Suggest correction - #8343 - 2021-02-24

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    $400 29
In 1861 he wrote of his "devotion to the Union" but not wishing to "raise my hand against... my home", quit the army after 36 years

Show #8343 - Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Ken Shen, an astrophysicist from San Francisco, California

Andrew Vaughn, a Ph.D. student from Moraga, California

Aaron Craig, a business litigation attorney originally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $22,027)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
How about a 10 pound one of these from Toblerone? Only $70
    $200 3
In 1973 a Senate committee investigating this scandal subpoenaed documents & recordings from the White House
    $200 23
This star directed "The Two Jakes", the sequel to "Chinatown"
    $200 13
To accommodate "South Platters", the capital of Nebraska was moved in 1867 from Omaha to here
    $200 7
Nordic & Alpine are types of this outdoor activity
    $200 12
The chemical cleaner isn't taking out that clog--time to reach for this reptilian tool
    $400 19
Soap on a rope in the shape of this "Doctor Who" transport? You know me so well!
    $400 4
Though he was subpoenaed, this president refused to appear at Aaron Burr's trial in 1807
    $400 24
After being pelted by a burrito in "Anchorman", this funnyman punts Will Ferrell's dog off a bridge
    $400 14
No relation to the bubbly, this Illinois city is often paired with Urbana
    $400 8
A Middle Eastern market isn't eccentric, but it is called this
    $400 16
Buying a new loo? 1.6 is the maximum permitted gpf, this measurement
    $600 20
I could use a letter opener; would you buy me one of these small Italian daggers with a tapering blade?
    $600 5
In 1947 screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, part of this numerical "Hollywood" group, was subpoenaed by the House Un-Amer. Activities Committee
    $600 25
In a 2007 film this character asks, "Why should I sail with any of you? 4 of you have tried to kill me in the past--and one of you succeeded!"
    DD: $2,000 17
This home city to Kansas State University shares its name with a Big Apple borough
    $600 9
Black residue formed via fire & smoke
    $600 28
A letter plus a word makes the name of these round rubber washers used to seal connections
    $800 21
As of 2020 this NFL team owned by Jerry Jones is worth $5.5 billion; it sure would make a thoughtful gift
    $800 6
In 2019 this House Intelligence Committee chair from California issued a subpoena for the unredacted Mueller report
    $800 26
One Jack named this was the first African American heavyweight champ; the other, a surfer turned rocker
    $800 15
This Ohio city is known for its zoo & the Blue Jackets of the National Hockey League
    $800 10
Nickname of 10th century Danish King Harald, or a short-range connectivity wireless standard
    $800 29
That banging noise you hear when a pipe's water supply is turned off is called a water this, like a carpenter's banging tool
    $1000 22
How about a 60-year-old bottle of Macallan 1926, this booze? One sold at auction for $1.9 million
    $1000 1
In 2012 this Attorney General was found in contempt for rebuffing a subpoena for Justice Dept. documents
    $1000 27
Billy Wilder, his director in "The Apartment", said there was a little bit of genius in everything he did
    $1000 2
This Midwestern city whose name begins with the state it's in is home to the NCAA
    $1000 11
Ending in double E, it's loose rock, & be careful not to slip on it
    $1000 30
It's the 3-letter abbreviation for both white plastic drain pipe & the stuff it's made of

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Aaron Andrew Ken
$3,200 $200 $3,200

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Aaron Andrew Ken
$9,800 $2,400 $4,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Mike: Each response starts and ends with a "T" and has an "N" in the middle.)
    $400 22
This author was the non-headless horseman when he explored Oklahoma on a "stout silver-gray" in 1832
    $400 28
Cassius Coolidge did a whole series of paintings of "Dogs Playing" this card game, some commissioned to advertise cigars
    $400 29
In 1861 he wrote of his "devotion to the Union" but not wishing to "raise my hand against... my home", quit the army after 36 years
    $400 21
In 2019 the "Star Wars" saga came to a close with "Episode IX", the "Rise of" this name
    $400 20
Created by grafting, pomato plants produce tomatoes above ground & these underground
    $400 3
Adjective for air that moves suddenly & violently
    $800 26
Elizabeth in his novel "The Pioneers" is based on his sister Hannah, who died when she fractured her skull falling off a horse
    $800 27
The Musee d'Orsay has this 19th century artist's "Dance at the Moulin Rouge"
    $800 30
He was only 61st in the class of 1915 at West Point, but ended up commander in chief
    $800 12
This killer doll slayed 'em in the 2019 remake of "Child's Play"
    $800 25
In Florida, many of these trees, Citrus sinensis, are grafted onto lemon tree roots; in California, it can be the reverse
    $800 7
"Fashion" term for a disloyal person who betrays a cause
    $1200 24
Robert Louis Stevenson rode his horse Jack to Apia, now capital of this Pacific island nation
    $1200 15
Shortly before a more famous painting, he did "Woman with a Pearl Necklace"
    $1200 4
A man who crossed a stream, he was taken by pirates in the 70s B.C., ransomed, then raised a naval force & crucified the pirates
    $1200 10
In "Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood", Margot Robbie portrayed this late actress
    $1200 16
Stark Bro's Nursery sells a "Double Delicious" tree that grows these 2 colorful apple varieties
    $1200 9
A friend & collaborator of Louis Armstrong, Jack Teagarden had this musical job
    DD: $3,700 14
Soon after his death in 1910, tourists began visiting his Yasnaya Polyana estate, where they saw his dog Belka & his horse Delir
    $1600 11
Though perhaps better known for his sea subjects, in 1872, he painted a group of boys playing Snap the Whip
    $1600 2
He was Uganda's chief of the army & air force from 1966 to 1970 but promoted himself to president in 1971
    $1600 8
Josh Brolin & Sean Astin made their big screen debuts in this film about a group of misfits searching for pirate treasure
    $1600 17
Many of this type of fruit named for its hard pit, such as peach & apricot, can be grafted onto the same tree
    $1600 18
This part of a church intersects the nave to form a cross
    $2000 13
He wrote about "Riders of the Purple Sage" & owned 2 horses called Black Star & Night
    DD: $2,500 5
He depicted the horrors of war & the execution of his fellow Spaniards by Napoleon's troops in "The 3rd of May 1808"
    $2000 1
A few years after surrendering at Yorktown, he took on the governor-generalship of India in 1786
    $2000 6
"M*A*S*H" & "The Player" were among the great movies directed by him
    $2000 23
A shoot or twig cut & used for grafting; it was also once a separate division of Toyota
    $2000 19
A stop on ancient caravan routes, this capital is now the largest city in Central Asia

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Aaron Andrew Ken
$17,400 $14,500 $18,500

Final Jeopardy! Round

David McConnell's cosmetics & perfume co. was rebranded in 1939 with this name, honoring the home of his favorite playwright

Final scores:

Aaron Andrew Ken
$29,227 $19,500 $2,199
2-day champion: $51,254 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Aaron Andrew Ken
$16,000 $14,000 $16,400
22 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
17 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
16 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W

Combined Coryat: $46,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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