Suggest correction - #8332 - 2021-02-09

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    $1600 24
Living up to its name, in 1991 it became the first bank in the U.S. with coast-to-coast operations

Show #8332 - Tuesday, February 9, 2021

John Focht game 2.


Myles Nye, a game designer from Berkeley, California

Morgan Halvorsen, a news editor from Silver Spring, Maryland

John Focht, a software team lead originally from El Paso, Texas (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $24,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: All correct responses there will begin with the letters "I-N".)
    $200 7
Milton Friedman's 1962 book titled this economic -ism "& Freedom" says that the first is tied to the second
    $200 10
"Land of the Angles" (Europe)
    $200 2
As an adjective, it means secluded; as a noun, it helps get your TV going
    $200 9
Germany hosted the 1936 Winter Olympics; these 2 countries who soon allied with Germany were slated to host in 1940 & 1944
    $200 1
Spaghetti al nero di seppia is a traditional Sicilian dish in which the pasta's color is changed by this liquid
    $200 23
In cricket a single turn at bat is always pluralized as these divisions of a game, also used in baseball
    $400 19
A surprise 2020 bestseller, "The Book of" these fish admits, "they're slimy and slithery, look like snakes..."
    $400 11
"Little Venice"
(South America)
    $400 3
This term for any basic food item also doubles for something that keeps your papers together
    $400 15
Foxtrot, mascot of the United Nations World Food Program, is very happy the organization won this 2020 honor
    $400 8
Parodying "Nothin' On You" by B.o.B., this funny guy has a song about getting "another tattoo", "maybe a squid, or a tarantula"
    $400 24
In soccer, a free kick that must touch at least one other player before a goal can be scored is this "roundabout" type
    DD: $800 20
"Looking for" her chronicles many who have held the title, like Yolande Betbeze, who refused to model swimsuits
    $600 12
"In the navel of the moon" (North America)
    $600 4
It sounds kind of trash-y, but it's a governmental excursion on the public's dime
    $600 16
Kenyan engineer Roy Allela invented gloves that turn this into audible speech
    $600 28
While trying to become employee of the month, Squidward & SpongeBob destroy this restaurant
    $600 25
There is zero casual jogging involved with this hyphenated type of home run
    $800 21
Tom Lutz wrote a history of these products of emotion, like those of Isis that brought her brother Osiris back to life
    $800 13
"Land beside the silvery river"
(South America)
    $800 5
This word that means to squirm in pain begins with a silent "W"
    $800 17
It's a post-coup military governing body; one in Bolivia in 1970 lasted just 1 day before it was overthrown in turn
    $800 29
As seen in cover art, the crew in this Jules Verne tale had to fight off the deadly tentacles of a nasty beast
    $800 26
If an NFL offensive lineman catches a non-tipped pass, the team is penalized for the player being this type of receiver
    $1000 22
Thomas Merton's "The Seven Storey Mountain" is his faithful account of joining this order of silent monks
    $1000 14
"Bright stone"
    $1000 6
This word meaning "scheduled" begins with a type of metamorphic rock
    $1000 18
In 1852, George Stokes's study of the mineral seen here inspired him to coin this word for a type of photoluminescence
    $1000 30
This pupil of Plato was a big fan of zoology & called the giant squid teuthos
    $1000 27
Jack Nicklaus says, "I've always used" this "grip" in which his right hand's pinky intertwines with his left hand's index finger

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

John Morgan Myles
$2,600 $1,800 $2,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

John Morgan Myles
$6,400 $4,000 $4,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Ken: In partnership with Olay we're continuing to bring attention to the gender gaps in STEM fields. Presenting today's ENGINEERING category is engineer Erica Joy Baker.)
    $400 6
Pritchett's Closets & Blinds
    $400 1
19th century Mexican president Benito Juárez began the separation of la iglesia y el estado, this pair
    $400 11
Stephen Ambrose's "D-Day, ____ 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II"
    $400 16
Typically tiny Tarzan attire
    $400 21
This bank that asks "What's in your wallet?" traces its roots to an I.P.O. in 1994
    $400 26
(Erica Joy Baker presents the clue.) Early streetlights tended to hiss & flicker until the problem was solved by Hertha Marks Ayrton, a pioneer in this branch of engineering abbreviated E.E.
    $800 7
Central Perk
    $800 2
Ten days after these paired 1775 battles in Massachusetts, Amos Doolittle visited the towns & created vivid engravings
    $800 12
Tom Clancy's "The Hunt for Red ____"
    $800 17
Used in cocktails, it's a fortified white wine flavored with aromatic herbs
    $800 22
The wagon of this bank started rolling in 1852; the 2 founders also helped begin American Express
    $800 27
(Erica Joy Baker presents the clue.) In 2020, NASA sponsored a public competition to help engineer a rover that could withstand the 900-degree surface temperature & crushing atmospheric pressure of this otherwise somewhat Earth-like planet
    $1200 8
Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce
    DD: $3,000 3
During National Surveyors Week (March 21-27, 2021), think about members of the profession like this 18th century "line" pair
    $1200 13
Elizabeth von Arnim's "The Enchanted ____"
    $1200 18
It's the consequence following a major event, not the class following arithmetic
    DD: $3,000 23
A national bank organized in 1877 was named for this ex-treasury secretary with a fishy first name
    $1200 28
(Erica Joy Baker presents the clue.) Famed California architect, Julia Morgan, pioneered the use of reinforced concrete, helping designs such as the Mills College Bell Tower to survive this 1906 disaster
    $1600 9
The Missouri Belle Casino
    $1600 4
Père Lachaise Cemetery very likely houses the remains of these medieval lovers; for sure, it has a lovely tomb for them
    $1600 14
Knebel & Bailey's political thriller
"Seven Days in ____"
    $1600 19
Mind your own this reddish-gray metallic element
    $1600 24
Living up to its name, in 1991 it became the first bank in the U.S. with coast-to-coast operations
    $1600 29
(Erica Joy Baker presents the clue.) The first historically documented engineer, Imhotep created a new type of building with this pyramid named for its series of flat-terraced platforms
    $2000 10
The MaxDot Compression Socks Company
    $2000 5
Elsass-Lothringen is the German name for this area that has gone back & forth between Germany & France many times
    $2000 15
Saul Bellow's "The Adventures of Augie ____"
    $2000 20
Professional who deals with pin tumblers & back plates
    $2000 25
If you allegedly help launder $220 billion working with Danske Bank, you're gonna get raided like this German bank did in 2019
    $2000 30
(Erica Joy Baker presents the clue.) Mae Jemison got her start in the sciences with a degree in chemical engineering before becoming the first African-American woman in space as an MS--this kind of astronaut conducting experiments aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

John Morgan Myles
$18,400 $16,800 $5,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

While it has only 31 miles of coastline on the Atlantic, its shoreline is almost 3,200 miles thanks to a large estuary & its tributaries

Final scores:

John Morgan Myles
$34,000 $18,601 $67
2-day champion: $58,800 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

John Morgan Myles
$14,800 $16,800 $5,200
23 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
18 R,
1 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $36,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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