Suggest correction - #8437 - 2021-07-06

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    $1000 17
The USA's oldest continuously operating one, this building has linked Hinsdale, N.H. with the world since it opened in 1816

Show #8437 - Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Courtney Shah game 7.
Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to Odyssey Atlanta.


Laura Hatcher, a communications consultant from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Alex Stubblefield, a Ph.D. candidate in economics from Montgomery, Texas

Courtney Shah, a community college instructor from Portland, Oregon (6-day champion whose cash winnings total $96,958)

Jeopardy! Round

(Sanjay: The only vowels in each response are gonna be 2 "I"s.)
    $200 16
This hero of a folk ballad says, "If I can't beat this steam drill down, I'll die with this hammer in my hand!"
    $200 21
The Ecuador-born artist known as Lady Pink became famous for painting on these transports in New York City, 1979-1985
    $200 26
This country's Ravla Khempur stands in as "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel"
    $200 8
Just my luck--the North American yellow-bellied sapsucker is this kind of bird, & its noisy headbanging is keeping me up
    $200 1
It's the first name shared by bestselling authors Hoffman, Walker & Munro
    $200 2
It can mean a ghost or strong alcohol
    $400 20
El Yunque on this Caribbean island is the only tropical rain forest in the U.S. national forest system
    $400 22
Shepard Fairey got in a protracted lawsuit with the A.P. over a poster he created from a photo they took of this man
    $400 27
In "Lost in Translation" , Bill Murray meets Scarlett Johansson high above this city in the Park Hyatt Hotel
    $400 9
I'm trying to catch some ZZZs, but this feature on my alarm clock keeps telling me to wake up every 10 minutes
    $400 4
Katharine Lee Bates was inspired to write the words to this patriotic anthem after climbing Pikes Peak
    $400 6
Save me some of this! Another word for cake frosting
    $600 19
Santa Monica's Pacific Park has a taco stand punningly named "Whac-a-" this 2-syllable Mexican sauce
    $600 23
The foundation started by street artist Keith Haring seeks to promote awareness of this illness that Keith died of in 1990
    $600 28
This iconic San Diego hotel was a setting for "Some Like It Hot"
    $600 10
I took too many NoDoz, an oral tablet of this alkaloid, & now there's no sleep for me
    $600 5
Journalist Maurine Dallas Watkins covered 1920s murder trials & wrote this play about Roxie & Velma that became a musical
    $600 14
A period of intentionally staying awake to keep watch or to pray
    DD: $1,000 18
Unusually, one building of the Tug Valley Chamber of Commerce in West Virginia is made of this flammable mineral
    $800 24
Cities around the globe have pixel-style street art by Invader, whose name is inspired by this 1970s arcade game
    $800 29
Macaulay Culkin cons his way into a room at the Plaza Hotel in this sequel
    $800 11
Machines making this "colorful" sound have been helping folks sleep since 1962, but mine isn't blocking out the jackhammers
    $800 7
Her husband Scott told an editor not to praise her novel "Save Me the Waltz" too highly, as it would not be good for her mental state
    $800 15
The Egyptian god Thoth was often depicted with the head of this bird
    $1000 17
The USA's oldest continuously operating one, this building has linked Hinsdale, N.H. with the world since it opened in 1816
    $1000 25
This hip-hop artist got his 3-word name from his association with the Brooklyn street art crew the Fabulous 5
    $1000 30
The secluded mansion where android Alicia Vikander is held captive in this movie is really Norway's Juvet Landscape Hotel
    $1000 12
I'd love to get some shut-eye but these "equine" muscle spasms in my legs don't help, nor do my cries of agony
    $1000 13
This activist & poet wrote "The New Colossus" to help raise money for the Statue of Liberty's pedestal
    $1000 3
After my bagpipes solo, I really had reason to say the catchphrase "everyone's a" this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Courtney Alex Laura
$5,200 $600 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Courtney Alex Laura
$7,600 $2,600 $1,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 3
In an 1843 speech Henry Garnet told slaves to consider "the shedding of" this for freedom; Frederick Douglass disagreed
    $400 8
As a noun, it's a monetary penalty paid to a court; as an adjective, it describes a pleasing look
    $400 1
The spleen & the thymus are part of the lymphatic system & this disease-fighting system
    $400 17
In Spanish churches, besamanos & besapiƩs are the customs of kissing these 2 parts of religious statues
    $400 11
Carnival in Rio takes place just before this holy season, a period of fasting before Easter
    $400 13
This Doors frontman was "the Lizard King" as well as "Mr. Mojo Risin"', an anagram of his name
    $800 4
Dave the Potter engraved his work with poetry but not in part of the 1840s when this ability was extra dangerous for the enslaved
    $800 9
Attractive, like Roy Orbison's "Woman"
    $800 2
Sometimes done to treat cysts, an oophorectomy is the removal of this body part
    $800 30
Kissing this at a castle in County Cork will get you the gift of gab, or so they say
    $800 12
A Halloween tradition began in 1950 when trick-or-treaters in Philadelphia sent $17 to this organization
    $800 14
Smokey Robinson said this "Let's Get It On" singer's Motown nickname was "Dad" because he "used to walk like an old man"
    $1200 5
The first African American to fight in this corps, John Martin helped capture 5 ships in a Revolutionary War attack
    $1200 10
It's the "D" word often found preceding "tones" regarding a melodious voice
    $1200 26
This ligament, the ACL for short, prevents the tibia from moving too far forward when the leg is bent
    $1200 19
In the 1930s newly single women were known to kiss the Washoe County courthouse pillars in this divorce-friendly Nevada city
    $1200 23
The Feast of St. Stephen, called Boxing Day in Commonwealth countries, is observed on this date
    $1200 15
The legendary Jerry Lee Lewis has this lethal nickname
    $1600 6
In 1838, 272 slaves were sold to keep this D.C. Jesuit U. going; now a building is named for one of them, Isaac Hawkins
    $1600 24
Tall & shapely, resembling a marble artwork
    $1600 27
These wrist bones border a tunnel, through which a nerve runs
    DD: $4,000 18
In this French pilgrimage city, many have kissed the stone in the cave where St. Bernadette had her vision
    $1600 22
In Canada a royal birthday is celebrated on this day, the Monday preceding May 25
    $1600 16
This "Solitary Man" who's rocked many a jumpsuit is also known as "The Jewish Elvis"
    $2000 7
Richard Allen was honored on a 2016 stamp, 200 years after he founded the church commonly known by these three initials
    $2000 25
This Spanish word for really beautiful can end in -mo or -ma; the Italian word sounds the same
    DD: $5,000 28
The "dur" in epidural refers to this 2-word tough lining of the spinal cord & the brain
    $2000 29
It's traditional at this venerable state university to streak across the space known as the Lawn & kiss the Homer statue
    $2000 21
In 1996 the NYC parade for this fall day was down to 15 blocks & a few spectators; in 2009 30,000 participants marched 34 blocks
    $2000 20
This Led Zeppelin drummer & wild man was "Bonzo"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Courtney Alex Laura
$17,600 $2,600 $800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In 2019 this public university attempted to trademark the word "the" for use on clothing & hats

Final scores:

Courtney Alex Laura
$21,600 $3,599 $800
7-day champion: $118,558 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Courtney Alex Laura
$17,600 $7,600 $5,800
21 R,
0 W
15 R,
4 W
(including 2 DDs)
10 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $31,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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