Suggest correction - #8378 - 2021-04-14

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    $1600 24
Adlai Stevenson said this first lady "would rather light candles than curse the darkness & her glow had warmed the world"

Show #8378 - Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to the North Valley Community Foundation.


Patrick Hume, a project manager originally from Stoneham, Massachusetts

Kari Stadem, a retired homeschooler from Willmar, Minnesota

Erick Loh, a pastor from Northridge, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $21,000)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 16
The new Progressive Party on this island wants it to become a U.S. state
    $200 1
In poker it's commonly used as a wild card
    $200 6
"Stranger in a Strange Land" refers to this leader exiled in Exodus; his son's name means "stranger there"
    $200 26
"P" is for these colorful plastic lawn avians, also the title of a John Waters film
    $200 11
This mythic guy used a gold-tipped arrow to inspire love; a lead-tipped one had the opposite reaction
    $200 19
A sign outside Los Angeles' busiest airport spells this word meaning not so strict
    $400 17
The 3 major island groups of the Caribbean are the Bahamas & the "Greater" & "Lesser" these
    $400 2
The Adelie is a medium-sized one
    $400 7
Faulkner's novel "Absalom, Absalom!" bears the name of a tragically rebellious offspring of this biblical king
    $400 27
"B" is for this lovely grass named for a British island territory in the Atlantic; it grows well in your front yard
    $400 12
The Ucayali river joins the Marañón to form this river whose length equals the distance from New York City to Rome
    $400 20
This word for something impartial is also used in storybooks to describe a beautiful princess
    $600 18
A rum-producing district in eastern Cuba lends its name to this cocktail of rum, lime juice & sugar
    $600 3
In the movies he sings "If I Only Had A Brain"
    $600 8
Cain ended up living in Nod, which Genesis says is here, giving this Steinbeck novel its title
    $600 28
"D" is for lawns known as this "resistant"; fescues are good when there's not that much water
    $600 13
Though income tax was temporarily abolished 10 years after this agency was born, it stuck around to collect other monies
    $600 23
As an adjective, this word describes a reddish-brown horse; as a noun, a large body of water
    $800 21
Norman Island in this British archipelago is said to have inspired "Treasure Island"
    $800 4
What Humpty Dumpty is--literally, that is, not because of his smarts
    DD: $1,000 9
Translating the name of a Philistine god mentioned in 2 Kings gives this 1954 novel about castaways its title
    $800 29
"T" is for this lattice construction that allows your plants to climb above your lawn
    $800 14
This British physician helped establish a medical school but is much better remembered for compiling a thesaurus
    $800 24
This adjective means strong & healthy; it can also describe good advice or fit judgment
    $1000 22
The Caribbean Sea's greatest depth, about 25,000 feet, is in this trench bearing the name of a crocodilian
    $1000 5
Its scientific name is Toxicodendron radicans
    $1000 10
This Philip K. Dick sci-fi novel title is a twist on "Through a Glass Darkly", from Paul's letter to the Corinthians
    $1000 30
"A" is for this quality of your pitiful lawn; it means your soil is "deficient in oxygen"
    $1000 15
This 5-letter word is a type of black tea; when preceded by orange, it's a reference to the leaves, not the flavor
    $1000 25
It can mean rapid, or a bird known for its rapid movement

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Erick Kari Patrick
$2,000 $2,800 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Erick Kari Patrick
$2,600 $5,800 $5,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 5
In 2020 the MTV Movie & TV Awards honored this "Halloween" actress as the greatest scream queen of all time
    $400 16
Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! The herald with this 2-word job announced important news & proclamations
    $400 1
Let's touch this, the bottom side of a plane figure
    $400 21
Thomas De Quincey wrote of "the divine pleasures of" a fireside in this season: "candles at four o'clock, warm hearth-rugs, tea"
    $400 11
It's the person leading a marching band, sometimes twirling a baton
    $400 26
An oxygen tank explosion on this mission in 1970 led to some tense days before the crew managed to get back to earth
    $800 6
With her mom Adrienne & daughter Willow, she hosts a web series called "Red Table Talk"
    $800 17
Oddly, the same person who performed minor surgeries once also had this job, joined with surgeon in the name of a guild
    $800 2
This 3-letter word is a piece of the circumference of a circle
    $800 22
In "Walden" he used a version of the saying "One who splits his own wood warms himself twice"
    $800 12
The Seattle Sounders are one of the 27 teams in this organization
    $800 27
The Patriots beat the Panthers, but her "wardrobe malfunction" at Super Bowl XXXVIII is what most people remember
    $1200 7
When he first rocked out to "Pink Houses" & "R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A.", he was using these 3 names
    $1200 18
In these 2 similarly named jobs, one ground grain into flour & the other, often a woman, made & sold clothes & hats
    $1200 3
A triangle with 2 equal sides is this type, from the Greek for "equal legged"
    $1200 23
She wrote to Abelard, "Now warm in love, now withering in my bloom, lost in a convent's solitary gloom!"
    $1200 13
This constellation containing the stars Adhara & Murzim is appropriately near Lepus, the hare
    $1200 28
After one group of scientists used kilograms & another used pounds, a probe sent to this planet in 1998 was lost in orbit
    $1600 8
Just a kid when he saw dead people in "The Sixth Sense", today, he's all grown up & still acting
    DD: $3,000 19
It wasn't just a purple color & flower, it was also a washerwoman
    $1600 4
A constant that multiplies a variable is a "co-" this
    $1600 24
Adlai Stevenson said this first lady "would rather light candles than curse the darkness & her glow had warmed the world"
    $1600 14
Until 1997 his official residence was 10 Downing Street
    DD: $3,000 29
In 1979 an automatic valve at this Pennsylvania facility failed to close, leading to damage to the core
    $2000 9
Married to Freddie Jr., she uses Prinze as her legal last name
    $2000 20
Like Bartleby in Melville's title, it was a clerk or copyist
    $2000 10
A vertical bar on each side of a number means to ignore any negative sign, giving the measure called this value
    $2000 25
In "Tam O'Shanter" he writes of a wife "gathering her brows like gathering storm, nursing her wrath to keep it warm"
    $2000 15
"Secretive" 2-word term for the 22 unsuited cards in a tarot deck
    $2000 30
This engineer's L.A. Aqueduct worked fine, but his St. Francis Dam north of the city collapsed in 1928, flooding Ventura County

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Erick Kari Patrick
$12,200 $7,800 $20,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

With 4,042 lines, it's Shakespeare's longest play & it's also the one that's been filmed the most

Final scores:

Erick Kari Patrick
$0 $3,800 $24,401
3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $24,401

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Erick Kari Patrick
$12,200 $7,600 $22,200
17 R,
2 W
13 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
23 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $42,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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