Suggest correction - #8384 - 2021-04-22

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    $400 22
A prince & an actress, they met on a 2016 blind date, set up by Violet von Westenholz, daughter of a baron

Show #8384 - Thursday, April 22, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to Hospital Albert Schweitzer in Haiti.


Kelly Donohue, a bank examiner from Winthrop, Massachusetts

Monica St. Dennis, a librarian from Alexandria, Virginia

Mike Nelson, an actor originally from Chesterton, Indiana (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $55,000)

Jeopardy! Round

(Anderson: The series premieres today on Disney+.)
    $200 9
Jersey & Guernsey are in this group named for its location between England & France
    $200 19
Nudist Priest: Truly naked to the world
    $200 8
The keffiyeh is worn by Arabs on this body part; it's believed the red-&-white check ones began as a Marxist symbol
    $200 4
Bisque de homard, creamy French bisque made with these crustaceans of the spiny variety
    $200 21
John Krasinski took this actress to a shooting range
    $200 26
After a long trip from warmer climes, mom shows baby how to score some krill, expertly employing bubble nets off this continent's coast
    $400 10
Rabbit Island & Sea Lion Island are in this disputed South American group
    $400 15
Joy Revision
    $400 16
A song of farewell to Italy's capital is titled this word, "Roma"
    $400 5
Steak tartare, meaning served this way, presented with an egg yolk on top
    $400 22
A prince & an actress, they met on a 2016 blind date, set up by Violet von Westenholz, daughter of a baron
    $400 27
Australia's humpback highway has whales splashing their position to attract mates; breaching is perhaps part of this procreative ritual
    $600 11
You can horse or pony around on scenic Fetlar in this Scottish group
    $600 14
The Fillers: You know you gotta help me out
    $600 17
This Turkish word is a synonym for destiny or fate
    $600 6
This Spanish-named dish named for its two main ingredients
    $600 23
The movie "Southside with You" chronicles the 1989 first date of this later to be famous couple
    $600 28
Belugas get a spa day at a secret site off Canada's coast; traveling far to use rocks there & do this, shed the surface of old skin
    $800 12
Grand this, Little this & this Brac make up a Caribbean island group
    $800 2
Still Collins: Doing tunes by the man as a solo act & also his band, & we need both, please
    $800 18
Ballet & French give us this phrase that means "step of two"
    $800 7
For a lighter lunch, try the Thai salad som tam, which makes good use of this oval, melon-like tropical fruit
    $800 24
This kung fu legend flipped future wife Linda over his shoulder onto the ground, then asked, "Want to go to the Space Needle?"
    $800 29
These whales in New Zealand know a trick for hunting rays, flipping them upside down, puts them to sleep, then its family meal time
    DD: $1,000 13
Display your wisdom & name this South Pacific chain that includes Santa Isabel & Vella Lavella
    $1000 1
Unforgettable Fire, featuring its own Edge & Larry
    $1000 20
Add an A to a similar English word to get this Greek word for the type of small restaurant advertised here
    $1000 3
For dessert enjoy some amaretti cookies, made with these nuts
    $1000 25
Possible first date chat, 1928--Anne: Nice car. Him: Oh, thanks, it's an Airman. The company named the model in my honor
    $1000 30
Apart from its pod, a young sperm whale plays hide-and-seek with a photographer in these weeds that give an Atlantic sea its name

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Mike Monica Kelly
$1,600 $1,600 $2,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mike Monica Kelly
$4,800 $3,800 $3,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 26
This show premiered on Oct. 5, 2000 with Rory getting into Chilton Prep
    $400 1
Your most vulnerable area, it resulted in myth from a mother incompletely dipping her son in the Styx
    $400 2
NFL defensive end Justin James
    $400 13
This heroine's seduction by Alec d'Urberville begins a tailspin that leads to a job picking rutabagas
    $400 12
It was at the insistence of Louis Wadsworth, an 1850s first baseman, that baseball games got this length
    $400 7
During the Peloponnesian War, a plague killed 1/5 of this city; Thucydides survived it to write the war's history
    DD: $5,000 27
In Chicago, a 19th century kaleidoscope was one of the title artifacts on this PBS show's first episode in 1997
    $800 18
To open this container is to unleash untold problems, as happened with a gift Zeus gave
    $800 3
Architect Ieoh Ming
    $800 14
"A Painted House", his first novel that wasn't a legal thriller, is set in 1952 among people who pick cotton
    $800 22
Fast to dial & not an area code--those are the basic rationales for this 3-digit number introduced in 1968
    $800 8
Named for British Major James Abbott, this Pakistani city was in the news in 2011 as the last residence of Osama bin Laden
    $1200 28
In 2014 Wes Gibbins began taking a law course on this ABC drama; also during the episode, the students were disposing of a body
    DD: $2,500 19
Meaning a very beautiful woman, this idiom refers to the fleet that went to war after Helen's abduction
    $1200 4
Financier John Pierpont, whose company merged with Chase Manhattan
    $1200 15
The ballet "Giselle" features a "Marche des vignerons", or these pickers' march
    $1200 23
A standard dose of this medication was once 325 mg,, so a common preventive dose is 1/4 of that or 81 mg
    $1200 9
Cleopatra & Mark Antony fought a doomed naval battle against Octavian at this Greek promontory
    $1600 29
An aspiring journalist named Augie kicks off our tour of this actress' "Love Life" in a 2020 HBO Max show
    $1600 20
Being "under the Aegis" of someone comes from being protected by the breastplate of this goddess
    $1600 5
Author Howard Phillips
    $1600 16
Picking these is depicted in Jane Hamilton's "The Excellent Lombards", in which the trendy Honeycrisp is taking over
    $1600 24
At one point someone counted this many palm trees, hence the name of the city where Joshua Tree National Park is headquartered
    $1600 10
Legend says Charlemagne caught a fatal fever aafter bathing in the hot springs aat this city in 814
    $2000 30
This series begins with a man getting himself put in the Fox River Penitentiary so he can get his brother out
    $2000 21
You could face serious trouble at any moment if, like a courtier of ancient Syracuse, you have this hanging over you
    $2000 6
British soldier Thomas Edward
    $2000 17
A story by Brian Friel begins as boys on their way to gather these are "the only living things in that part of County Tyrone"
    $2000 25
This long black robe worn by priests traditionally has 33 buttons for Christ's age & 5 on each sleeve for his wounds
    $2000 11
Au jus is a way to serve meat; this is a similar-sounding region won by France from England in the early 1200s

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mike Monica Kelly
$9,900 $13,400 $18,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea & Somalia make up this region named for its resemblance to a part of a native animal

Final scores:

Mike Monica Kelly
$13,401 $26,400 $26,801
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $26,801

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mike Monica Kelly
$13,400 $13,400 $13,800
19 R,
5 W
(including 2 DDs)
14 R,
0 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $40,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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