Suggest correction - #8275 - 2020-11-06

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    $400 8
In 1824 women walked off the job at a Rhode Island textile mill in what's considered America's first factory this

Show #8275 - Friday, November 6, 2020

Last show aired before Alex Trebek's death at age 80 from pancreatic cancer.


Steven Jones, a 7th grade history teacher originally from Portland, Oregon

Andrew Chaikin, a musician and teacher from San Francisco, California

Burt Thakur, a project engineer from Palm Springs, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $20,400)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will begin with the letter "A" and end with a "D".)
    $200 19
The OED dates the first recorded use of this letter to mean "kiss" back to a 1763 British letter
    $200 10
Jacob & Wilhelm, who gave us "Snow White" & "The Golden Goose"
    $200 30
Related to dogs & wolves, foxes are part of this scientific family
    $200 29
Things go south when they go here "in a handbasket"
    $200 12
This No. 1 hit by Rihanna includes the apt lyric "let it rain"
    $200 13
Shortened a word
    $400 23
Take it slow! This rain forest tree-dwelling mammal can take weeks to digest a meal & can hold its breath longer than a dolphin
    $400 15
Rod, short story collections as well as "The Twilight Zone"; Richard, "The President's Plane is Missing"
    $400 27
Term for a cozy room in your house, or a cozy fox burrow
    $400 28
A football running play, or when a plane's tracking is given to another control center
    $400 11
Lorde topped the charts with this song, her first single
    $400 14
Spirited someone away, likely illegally
    $600 22
1980s Russia traded subs & other ships for this red, white & blue soda brand, said to briefly make it 1 of the world's largest navies
    $600 18
Twins Matt & Ross, Emmy-nominated for writing "Chapter Nine: The Gate" for the television show "Stranger Things"
    $600 26
Writing about foxes? It's required that you use the adjective "bushy" to describe this body part
    $600 8
I heard it this way, directly from the original source
    $600 3
Elaborate hand gestures are part of the dance that Madonna brought to the mainstream with this 1990 No. 1 hit
    $600 1
Turned away one's eyes, from the Latin for "to turn"
    $800 21
The generic name for this cloth bag comes from the same-named Belgian town where it was first made, though the E & L can get reversed
    $800 17
Henry, "Roderick Hudson" in 1876; William, "Essays in Radical Empiricism", published posthumously in 1912
    $800 24
This species, also known as the common fox, is the most widely distributed carnivore on land
    $800 7
Proverbially, "Close only counts in" this game "& hand grenades"
    $800 4
A song by Sia says, "I'm gonna swing from the" this, the song's title
    $800 2
Aided or assisted, specifically in the commission of a crime
    $1000 20
Snoop Dogg tried to rent this entire Eur. nation, Vaduz & all, for a video shoot; doable? Yes, but Snoop didn't give enough notice
    $1000 16
Frank, the 2005 memoir "Teacher Man"; Malachy, who wrote "A Couple of Blaguards" with his brother
    $1000 25
Only about 15 inches long, the fennec is the world's smallest fox & lives in this largest desert of Africa
    $1000 9
The ends are left hanging in this long necktie that uses a slipknot
    DD: $1,000 6
Though quoted, the songwriters of "Eye Of The Tiger" didn't get credit on this No. 1 hit by Katy Perry
    $1000 5
Played piano at the soprano recital

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Burt :) Andrew Steven
$2,400 $2,800 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Burt :) Andrew Steven
$5,600 $5,600 $3,600

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 8
In 1824 women walked off the job at a Rhode Island textile mill in what's considered America's first factory this
    $400 25
In the 1950s the New York Evening this newspaper became a tabloid & "National" , eventually moving to Florida
    $400 10
"Giving me a glance of annoyance" was replaced by "giving me the" this smelly phrase
    $400 21
Won a fourth term as German chancellor in 2017
    $400 11
A stroll west over the Vltava River on the Charles Bridge takes you from this capital's Old Town to the Mala Strana
    $400 16
In a 1985 film the "Young" this character fences against Moriarty in boarding school
    $800 6
The Senate didn't ratify the Treaty of Versailles, so this G.O.P. president proclaimed peace between the U.S. & Germany in 1921
    $800 24
The name of the tabloid website & TV show TMZ refers to a 30-mile zone centering on this major city
    $800 9
A twist on Defoe, "Girl" or "Gal" this for a female assistant was big pre-World War II
    $800 19
Brought a team of nurses to the Crimean War on a mail boat
    $800 26
Go due west on land from Newfoundland & Labrador to this large province
    $800 15
In "Young Mr." this man, Henry Fonda plays an up-&-coming Illinois attorney
    $1200 1
The U.S. severed diplomatic relations with this country January 3, 1961
    $1200 22
This word also used for gossip is a drinking fountain aboard ship
    $1200 3
Borrowed from Italian & spelled all kinds of ways in English, it means "do you get me?"
    $1200 18
Won a coin flip with David Packard for top billing
    $1200 27
Head west from Toulouse to reach the Franco-Spanish "country" named for this people who have a unique language
    $1200 12
"The Young" this character "Chronicles" TV series featured the adventurer in his pre-college & pre-movie days
    DD: $3,000 4
This 1794 uprising in Pennsylvania was prompted by a tax on liquor
    $1600 5
In 1977 Rupert Murdoch launched a gossip column originally found at & named for this page of the New York Post
    $1600 2
The OED defines it as a tune that stays in your mind "especially to the point of irritation "
    $1600 17
In 1839 he showed his photos to the French Academy of Sciences
    DD: $1,000 29
Drive west from Maseru, capital of this country, & you arrive in South Africa--heck, drive east & you'll end up there as well
    $1600 13
This actor shakes up the Vatican as Pius XIII, "The Young Pope" in the title of an HBO series
    $2000 28
The 1970s oil crisis made this project inevitable; much of its construction was elevated out of worry for wildlife and permafrost
    $2000 23
Famous feuding gossip columnists in the golden age of Hollywood were Louella Parsons & this alliterative lady
    $2000 7
The medium was in its infancy in the 1930s when this word came along to mean "looking good on TV"
    $2000 20
Wrote "The Normal Heart", fought for AIDS research
    $2000 30
The ferry from Wellington on New Zealand's North Island to Picton on the south one goes west across this strait
    $2000 14
This actor, not Peter Boyle, is the title character in "Young Frankenstein"

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Burt :) Andrew Steven
$9,800 $24,600 $10,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

In French, this fairy tale character is La Petite Poucette, in Spanish, Pulgarcita & in English, this

Final scores:

Burt :) Andrew Steven
$0 $21,601 $1,800
3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $21,601 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Burt :) Andrew Steven
$8,400 $25,200 $10,800
13 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W
28 R
(including 1 DD),
0 W
13 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $44,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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