do not believe in" the Catholic or the Protestant creeds; "my own mind is my own" this
    $800 27
Before bringing Jairus' daughter back to life, Jesus tells her weeping family she is not dead, but is only this
    $800 20
The Supreme Court ruled you cannot patent natural genes, like the BRCA1 & BRCA2 ones named for this type of cancer
    DD: $3,000 6
Here is this architect outside his famous pyramid
    $800 8
A junkyard on the night of the Jellicle Ball
    $800 11
The etymology of entomology reveals that it's the study of these creatures
    $1200 26
This Philadelphian met Paine in London & helped him emigrate to America by giving him letters of introduction
    $1200 28
When Eutychus dies after falling out of a window listening to a sermon, the speaker, this apostle, brings him back to life
    $1200 16
Born hearing-impaired in 1653, Joseph Sauveur studied sound vibrations & coined this word for the science he pioneered
    $1200 5
In the 1600s, Inigo Jones introduced town planning to London by creating this "Garden", considered London's first city square
    $1200 9
The small village of Anatevka in Russia
    $1200 10
Malacology is the study of mollusks; this is the specific study of mollusk shells
    $1600 30
A "Captain America" movie got its title by contrasting this Paine phrase meaning someone who only fights when it's pleasant outside
    $1600 19
King Saul gets a witch to summon this Hebrew prophet back to life for encouragement, but he only foretells doom for Saul
    $1600 15
Percival Lowell thought he saw these on the surface of Venus--some think it was a reflection of the blood vessels in his eye
    $1600 4
Oscar Niemeyer's Museum of Contemporary Art in this, his native country, is a landmark of modern architecture
    DD: $3,200 22
In & around the royal palace in Bangkok in the 1860s
    $1600 13
It's the branch of criminology dealing with prison management & criminal rehabilitation
    $2000 29
Paine defended the French Revolution in this work that was a response to Edmund Burke's hostile "Reflections"
    $2000 18
Before he was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind, this prophet revived the son of a widow he was staying with
    $2000 14
In addition to its acidity, one reason honey doesn't spoil is that an enzyme in bees helps produce this compound, H2O2, a germicide
    $2000 3
Appropriately, this French-born man's grave at Arlington overlooks the city beyond, which he designed & laid out
    $2000 23
Mushnik's skid row florists
    $2000 12
From the Greek for "death", it's the study of death & dying

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tyler Judith Andre
$17,400 $10,800 $100

Final Jeopardy! Round

Trying to emulate the title character, he fails & is told "You lack a set of spinnerets, & you lack know-how"

Final scores:

Tyler Judith Andre
$11,400 $0 $3
2-day champion: $41,400 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tyler Judith Andre
$15,200 $9,200 $1,600
21 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R,
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $26,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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