Suggest correction - #734 - 1987-11-12

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    $200 13
You might consult one if you wanted "Information, Please"

Show #734 - Thursday, November 12, 1987

1987 Tournament of Champions quarterfinal game 4.


Zeke Sevilla, Jr., a lawyer from Vienna, Virginia

Keith Walker, an attorney from Pomona, California

Bob Verini, a playwright/actor from New York, New York

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 14
Latin American country supplying 90% of the world's emeralds and 70% of the US's illegal drugs
    $100 21
Dandelion flowers are occasionally used to make this potent potable
    $100 1
According to "Side By Side", "we ain't got a barrel of this"
    $100 11
This "Dynasty" star's real name is Carol Diahann Johnson
    $100 2
This state has 254 counties, the most in the USA, & is undoubtedly proud of it
    $100 12
Most Cornish people live here
    $200 16
Nearly 99% of the people in this most populous Arab country are compressed into some 4% of the land
    $200 23
When you speak of a plant's venation, you're referring to these
    $200 3
In the Ben E. King hit, this term of endearment precedes "Stand By Me"
    $200 15
Dancer whose autobiography was "Miller's High Life"; she could have called it "Miller on Tap"
    $200 4
It has no counties, but twelve organized boroughs and one big unorganized borough larger than any other US state
    DD: $100 13
1945 Broadway musical which featured the following waltz:
    $300 18
Today, only 5% of forestland remains in this ravaged country that shares Hispaniola
    $300 28
The floss of this weed, named for the white liquid in its stems, was used in lifebelts in World War II
    $300 6
In "Silhouettes", it's "when I took a walk and passed your house"
    $300 17
Canned from the 1982 film "Cannery Row", this sex symbol sued MGM for millions, and won
    $300 5
A British term for a county; Robin Hood's Sherwood Forest was in the one named for Nottingham
    $300 22
It's a waitress at a drive-in, not a dance party for automobiles
    $400 24
On May 30, 1967, this state declared independence from Nigeria, but surrendered 2 1/2 years later
    $400 29
Cryptogams are not plants with secret meanings, but plants such as ferns that don't bear these
    $400 9
"The object of my affection can change my complexion from white" to this color
    $400 19
Liv Ullmann, Victoria Principal, and Joan Fontaine were all born in this Asian country
    $400 7
Official names of two of New York City's five counties
    $400 26
The technical term for your collarbone
    $500 25
Until recently, the fourteen families dominated the economy of this smallest mainland New World republic
    $500 30
Term for a non-indigenous plant, especially one grown in soil & climate different from the place of origin
    $500 10
"Lay Down, Sally", and do this
    $500 20
Her father was an Argentinian opera singer, and she was Franco Zeferelli's "Juliet"
    $500 8
Smallest in Virginia, it has no incorporated cities or towns, and was once part of Washington, D.C.
    $500 27
A wide sash worn around the waist instead of a vest

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Bob Keith Zeke
$900 $1,500 $900

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Keith Zeke
$2,800 $3,000 $1,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
The British paid the Duke of Brunswick over 50,000 pounds for these
    $200 3
Though he wrote for the legitimate theatre, Ibsen had at least one of these illegitimately
    $200 8
Chicago mayor known as "the last of the big-city bosses"
    $200 26
When the brothers split up the world, Zeus got the heavens; Hades, the netherworld; and he, the sea
    $200 17
Clemson University, named for John C. Calhoun's son-in-law, is a land-grant college in this state
    $200 13
You might consult one if you wanted "Information, Please"
    $400 2
John Paul Jones's flagship; it was lost to the British Serapis as crews fought hand-to-hand
    $400 4
Ibsen wrote all of his plays in this century
    $400 12
His nickname, "Tailgunner Joe", was based on a serious WWII combat record
    $400 27
The Egyptian god Aenubis had the head of this dog-like scavenger
    $400 22
In 1867, a Union general co-founded this D.C. university, among the first for black students
    $400 14
Your poor, old uncle is crazy; your rich, old uncle is this
    $600 5
This Polish count who organized an independent cavalry corps, was killed by the British in the siege of Savannah
    $600 9
This haunting play aroused a storm of protest because it dealt with venereal disease
    $600 15
To his followers, Huey Long, not George Stevens, was this
    $600 28
Some say he was killed when part of his ship, the Argo, fell on him
    DD: $2,000 23
4 of the 7 colleges comprising the prestigious group known as "The Seven Sisters"
    $600 16
With a deficiency of this, wounds may not heal well; without a coating of it, iron rusts
    $800 6
Like Nathan Hale, this British major was caught in civilian clothes & hanged as a spy
    $800 10
Son of a British consul, he wrote the music for a production of Ibsen's "Peer Gynt"
    DD: $1,600 18
The three advisors who were said to comprise a "Berlin Wall" around President Nixon
    $800 29
The most important Roman god next to Jupiter; in fact, it is next to Jupiter
    $800 24
America's biggest defense contractor among universities is this New England school
    $800 20
Whether as an adjective or adverb, this Latin phrase means "for the particular purpose at hand"
    $1000 7
The last name of two brothers who, between 1776 and 1778, were in command of all British land and sea forces
    $1000 11
To avoid the amorous clutches of Judge Braque, this title heroine shoots herself
    $1000 19
German revolutionary called "The Most Feared Woman of the WWI Era" & dubbed "Red Rosa"
    $1000 30
As Lot's wife left Sodom and was told not to look back, he left Hades and was told not to look back
    $1000 25
A Huntington, WV university or the fictional college whose faculty includes Indiana Jones
    $1000 21
Apt adjective for dull, boring writing, even if its poetry

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bob Keith Zeke
$5,200 $6,800 $6,700

Final Jeopardy! Round

This famed Sauk Indian had both a war and a pro sports team named for him

Final scores:

Bob Keith Zeke
$9,400 $3,500 $6,000
Automatic semifinalist 3rd place: $1,000 if eliminated 2nd place: $1,000 if eliminated

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bob Keith Zeke
$6,800 $6,800 $5,400
20 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)
16 R,
0 W
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $19,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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