Suggest correction - #8392 - 2021-05-04

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    $1200 23
This British force, which unlike the USA's is just one word, was founded in 1822 as 3 anti-smuggling services merged

Show #8392 - Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Emily Sands game 4.
Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to Media Fellowship House.


Brittany Eltman, a baker from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Hanna Howard, an editor from New York, New York

Emily Sands, a vice president of operations from Chanhassen, Minnesota (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $73,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Continuing the alliteration, it follows "ding-dong" in a kid's prank that involves ringing a doorbell & running away
    $200 11
In this Grimm Brothers tale, the wicked witch met her end after being pushed into an oven
    $200 13
British & German troops traded gifts & even played soccer between the trenches during the Christmas truce of this first year of World War I
    $200 20
Look, nothing's written in this--well, the tablet of Assyrian King Tukulti-Ninurta from the 1200s B.C. is
    $200 4
She closed out the 2021 inauguration celebration by singing "Firework" as fireworks shot across the sky
    $200 30
Spurious synonym
(4 letters)
    $400 2
"Ding dong", it's this company "calling"; how about some lipstick or other cosmetic?
    $400 17
In a Roald Dahl book, the title witches get "smashed and bashed and chopped up" after being turned into these creatures
    $400 14
No countries signed the 1953 armistice ending the Korean War--only generals representing North Korea & this intl. organization
    $400 21
The high-end Oasis in this brand of e-readers has a glass rather than a plastic screen
    $400 5
Suites based on shows like "Adventure Time" & "Ben 10" are at the hotel named for this network
    $400 23
An Armada
(5 letters)
    $600 3
In a song from this musical, "We go together like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong"
    $600 18
Agnes Nutter, a 17th century witch whose predictions are central to the plot in "Good Omens", gets punished in this predictable way
    $600 16
Fighting was forbidden during weekends & religious festivals according to the medieval Treuga Dei, or Truce of this
    $600 28
The nearly translucent paper called this kind of "skin" was once popular for air mail, where every ounce counted
    $600 6
To promote his album "The Life of Pablo", this rapper opened a series of pop-up stores around the world
    $600 9
Countertop laminate, 1960s style
(7 letters)
    $800 15
Ding Dongs are individually wrapped chocolate cakes from this company
    $800 19
The White Witch Jadis was killed in battle by this character who appeared to be dead a short time before
    $800 22
A 1949 ceasefire brought an end (for a while) to a war between India & Pakistan over this territory
    DD: $3,800 25
Combine 2 words in the New York Times' slogan & get the name of this light, pulpy paper it comes on
    $800 8
An industrious raccoon named Tom Nook runs the in-game business in this Nintendo game: "New Horizons"
    $800 10
A vestibule (5 letters)
    $1000 29
Judy Garland's "Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead" surged on U.K. iTunes after this former prime minister passed away
    $1000 27
A death eater & dark witch, Bellatrix Lestrange killed Dobby before being killed herself by Molly Weasley in this book
    $1000 24
The 12 years' Truce of 1609 to 1621 interrupted the Netherlands' lengthy struggle with this country
    $1000 26
A version of the Book of the Dead, including a hymn to Ra, is called the this plant material "of Ani"
    $1000 7
Mobster & assassin Frank Sheeran is the title character of this 2019 Martin Scorsese mob epic
    $1000 12
A Davenport or a lowboy, for example (9 letters)

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Emily Hanna Brittany
$1,400 $2,200 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Emily Hanna Brittany
$8,200 $6,000 $5,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 21
After being cast adrift by the rebellious crew of the Bounty, this captain & his men eventually made it to Indonesia
    $400 3
For a study on space & the aging process, he went back into space in 1998, 36 years after his first trip
    $400 19
Denmark connects to continental Europe through its 42-mile border with this other 7-letter country
    $400 6
This 10-letter term for a mix of rock & roll & country was likely coined to describe the music of Elvis Presley
    $400 9
Benedict XVI expressed admiration for Piotr Adamczyk's portrayal of this man in "Karol, a Man Who Became Pope"
    $800 22
The boat in which he & companions made an epic 800-mile Antarctic journey in 1916 is now at his alma mater, Dulwich College
    $800 4
He was named the Canadian Press' Newsmaker of the Year every year from 1968 to 1975
    $800 18
First found in Nigeria in 1956, it's the nation's most important source of government revenue
    $800 1
The polka-influenced waila music of Arizona Native Americans is also known by this poultry term for bad handwriting
    $800 10
This actor has tremendous range, from TV's Dan Conner to Pope Sergius in the 2009 film "Pope Joan"
    $800 26
It's a homophone of a song such as "Abide With Me"
    $1200 23
This British force, which unlike the USA's is just one word, was founded in 1822 as 3 anti-smuggling services merged
    $1200 5
When this Girl Scouts founder died in 1927, she was buried in her uniform, as per her request
    $1200 17
Smaller islands under the jurisdiction of this island country include Lyudao & Quemoy
    $1200 2
At the beginning of the 20th century, jazz flourished in Storyville, the red light district of this southern city
    DD: $4,000 11
In "The Agony & the Ecstasy" Rex Harrison played Pope Julius II taking on Charlton Heston as this artist
    $1200 20
In 2019 singer Sam Smith announced, "I am changing my pronouns to" this genderless pair
    $1600 24
In 2010 Philip Beale sailed around Africa in a replica of a vessel used by this renowned ancient seafaring people
    $1600 7
In 1967 this South African surgeon led a team in performing the world's first human heart transplant
    DD: $6,200 15
The longest river in Ireland, it flows 220 miles to reach the Atlantic Ocean near Limerick
    $1600 13
The Grammys' American Roots music field includes album awards for blues, folk & this Kentucky-named music
    $1600 12
In 2003 Bob Hoskins was "The Good Pope", this name XXIII, who served from 1958 to 1963
    $1600 27
It's the last word of "O Canada"
    $2000 25
A boating area on the the Thames gave Kenneth Grahame childhood memories he used in this book about Rat & Mole
    $2000 8
In 1970 this pair followed up "Human Sexual Response" with "Human Sexual Inadequacy"
    $2000 16
Like its neighbor to the north Rwanda, this landlocked country is home to Hutus & Tutsis
    $2000 14
A type of choral music is called this-note singing, where the notes are printed as ovals, triangles, diamonds & rectangles
    $2000 28
In an epic move, Odysseus gave this as his name when asked by the Cyclops

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Emily Hanna Brittany
$5,200 $20,800 $2,200
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

This 1970s memoir told of harsh places that metaphorically were like an island chain "from the Bering Strait almost to the Bosporus"

Final scores:

Emily Hanna Brittany
$5,999 $20,600 $0
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $20,600 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Emily Hanna Brittany
$8,400 $18,000 $2,200
20 R
(including 1 DD),
5 W
(including 1 DD)
18 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
10 R,
2 W

Combined Coryat: $28,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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