Suggest correction - #1427 - 1990-11-13

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    $800 19
"Goodbye to All That" is the autobiography of this "I, Claudius" author

Show #1427 - Tuesday, November 13, 1990

1990 Tournament of Champions semifinal game 2.


Larry McKnight, a computer analyst from Ventura, California

Erik Larsen, a graduate student from Ann Arbor, Michigan

Frank Spangenberg, a police officer from Flushing, New York

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 1
Prof. of math at Cambridge 1669-1701; for every A on his curve there was an equal & opposite F
    $100 2
Explorer Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne named this Ala. city after the Maubila Indian tribe
    $100 21
This rubber company spends over $7 million a year just to maintain & operate its blimps
    $100 11
This city was the first in the U.S. to have more than 1 TV station in operation
    $100 16
The world's largest gold field, the Witwatersrand, is in this country
    $100 22
Nostalgic name for the movies or the motion picture industry
    $200 7
Bertoldo di Giovanni studied under Donatello & taught this great Sistine artist
    $200 3
New Mexico city that got its name from the crosses on the graves of ambushed travelers
    $200 25
After marrying its president, Joan Crawford became a spokesperson for this beverage co.
    $200 12
Gary David Goldberg & Alan Uger won 1987 Emmys for writing this series' "My Name Is Alex" episode
    $200 17
This form of gold, beaten thinner than paper, is used for gilding & lettering
    $200 23
When the going gets rough, remember that "Every cloud has" one of these
    $300 8
She married Harvard teacher John Macy on condition that Helen came first in their household
    $300 4
Eisenhower was nominated for his second term as president in the Cow Palace in this city
    $300 28
After 42 years, this French co. has ceased making its turtle-shaped car, the Deux Chevaux
    $300 13
This skinflint comedian played Ralph & Alice Kramden's landlord on 1 episode of "The Honeymooners"
    $300 18
Derived from the metal's Latin name, it's the chemical symbol for gold
    $300 24
To produce rain, clouds are sometimes seeded with this chemical compound
    $400 9
Educational psychologist who developed a series of dictionaries with Clarence Barnhart
    DD: $500 5
This 2nd largest Oregon city is named for 1 of its settlers, a certain Mr. Skinner
    $400 29
Whirlpool makes a line of products under this brand name for Sears, Roebuck
    $400 14
From 1947 to 1975, Lawrence Spivak was a panelist or moderator on this NBC public affairs program
    $400 19
Pure gold is this many karats
    $400 26
This band has backed up Bob Seger on hits like "Night Moves" & "Still The Same"
    $500 10
East L.A. teacher famous for helping his kids pass the Advanced Placement calculus test
    $500 6
The graves of O. Henry & Thomas Wolfe are in this N.C. city where Wolfe was born
    $500 30
It was first incorporated in 1911 as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co.
    $500 15
The announcer called it "The crossword game you've played all your life, but never quite like this"
    $500 20
In the 1500s many Spanish explorers went to South America searching for this legendary gold kingdom
    $500 27
The U.S. government first issued this paper currency in 1878

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 16):

Frank Erik Larry
$1,100 $2,100 $1,500

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Frank Erik Larry
$2,800 $2,600 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Number of stars on the Texas state flag
    $200 16
Society is divided between Eloi & Morlocks in this futuristic H.G. Wells work
    $200 21
The willow ptarmigan, which makes its home in Arctic areas, is this state's official bird
    $200 28
From 1881-86 he led the Chiricahua Apaches in the last major Indian stand
    $200 6
Empedocles said there are two basic emotions, these
    $200 11
He attended the Allies' meetings at Tehran, Yalta & Potsdam as the Soviet Union's representative
    $400 2
This state's flag was designed by Miss Willie Hocker of the Pine Bluff chapter of the D.A.R.
    $400 17
The hero of this Old English poem dies killing a dragon that attacked his people, the Geats
    $400 22
Sapsuckers are the only members of this bird family to habitually injure trees
    $400 29
Coinciding with the '84 Olympics in L.A. was a memorial powwow & games honoring this athlete
    $400 7
He developed his own method of inquiry, but as he didn't write it down we mostly know of it from Plato
    $400 12
We don't know what his 1st wife did, but his 2nd, Eva, was an actress, & his 3rd, Isabel, a dancer
    DD: $1,000 3
Kentucky's flag indicates it's one of these
    $600 18
British philosopher & mathematician who won the 1950 Nobel Prize for Literature
    $600 23
This relative of the crow is prominent in folklore as a bad-luck sign or omen of death
    $600 30
This 6-nation group has not accepted U.S. citizenship & considers itself a separate nation
    $600 8
Thomism, a doctrine of the Catholic Church, was based on the ideas of this man
    $600 13
After his reelection in 1961, this Haitian leader named himself president for life
    $800 4
The flag of this 13th state has 13 gold stars & the word "Hope"
    $800 19
"Goodbye to All That" is the autobiography of this "I, Claudius" author
    $800 24
These small English birds were first brought to the U.S. in 1850 to eliminate tree worms in Brooklyn
    $800 27
They call themselves the Dine; since their language has no "V", they found this name unpronounceable
    $800 9
17th c. French philosopher who wrote, "All the sciences are conjoined with one another and interdependent"
    $800 14
Nicknamed "The Incorruptible", he was arrested, tried & guillotined in July 1794
    $1000 5
It's the only state whose flag features the British Union Jack
    $1000 20
He became a Roman Catholic 14 years before publishing "The Power and the Glory"
    DD: $1,000 25
In 1848 this bird saved the crops of Utah by eating swarms of grasshoppers
    $1000 26
Among tribes this Spanish explorer met & alienated were the Cherokee, Creek & Choctaw
    $1000 10
Opposing Hegel, this Danish philosopher said man does have free will
    $1000 15
It took a revolution in 1911 to unseat this Mexican pres. who'd held power for more than 3 decades

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Frank Erik Larry
$5,400 $10,400 $6,300

Final Jeopardy! Round

The 2 countries that became independent on Aug. 14 & 15, 1947

Final scores:

Frank Erik Larry
$101 $8,199 $12,600
3rd place: $5,000 2nd place: $5,000 Finalist

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Frank Erik Larry
$5,400 $10,400 $5,800
15 R,
1 W
26 R,
1 W
17 R
(including 3 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $21,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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