Suggest correction - #8405 - 2021-05-21

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    $200 26
A forerunner of General Mills created this persona to answer questions about baking & an icon was born

Show #8405 - Friday, May 21, 2021

2021 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 5.
Included a short tribute to Brayden Smith following the Jeopardy! Round.


Veronica Vichit-Vadakan, a librarian from Portland, Oregon

Andy Wood, a writer originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan

Sam Kavanaugh, a substitute teacher originally from Carlton, Minnesota

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 28
Earl Scheib started making money painting these in the 1930s at the corner of Whitworth & Fairfax in Los Angeles
    $200 30
In the U.S. the area you play soccer on is a field, but the Brits call it this, also a verb
    $200 29
Meaning "in place of", this prefix is found in front of "roy" & "principal"
    $200 22
A makeshift graveyard in the woods near Ludlow, Maine
    $200 27
The title of this 1970s series refers to a wealthy guy on speakerphone & the 3 women who work as detectives for him
    $200 26
A forerunner of General Mills created this persona to answer questions about baking & an icon was born
    $400 23
Matte, satin & eggshell are types of this, one vowel sound different from "shine"
    $400 24
Kids in this country learn to draw their homeland as a 6-sided figure, so the nickname "l'Hexagone" makes sense
    $400 20
When spelled with an "E" at the end, this 4-letter prefix means "before"; with an "I" at the end, it means "opposite"
    $400 21
The Cambers' Saint Bernard
    $400 15
This actor drove the Knight Industries Two Thousand--KITT, for short--before heading for the beach in 1989
    $400 25
Here's this man being sworn in as Chief Justice of the United States, his greatest ambition
    $600 3
This brand founded in 1907 says it's the legacy of a paint-making process devised in 16th century Holland
    $600 7
Due to its conservative leanings, Britain's daily telegraph is sometimes called the Daily this -graph
    $600 19
"Vivi-" derives from a word meaning this in Latin, so vivisepulture means burying something that way
    $600 10
A 1958 Plymouth Fury
    $600 14
Barbara Eden could literally grant Larry Hagman any wish he could think of in this 1960s sitcom... but he wouldn't let her!
    $600 16
During an Armistice Day ceremony on this date, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was dedicated at Arlington
    $800 2
You can make good money if you're up for climbing 600-foot towers of this bridge over the Hudson to keep it looking good
    $800 6
The supercilia are these body parts that you may raise to appear supercilious
    DD: $1,000 11
Originally attached to a word that ended "-netic", this 5-letter prefix now fronts words dealing with futuristic concepts
    $800 9
A small area of Johnny Smith's brain that has been damaged
    $800 12
In 1980 Tom Hanks came aboard this ABC show as Rick Martin; hope he tipped Isaac the bartender well
    $800 17
Alexander I became ruler of the kingdom of Serbs, Croats & Slovenes, which would soon be renamed this
    $1000 1
Antifouling paint for boat bottoms helps repel these sticky organisms known as "crusty foulers"
    $1000 5
Originally known as St. Ann's Valley, a San Francisco neighborhood eventually got this meatier moniker
    $1000 4
It's a little confusing, but the fifth book of the Bible begins with this prefix meaning "second"
    $1000 8
The name of a shop in Castle Rock where you find the object of your dreams
    $1000 13
Robert Downey Jr. told this lawyer played by Calista Flockhart: "If you need a sympathetic ear, I can fake it"
    $1000 18
2 women from a literary magazine were tried & fined $50 each for publishing excerpts from this "improper" James Joyce novel

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sam Andy Veronica
$1,400 $5,200 $3,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Andy Veronica
$2,000 $7,000 $6,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Buzzy: You'll name the actress.)
    $400 22
"Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend"
    $400 20
It's on the eastern part of Hispaniola
    $400 30
One of the least-liked words from business jargon is this overused "syn"onym for cooperation
    $400 29
It's one over par on a golf hole, sweetheart
    $400 28
A bull & Pasiphae were the parents of this mythical monster of Crete
    $400 27
The pain is instant & severe with a rupture of this type of tissue that connects muscle to bone
    $800 21
"And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going"
    $800 19
The official title of its king is "Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques"
    $800 23
In basketball this 5-letter word means to turn while keeping one foot on the floor; in business it means "change direction"
    $800 24
This kind of rodent departs his burrow to make an annual weather prediction in Pennsylvania
    $800 25
She was Orpheus' wife
    $800 26
Signs of this inflammatory infection include painful blisters in the throat & difficulty swallowing
    $1200 6
2005: "Wildwood Flower" & "Jackson" (with an assist from Joaquin Phoenix)
    $1200 18
Residents of this West African country are known as Burkinabe
    $1200 14
Cherry-picking is similar to plucking this, meaning do easy tasks with the big rewards first; you reach for the higher stuff later
    $1200 17
General Patton said that for a soldier to dig this is to dig his own grave
    DD: $4,000 4
Bellerophon tamed this creature & rode it in his fight with the Chimera
    $1200 10
Painful muscular spasms of the jaw are common in this bacterial disease whose symptoms include stiffness of the jaw
    $1600 7
"Cups", a cappella with an actual cup
    $1600 1
It's the southernmost 2-named country in Central America
    $1600 15
Sheryl Sandberg used this phrase as a book title; others use it to mean "give the appearance of seeming interested"
    $1600 13
Seen here is an early 20th century machine for this, which the U.S. Postal Service began doing in 1857
    $1600 3
A psychological complex is named for this sister of Orestes
    $1600 9
When caused by heart or lung disease, chest pain can accompany this, a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute
    $2000 8
"Witch's Lament", written by Stephen Sondheim
    DD: $3,600 2
Population 52 million, it has twice the people but 20 times the per capita GDP of its neighbor to the north
    $2000 16
I don't have this, actually a measure of data transmission, to take on that project
    $2000 11
Check out the view of Jackson Hole, a valley in the heart of this national park in Wyoming
    $2000 12
For his ninth labor, Hercules had to obtain the girdle of this queen of the Amazons
    $2000 5
This disorder often caused by eating undercooked pork can cause joint pain & painful breathing

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sam Andy Veronica
$20,400 $7,400 $22,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

The year before his 1809 birth, his parents acted in "King Lear", leading scholars to believe he was named for a "Lear" character

Final scores:

Sam Andy Veronica
$22,801 $100 $22,460
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $5,000 if eliminated 2nd place: $5,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sam Andy Veronica
$16,000 $7,400 $22,600
18 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
15 R,
2 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $46,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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