Suggest correction - #8245 - 2020-09-25

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    $800 14
To successfully incubate an egg

Show #8245 - Friday, September 25, 2020


Alyssa Weinberger, a media rights assistant from Los Angeles, California

Julissa Castillo, an operations manager from Los Angeles, California

Sameer Gandhi, a writer from Pasadena, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $22,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 20
Though the roads aren't connected to the contiguous U.S., this island, with PRI-1, -2 & -3, does have interstates
    $200 7
QB Doug Flutie was awarded this trophy by the Downtown Athletic Club, yet fell all the way to the 285th pick in the NFL draft
    $200 11
Preceding "over", it sometimes means to faint
    $200 2
"She's a weapon! Do you seriously want to fight the Demogorgon with your wrist-rocket?"
    $200 1
This foamy stuff that you put in your hair to hold it in place is a homophone for a large mammal
    $400 21
Talkin' baseball... I-90 bookends are Edgar Martinez Drive in Seattle & the Ted Williams Tunnel in this city
    $400 8
This "Original Human Beatbox" opened Doug E.'s, a chicken & waffle restaurant
    $400 12
A large branch on a tree
    $400 3
"What you call love was invented by guys like me, to sell nylons"
    $400 16
When it comes to hair wands, this 4-letter word can follow straightening or curling
    $600 22
(Jimmy of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) I-5 runs from the Mexican border all the way up to become Canada's Highway 99, leading into this city, British Columbia's most populous
    $600 9
Magician Doug Henning played this title character in a Broadway musical about a medieval magician
    $600 28
On Sunday at 2 P.M. I'll feature Vivaldi when I host my weekly show "If It Ain't" this musical period
    $600 13
To punch someone & knock or level him to the floor (of the boat?)
    $600 4
"All of her tattoos are brand new"
    $600 17
From the Hindi for "tie", it's a handkerchief used to tie your hair in place
    DD: $2,000 23
I-10 is nearly a mile high east of Tucson but below sea level in this city founded by de Bienville in 1718
    $800 10
Douglas Ginsburg's nomination for this post went up in smoke in 1987 when reports of drug use came out
    $800 27
Next, a recording from a group making music since 1815, with the alliterative name the Handel & this Composer Society
    $800 14
To successfully incubate an egg
    $800 5
"Mr. Secretary, we're enacting continuity of government... sir, you are now the President of the United States"
    $800 18
At the Oscars in 2019, Jason Momoa matched his velvet Fendi tux to the pink one of these on his wrist that ties his hair back
    $1000 24
It's 2,906 miles on I-80 from San Francisco to Teaneck in this state; good thing we've got a full tank of gas
    $1000 25
"The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul" is a 1988 book by this British humorist
    $1000 26
Time to liven up your commute with the overture to this 1866 Smetana opera about a young woman's marriage prospects
    $1000 15
To remove the shell or husk from beans or seeds
    $1000 6
"I am Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria. My eyes are everywhere"
    $1000 19
This scented hair oil or ointment gets its name from the Latin for "apple"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Sameer Julissa Alyssa
$0 $2,400 $2,000

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Sameer Julissa Alyssa
$1,200 $8,000 $3,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Double "E" in each correct response.)
    $400 6
In "Twelve Angry Men", the men make up this group
    $400 14
Bred near Malines, the Belgian Malinois is one of these that often works with the military
    $400 21
In this Disney film, Scuttle the seagull shows off his knowledge of human things to Ariel, telling her a fork is a "dinglehopper"
    $400 26
This Republican won the presidential election, defeating Democrat James Cox in a landslide
    $400 7
This hyphenated ice cream brand with a Danish-sounding name actually originated in the Bronx
    $400 1
To suddenly swerve in a different direction
    $800 10
Tracie Bennett was spot on as this legendary performer in "End of the Rainbow", set towards the end of her life
    $800 17
Though the name we use contradicts the claim, the Belgians say they invented these, & enjoy smothering them in mayo, not ketchup
    $800 22
Seagulls eat a lot of Paul Rudd's flying transports in this 2018 comic book sequel
    $800 27
Providing taxi service & pleasure flights, this airline was founded in Queensland, Australia
    $800 8
When in Rome be sure to sample some of this smooth, creamy Italian ice cream, especially from places certified as artisanal
    $800 2
Mentions of these gentle people in the Bible are found in Psalm 22 & in Matthew 5
    DD: $2,000 11
Bradley Cooper used no makeup or prosthetics in the role of John Merrick in a Broadway revival of this play
    $1200 18
A major European port, this Belgian city is also the center of the world's diamond industry
    $1200 23
In "The Shallows", Blake Lively names her seagull companion this, a pun on a ponytailed action star
    $1200 9
Ice cream cones first became popular after appearing at the World's Fair in this city in 1904
    $1200 3
Vladimir Putin enjoys a cocktail made with horseradish & this veggie beloved in Russia
    $1600 12
This Wendy Wasserstein play focuses on 3 Jewish siblings: Sara, Gorgeous & Pfeni
    $1600 19
This Belgian surrealist often featured bowler hats in his paintings
    $1600 24
Annette Bening & Saoirse Ronan starred in "The Seagull", a 2018 adaptation of this Russian's play
    $1600 15
The Japanese-inspired treat seen here is ice cream wrapped in this sweetened rice dough
    $1600 4
Synonyms for this verb include consider & judge
    $2000 13
The musical "Hello, Dolly!" was based on this 1954 Thornton Wilder play that also featured Dolly Levi
    DD: $2,000 20
Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, has a museum of this Flemish cartographer who, around 1569, devised a way to depict a 3D globe on a 2D map
    $2000 25
A lone seagull draws first blood on this actress in Hitchcock's "The Birds"
    $2000 16
A typical recipe for Israel's halva ice cream includes halva candy &/or this ground sesame paste
    $2000 5
Delicate & intricate patterns of thin gold or silver wire used as decoration

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Sameer Julissa Alyssa
$15,200 $13,200 $4,800

Final Jeopardy! Round

On Forbes' 2020 list of the 100 Highest-Paid Athletes, at age 50 this active individual sportsman is the oldest

Final scores:

Sameer Julissa Alyssa
$15,200 $1 $100
2-day champion: $37,400 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Sameer Julissa Alyssa
$15,200 $11,200 $4,800
15 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
21 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
11 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $31,200

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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