Suggest correction - #8368 - 2021-03-31

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    $2000 29
In 1989 after 3 terms as New Hampshire's governor, he became George H.W. Bush's Chief of Staff

Show #8368 - Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to HealthCorps.


Kevin Tanager, a pathologist originally from Chicago, Illinois

Emily Seaman, a law clerk from Houston, Texas

Bryce Hwang, a medical student from Santa Clara, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $68,600)

Jeopardy! Round

(Mehmet: Like if you were to refuse refuse.)
    $200 30
This painter's 1632 "Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp" shows Amsterdam's annual public autopsy, held in winter when the stench was less
    $200 13
Coat patterns like the one seen here from this animal can be as unique as fingerprints
    $200 28
A dash is about an eighth of this small spoonful
    $200 29
A tiny sixtieth of an hour
    $200 27
This star of "Trainwreck" wrote "The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo"
    $200 25
Somehow, shoppin' at Neiman Marcus for these trousers with a bib & shoulder straps don't feel right, but y'all can
    $400 26
Franz Marc saw divine simplicity in animals and gave his paintings simple titles like "Blue Horse", "White Bull", & this one
    $400 9
Not quite as ferocious as in legend, this South American river dweller has a name from Tupi for "tooth fish"
    $400 20
This ordinal amount of alcohol is approximately a pint & a half
    $400 17
A noisy quarrel in a line of audience seats
    $400 23
Randall Munroe's "What If?" answers, what if you hit a baseball pitched near this velocity? (about 671 million miles per hour)
    $400 24
Parts of this metal item include the yoke, which wraps around the heel, & the rowel, a revolving wheel
    $600 3
Unafraid to give another shout-out to a good idea, Edvard Munch did versions of this in 1893, 1895 & around 1910
    $600 6
Fish fear the paws of these big brown bears
    $600 8
At sea level, this is 212 degrees Fahrenheit, but it drops to 194 degrees at 10,000 feet
    $600 22
To bring forth a group of fruits & vegetables
    $600 14
This actress and stand-up comedienne is also the author of the book "The Last Black Unicorn"
    $600 19
Montana silversmiths makes these fasteners, about 3 by 4 inches, with mottos like "Don't fence me in" & "You ain't no cowboy"
    $800 21
This sir painted Lady Laura, Lady Maria & Lady Horatia Waldegrave in 1780
    $800 2
Honeybees use their mandibles to make their honeycomb cells, each of which ends up in this shape
    $800 10
Standard sizes of these are 8" to 10" in diameter & about 1" tall; deep dish ones can be 10" X 2" & hold more cups of fruit filling
    $800 7
The foremost metal mined from the ore galena
    $800 4
In 2017 this "Me Talk Pretty One Day" humorist opened his diaries for "Theft By Finding"
    $800 11
Ranch folk can try to live up to the name of this brand wearing its cowboy cut original fit jeans
    $1000 1
Sure, Monet did impressions--"Impression," this came in 1872, a port scene in the city of Le Havre
    $1000 5
From Greek words for "joint" & "foot", this phylum including insects & spiders contains the vast majority of animals
    $1000 16
This word for one component of a bulb of garlic can also mean 8 pounds of cheese
    $1000 12
An elementary school textbook's preparatory coat of paint
    DD: $2,000 15
His memoir "Riding the Elephant" ranges from growing up in Glasgow to hosting a late night American TV show
    $1000 18
Ranch hands get protection from the brush by wearing these seatless leather items over their pants

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Bryce Emily Kevin
-$2,800 $6,800 $3,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bryce Emily Kevin
-$800 $7,800 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mehmet: Like Sweeney.)
    $400 26
In 1680 Spaniards chased off by a revolt left these animals the Indians called "sacred dogs", changing native life forever
    $400 20
Unhappy being called "Junior", Harrison Ford has a preference but dad Sean Connery says, "We named the dog" this
    $400 27
This Cowboy retired in 2017 with the fourth-best career QB rating ever at 97.1
    $400 18
As well as the capital, Kingston is also the commercial & cultural center of this country
    $400 10
Comic actor & playwright Richard Tarlton also served as the favorite of these court fools for Queen Elizabeth I
    $400 16
Single-horned herbivore
    $800 23
In 1585 John White drew the Algonquian village of Secotan with indications of "newly sprung", "green" & "ripe" this crop
    $800 19
This 2016 movie is about a young African American named Chiron, whom we see as a young boy, as a teen & as a 20-something
    $800 22
Nelson Mandela made this holy man head of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission
    $800 17
When figure skater Sonja Henie was born in this city in 1912, it was still known as Christiania
    $800 9
Every character in Ben Jonson's "Volpone" is based on an animal; Corvino on a crow & Volpone on this canine
    $800 15
The banister of a staircase
    DD: $2,400 5
At Sitka in 1804 the Tlingit lost a crucial battle to these invaders they called the Anooshee
    $1200 3
The Razzies drew first blood in nominating this man for worst actor for his performance in "Rambo: Last Blood"
    $1200 11
This New York City newspaperman signed the bail bond of Jefferson Davis in 1867
    $1200 1
This capital of Belize starts with the same first 3 letters as the country
    $1200 7
In a "tragical" play by Marlowe, 2 scholars named Cornelius & Valdes teach Doctor this how to summon demons
    $1200 12
An insurgency
    $1600 4
In 1750 what's now this state had 300,000 Native Americans speaking 80 languages, with the Chumash the largest tribe
    $1600 21
As of 2021 the last film appearance of this movie "Angel" was in a 2014 version of "Annie"
    $1600 28
This man who died in Rome in 1680 was the creator of the Baroque style of sculpture
    $1600 6
This capital of Latvia is the most populous city of the Baltic states
    $1600 8
Richard Sheridan's 18th century comedies of manners include "The School for" this disgrace
    $1600 13
Contract addendum
    $2000 24
This Chiricahua Apache leader led a group that began fighting back against a forced move to Arizona in the 1870s
    $2000 30
This 1988 movie that was, let's say, reminiscent of "E.T." found a second life as Paul Rudd's go-to clip on "Conan"
    $2000 29
In 1989 after 3 terms as New Hampshire's governor, he became George H.W. Bush's Chief of Staff
    $2000 2
This city's Chapultepec Park is home to museums, a zoo & an amusement park
    DD: $6,000 25
This period of the returned monarchy featured plays known for bawdiness, like "The Country Wife"
    $2000 14
Cathedral crucifix

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bryce Emily Kevin
$16,800 $12,600 $16,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

After 9/11, designer Milton Glaser modified this iconic logo of his, adding a bruise & the words "More Than Ever"

Final scores:

Bryce Emily Kevin
$800 $8,400 $6,799
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $8,400 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bryce Emily Kevin
$12,800 $11,600 $14,800
16 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W
18 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $39,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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