Suggest correction - #8271 - 2020-11-02

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    DD: $1,000 4
Meaning "noble" (remember the Roman social class), this girls' name was top 5 in the U.S. in the 1940s

Show #8271 - Monday, November 2, 2020


Regan Read, an ESL teacher from Gardena, California

Garrett Kuramoto, a librarian from Sunnyvale, California

Carmela Chan, a biotech researcher from San Diego, California (2-day champion whose cash winnings total $37,201)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: A whole category about what 27-year-olds wear.)
    $200 11
Vanity Fair called this film with Bill Murray as weatherman Phil Connors a "rom-com for curmudgeons"
    $200 21
After this German princess wed Nicholas II in 1894, she pushed the czar to regain absolute power lost to reforms; baaaad move
    $200 6
This word for altruistic efforts for humanity comes from the Greek for "love of man"
    $200 1
Sorry, everyone! I'm on the diet known as O.M.A.D., short for this; I only eat at 5 p.m.
    $200 16
This novel about an Alabama rape trial won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1961
    $400 12
Director Rob Reiner's mom delivered the immortal line "I'll have what she's having" in this rom com
    $400 22
On April 19, 1956, Grace Kelly had a storybook wedding with Prince Rainier at St. Nicholas Cathedral in this country
    $400 7
As a noun, it's the place where legal justice happens; as a verb, it means to woo your love, especially in the early stages
    $400 2
How did you know that "petit" this means "breakfast" in French without knowing that the word on its own means "lunch"?
    $400 17
The plot of the book "Crazy in Alabama" includes a woman auditioning for this 1960s sitcom about country folks who come to California
    $600 13
"Something's Gotta Give" is a ditty starring Jack & Diane, these 2 legendary actors
    $600 23
There were riots in this world capital in 1966 when its princess Beatrix wed a German diplomat who'd been a member of Hitler Youth
    $600 27
The oversized clothing look has worked well for this pop star born in 1993
    $600 8
These double-talk "eyes" mean you are looking at someone with love
    $600 3
I bailed on lunch with a big group; I'm this type of person mentioned in the subtitle of Susan Cain's book "Quiet"
    $600 18
Mobile's Winston Groom wrote this 1986 novel about a man with childlike wisdom
    $800 14
In 2005 Will Smith played a "date doctor" who fell in love with Eva Mendes in this comedy
    $800 24
The April 5, 1614 wedding of Native American princess Pocahontas & this planter brought 8 years of peace
    $800 25
Hey, 27-year-old putting on this garment over your T-shirt, is that a Levi's Type III Trucker one?
    $800 9
You've cast this 11-letter spell on me; New Mexico is the "Land of" it
    $800 4
I told you lunch wasn't happening because it's this Jewish day of atonement & I'm fasting
    $800 19
Alabama U.S. Senator Jeremiah Clemens wrote the 1860 novel "The Rivals", about the feud between these 2 historic duelists
    $1000 15
This movie had Julia Roberts tell Hugh Grant, "I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her"
    $1000 26
In your 20s you still get away with wearing these; as you're in your "British" phase, call them trainers
    $1000 10
Romance is afoot if you've "warmed" these, also a bivalve mollusk, "of someone's heart"
    $1000 5
I just found out my wisdom teeth are in this 8-letter condition; they're jammed up so I can't eat lunch
    DD: $1,000 20
This 1959 Tuscumbia-set play about a steadfast teacher & a stubborn young girl is the state's official outdoor drama

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Carmela Garrett Regan
$3,400 $4,200 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Carmela Garrett Regan
$6,800 $3,400 $400

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 6
In 1877 2 Rembrandts were part of a 1 mil.-franc buy; in 2015 the Rijksmuseum & this French museum bought them for 160 million euros
    $400 8
She's Zeus' sister-wife
    $400 2
Jewish immigrant parents favored names that sounded more American like this one of Kubrick & Kramer
    $800 12
In 1958 "Salvator Mundi" sold at Sotheby's for 45 pounds; in 2017 it fetched $450 mil. after attribution to this Italian
    $800 9
The handsome youth Adonis was a favorite of this love goddess
    $800 1
In the early 1950s it was patriotic in China to give the name Yuanchao, meaning "aid" this peninsula where China was fighting
    $800 25
Ewan McGregor played a parking lot magnate in season 3 of this series that pioneered the genre Midwestern TV noir
    $1200 16
In ancient times this capital of Jordan was one of several settlements called Philadelphia
    $1200 13
A New York couple paid $212,500 for 15 paintings by this Spaniard in 1956; in 2015 a single one of them sold for $179 million
    $1200 7
This goddess of victory is the daughter of the Titan Pallas & the River Styx
    $1200 3
Once, Brits gave thousands of boys a year this name of Christopher Guest's "Spinal Tap" guitarist; in 2016, fewer than 5
    $1200 19
General term for a person who trains others to obey firm rules & a strict code of behavior
    $1200 22
In the 1963 first episode of this drama, the fleeing title character tends bar in Tucson & falls for the piano player
    $1600 17
It's the only country in the world through which both the equator & the Tropic of Capricorn pass
    $1600 14
A collector inherited this artist's Tahiti-set painting "When Will You Marry"; in 2015 he sold it for $300 million
    $1600 10
This goddess of fruit, crops & vegetation has a name that might mean "earth mother"
    DD: $1,000 4
Meaning "noble" (remember the Roman social class), this girls' name was top 5 in the U.S. in the 1940s
    $1600 20
Something that eludes classification is said to "resist easy" this, a process of identification
    $1600 23
The third season of this HBO police anthology series starred Mahershala Ali
    DD: $5,000 18
Azerbaijan's Baku Archipelago lies within this huge body of water
    $2000 15
In 2014 a dealer paid $80 million for an abstract painting by this Russian American, then sold it for $189 million
    $2000 11
Give a whistle for her, the muse of epic poetry
    $2000 5
These 2 "E" names of famous Kennedys were fairly big in the 1920s when those ladies were born, but are off the radar now
    $2000 21
A person in their 70s
    $2000 24
This director & "Walking Dead" creator went noir with "Mob City", a TNT miniseries set in 1940s Los Angeles

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Carmela Garrett Regan
$18,200 $5,800 $3,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

At the 2004 DNC, Barack Obama used a fairly new metaphor, saying, "Pundits... slice & dice our country into" these 2 types of states

Final scores:

Carmela Garrett Regan
$18,200 $6,001 $5,995
3-day champion: $55,401 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Carmela Garrett Regan
$15,200 $5,800 $4,600
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
13 R,
5 W
10 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $25,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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