Suggest correction - #8358 - 2021-03-17

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    $1600 13
USA Today called this Richard Preston bestseller about the Ebola virus "more terrifying than any sci-fi nightmare"

Show #8358 - Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Champion's winnings & consolation amounts matched to Pancreatic Cancer Dream Team from Stand Up to Cancer.


Anthony Jones, a certified financial planner from Falls Church, Virginia

Morgan Briles, a librarian from Nacogdoches, Texas

Brendan Sargent, a community organizer originally from Worcester, Massachusetts (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $7,600)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
It's when a term paper is supposed to be submitted or a baby is expected to be born
    $200 6
The young orphan protagonist in "Great Expectations" is known by this 3-letter name
    $200 1
Her characters on "Saturday Night Live" have included Oprah, Liza Minnelli & Kamala Harris
    $200 27
Puerto Rico & Cuba are known for light-bodied forms of this liquor; Jamaica goes heavier
    $200 21
In the 1960s this U.S. port city was the place where Haight became love & the Dead, Grateful
    $200 26
Starting in the 19th c., these agreements named for a Swiss city set humane norms for prisoners & noncombatants during wartime
    $400 10
This flower/body part mash-up describes a coward
    $400 7
"Dragonfly in Amber", a sequel to this novel, finds Claire back in the 1960s, seeking what happened to Jamie in the 1740s
    $400 2
This actor says Logan Roy, his character on "Succession", has become my evil twin
    $400 15
This blue ribbon beer company also provides hard coffee & stronger seltzer
    $400 22
2020 obituaries of football Hall of Famer Fred Dean noted he was 68 & had 13 of these, 3 generations removed from him
    $400 12
This disease that killed an estimated 300 million people in the 20th century alone was declared eradicated in 1980
    DD: $1,000 11
This North American bird went the way of the dodo in 1914
    $600 8
In the title of a Seth Grahame-Smith parody novel, Abe Lincoln has this unusual title job added to his traditional duties
    $600 3
On this NBC show, Chidi Anagonye left himself a note with crucial info--"There is no 'answer'... but Eleanor is the answer"
    $600 28
Mexicans drink the most per capita of this spirit named for a Jalisco town; Americans, the most overall
    $600 23
Paid $200K to play this "Untouchables" role if De Niro said no, Bob Hoskins asked, "You got any more films you don't want me to be in?"
    $600 13
Now held in the same host cities as the related games, these international athletic competitions began in 1960
    $800 19
Parsley, tarragon & chives give this salad dressing the color that's in its name
    $800 9
Daphne du Maurier described it as "the influence of a first wife on a second... until wife 2 is haunted day and night"
    $800 4
We won't say the name of the sitcom, but we can tell you this woman won a Best Lead Actress Emmy in 2020 for playing Moira Rose
    $800 29
Pat O'Brien's in New Orleans is famous for this stormy cocktail that has its own tall glass
    $800 24
Straight out of sci-fi, the pharyngeal jaws on this type of eel enable it to eat prey whole
    $800 14
The Magna Carta's guarantee of no punishment "without the lawful judgment of his peers" led to this right also in the Sixth Amendment
    $1000 20
Shelley's ode to this calls it "thou breath of autumn's being"
    $1000 16
A Confederate Army deserter takes a long walk home to his beloved Ada in this Charles Frazier novel
    $1000 5
Ava DuVernay created this Netflix limited series about 5 Harlem teens falsely accused of an attack in Central Park
    $1000 25
This war started in 1337 & ended in 1453
    $1000 17
Starting in 1901, this steel man's philanthropic efforts distributed about $350 million to help schools, libraries & others

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Brendan Morgan Anthony
$2,200 $3,800 $0

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Brendan Morgan Anthony
$5,600 $5,800 $2,400

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Katie: Name the movie.)
    $400 1
Flex your... mind & show us you know that the freshwater types of this bivalve mollusk are called naiads
    $400 27
In 1923 more than 850,000 Americans had this job, often coming home with dirty faces; today, it's about 50,000
    $400 10
In 1993 this shock jock got down to the nitty gritty with his first book, "Private Parts"
    $400 16
"This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off"
    $400 6
From 1961 to 1989 this capital city was divided by a wall
    $400 17
A British currency loses its "U" & becomes this
    $800 22
Flamingos are pink partly due to pigments in the "brine" type of this shelled creature they consume
    $800 26
5-letter type of diving, specifically to targets like the USS Spiegel Grove
    $800 11
Adlai Stevenson & big fins on cars appear in David Halberstam's '90s book about this earlier decade
    $800 15
"I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner"
    $800 5
While this country on the Riviera is known for its high-end casinos, its citizens aren't allowed to gamble
    $800 18
An artificial water channel drops its "U" & turns into this perfect pie portion
    $1200 23
The three-banded this is the only one that can roll up into an armored ball
    $1200 28
Most NYC subway trains run with 2 employees: a driver & this one
    $1200 12
Deepak Chopra became a household name after publishing "Ageless Body, Timeless" this
    $1200 2
Sung: "One, two, Freddy's coming for you..."
    DD: $3,000 7
A red shield on the door of an ancestral home in Europe gave this Jewish banking family its name
    $1200 19
A truly destitute person divests himself of "U", becoming this tree product
    $1600 24
Watch your fingers around the alligator type of this turtle
    $1600 29
Historically, combat engineers who dug tunnels as part of a siege were called sappers, from an Old French word for this implement
    $1600 13
USA Today called this Richard Preston bestseller about the Ebola virus "more terrifying than any sci-fi nightmare"
    DD: $5,000 3
"I used to hate the water"--"I can't imagine why"
    $1600 8
200 Barbary macaques, the only wild monkeys living in Europe, call this natural wonder home
    $1600 20
A synonym for "way" loses its "U", becoming this repetitive way of doing things
    $2000 25
Cephalopods with external shells include the chambered species of this
    $2000 30
The Elon Musk company aiming to put train & autonomous vehicle tunnels under major cities has this name that sounds pretty blah
    $2000 14
He dedicated the Pulitzer Prize-winning "Angela's Ashes" "To my brothers, alachy, Michael, Alphonsus"
    $2000 4
"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but are you Paul Sheldon... I just want to tell you I'm your No. 1 fan"
    $2000 9
Experience stars & planets up close at the Tycho Brahe Planetarium in this capital city
    $2000 21
A device that dispenses water expels its "U", becoming this gem surface

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Brendan Morgan Anthony
$16,600 $14,800 $5,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

In the 1912 election these 2 parties on the left of the political spectrum finished 2nd & 4th, totaling 1/3 of the votes

Final scores:

Brendan Morgan Anthony
$3,599 $20,800 $5
2nd place: $2,000 New champion: $20,800 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Brendan Morgan Anthony
$21,600 $12,600 $5,600
26 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
10 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $39,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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