Suggest correction - #8398 - 2021-05-12

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    $800 6
A 1974 march for tuba by Luciano Michelini became the circusy-sounding theme to this HBO comedy

Show #8398 - Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to Media Fellowship House.


Dave Friedlander, a freelancer originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Amanda Ganske, a product marketing manager from Austin, Texas

Jeff Mitchum, a teacher from Dixon, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $31,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
Orange juice tastes awful after brushing because sodium lauryl sulfate in this product suppresses sweet receptors
    $200 22
"Attack of the 50 ____ Cheerleader"
    $200 25
This reading system for the blind began as a challenge by Napoleon to find a way for soldiers to communicate silently in the dark
    $200 4
The Sahara Desert derives its name from an Arabic word meaning this
    $200 14
Between 1858 & 1872 he Dane-d to give us "New Fairy Tales and Stories"
    $200 12
It's the total number of "S"es in the name of "The Magnolia State"
    $400 18
The reduction of salivary flow during sleep is the main culprit for this form of waking halitosis
    $400 23
"8 ____",
featuring music
    $400 17
Napoleon's conquests spread this measurement system through Europe
    $400 5
Born John Rogers Stephens, in 2018 he released his first holiday album, "A Legendary Christmas"
    $400 8
In 1882 she finished the 6th volume of "Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag"
    $400 13
These 2 letters are between M & F in a word from the French for the use of disguise in the military
    $600 19
A new mixing valve in this could be the key to preventing scalding due to an ill-timed toilet flush
    $600 1
featuring Nic Cage
    DD: $3,600 21
Baron Larrey, Napoleon's chief surgeon, is credited with pioneering this type of medical service, from French for "walking"
    $600 6
The ocean that surrounds Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere goes by these 2 alternate names
    $600 9
He named Ford Prefect after "the rather oddly named little car", but "many thought it was a typing error for perfect"
    $600 26
Here's a colonel of truth--"colonel" ain't spelled right in that phrase; please spell out this homophone, the gist of an idea
    $800 20
Toxins called congeners in your booze are a reason this condition also called wine flu is worse with certain drinks
    $800 2
"Hedwig &
the ____ ____"
    $800 29
In 1804 Napoleon standardized all the laws of France, resulting in a civil code still used in places like this Canadian province
    $800 7
In summer 2019 singles looking for love hooked up on the island of Fiji for season 1 of this series based on a British show
    $800 10
Last name of Kingsley, the creator of "Lucky Jim" in 1954, & his son Martin, who found "Success" in 1978
    $800 27
It's the number of vowels in the instrument seen here
    $1000 24
Lacrimal gland production is lowest during sleep, so this rhyming disorder is often worse when waking
    $1000 3
"The Beast from
20,000 ____"
    $1000 30
Egyptology began with Napoleon's 1798 invasion of Egypt & the discovery of this stone, a key to language translation
    $1000 15
A 2016 Forever stamp marked the 250th anniversary of the repeal of this act
    $1000 11
"De amor y de sombra", "Of Love & Shadows", is a 1984 novel by this Chilean-American author
    $1000 28
It's the missing letter in "ouvre", describing an artist's lifetime body of work

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 14):

Jeff Amanda Dave
$4,600 $600 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Amanda Dave
$4,000 $4,000 $5,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 15
Music Tim Carleton wrote at age 16 was used by phone maker Cisco & has been heard by millions as this--your call is important to us
    $400 3
This term for the loan agreement to purchase a dwelling comes from Old French for "dead wage"
    $400 22
Jesus said this man will deny him three times before the cock crows twice; here, he is in shame after that comes true
    $400 21
This country definitely uses the most U's in the spelling of its name
    $400 9
In 1908 the first of these Ford models rolled out of a plant in Detroit
    $400 20
Immigrants brought the first of this type of drum to the U.S. from China in the 1800s
    $800 6
A 1974 march for tuba by Luciano Michelini became the circusy-sounding theme to this HBO comedy
    $800 2
Cowboy vocabulary from Spanish includes stockade & this other word for an enclosure for horses or cattle
    $800 23
You may have heard of one of these that laid golden eggs; Buddha told of how, in a former life, he was one with golden feathers
    $800 27
This country has the Gulf of Bothnia to its west & a gulf named for it to its south
    $800 11
Thomas Jefferson used this game board as a model for city planning with every other block left open
    $800 16
Only a dental professional can truly remove this mineral deposit also called calculus that forms along & under the gumline
    $1200 7
Known as "The Bong", the 5-note theme for this chip maker "Inside" a lot of computers was composed in 1994 by Walter Werzowa
    $1200 1
Transparent is from the Latin for "appear through"; this word meaning almost the same is from the Latin for "shine through"
    $1200 24
In the Koran a bird that could speak told this "wise" king & prophet it had come from Sheba with tidings
    $1200 28
In 2006 Evo Morales, a member of the Aymara people, became the first indigenous president of this South American country
    $1200 12
Nevada has a monument to this 1860s mail service, near the site where horses & riders fueled up before heading further west
    $1200 17
We'll string you along & say you can "walk the dog" with this item that dates back to the 400s B.C.
    $1600 8
BJ Leiderman wrote themes for NPR programs like "Morning Edition" & this Saturday & Sunday counterpart
    $1600 4
Italian for "stalk" or "stump", it's the trunk of the human body
    $1600 25
In one of his most famous sermons, this Italian saint told his bird buddies they have an obligation to praise their creator
    $1600 29
Istria & Dalmatia are regions of this Balkan country
    DD: $4,000 13
In the 1850s Chief Oshkosh stopped a U.S. attempt to move the Menominee people westward from this state
    $1600 18
A fish with this Hawaiian name weighing 72.8 pounds was caught off Maryland in 2019
    $2000 10
Adam Schlesinger of this "Stacy's Mom" band also composed 157 songs for TV's "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend"
    $2000 5
Persian for perfume gave us this word for a fragrant essential oil "of roses"
    DD: $1,000 26
The guru Granth Sahib of this faith uses birds like the flamingo & crane to draw parallels between man & the divine
    $2000 30
This small Transcaucasian country is believed to be the first to adopt Christianity as a state religion, in 301
    $2000 14
In 1853 this 14th president was not sworn in--he was affirmed on a Bible
    $2000 19
In this fairy-tale-influenced Gregory Maguire novel, the vain stepmother is Lucrezia Borgia

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Jeff Amanda Dave
$3,200 $11,400 $6,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

The theme of Seattle's 1962 World's Fair was "Man in the" this era

Final scores:

Jeff Amanda Dave
$6,395 $14,000 $600
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $14,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Jeff Amanda Dave
$10,800 $12,400 $6,600
20 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
19 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $29,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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