Suggest correction - #749 - 1987-12-03

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    $100 18
A layette is clothing for a person at this time in life

Show #749 - Thursday, December 3, 1987


Bob Harrenga, an informational specialist originally from South Dakota

Ingrid Nuernberg, an associate consultant originally from Augsburg, West Germany

Elizabeth Holloway, a writer from New York City, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $8,200)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 7
On June 11, 1927, he became the 1st recipient of the American Distinguished Flying Cross
    $100 6
They can never "be bankrupt" or "be choosers"
    $100 10
Candy bar that fits this category
    $100 17
This nation walked out of the U.N. on November 9, 1955 over the issue of Apartheid
    $100 18
A layette is clothing for a person at this time in life
    $100 1
The princess felt one of these "all the way through 20 mattresses & 20 more feather beds"
    $200 8
Experts now dispute Adm. Byrd's claim that he was 1st to fly over this point in 1926
    $200 13
Completes the proverb, "Set a thief..."
    $200 11
He taught Eliza that "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain"
    $200 19
U.S. government doctors claimed in November they had a "promising" vaccine for this "common" ailment
    $200 24
3-word phrase referring to the clothing passed on to you by your older sibling
    $200 2
1 of 2 sequels Louisa May Alcott wrote to "Little Women"
    $300 9
You're eligible to join the Caterpillar Club if you've used this safety device to save your life
    $300 14
Jesus advised "When thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know..." this
    $300 12
A self-taught lawyer, this fiery patriot handled over 1100 cases in his 1st 3 years of practice
    $300 20
This borough of NYC, then known for its Navy yard, was among the 27% of the U.S. closed in '55 to Soviet visitors
    $300 25
From Late Latin "camisia", meaning shirt, it's the other half of a half-slip
    $300 3
Squirrel Nutkin can get his tail bitten off in "Peter Rabbit's Race Game", based on tales by this author
    $400 23
He was at the controls inside the capsule Friendship 7
    $400 28
Devout cowards live by the proverb "He that fights & runs away, may..." do this
    $400 15
In 1609, this explorer was given maps & advice by his friend John Smith
    $400 21
Lee Meriwether
    $400 26
This process of preshrinking fabric was named for its inventor, Sanford L. Cluett
    DD: $500 4
A. A. Milne based his play "Toad of Toad Hall" on this classic by Kenneth Grahame
    $500 27
The orbit of a space station circling Earth should be above our atmosphere but below this "Belt"
    $500 16
He & Richard Nixon formed the Republican ticket in 1960
    $500 22
In December, Martin Luther Kind Jr. led a boycott of this city's bus system
    $500 5
Among the operas based on this tale is Rossini's "La Cenerentola"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 11):

Elizabeth Ingrid Bob
$1,400 $400 $600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Elizabeth Ingrid Bob
$2,700 $700 $3,300

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
This German river & its tributaries carry more traffic than any other European river system
    $200 6
The horizontal axis on a graph is usually labeled X & the vertical axis this
    $200 4
He's listed on the masthead of Muppet Magazine as "Frog-in-Chief"
    $200 15
"Safire's Political Dictionary" emphasizes that "the wife of the Vice President is never called" this
    $200 18
"Quoth the Raven Nevermore"
    $200 17
1954 hit by the Chords subtitled "Life Would be a Dream"
    $400 2
A 1959 treaty forbids war, nuclear explosions, & disposal of atomic wastes on this continent
    $400 9
To divide a fraction by a fraction, invert the divisor, then do this
    $400 5
You don't buy Parade Magazine separately--it comes with one of these
    $400 19
Because best known man to head this agency served 48 years, a 1976 law put a 10 year limit on terms
    $400 24
"Workers of the World Unite."
    $400 22
Its subtitle was "Theme from 'Rocky'"
    $600 3
Examples of this type of narrow passage are the Tartar, Malacca, & those of Magellan
    $600 10
Solid geometry takes this kind of geometry one dimension further
    $600 7
Targeted to a large group of dieters, this magazine boasts a circulation over 850,000
    DD: $1,900 20
Of Secretaries of Agriculture, Labor, or Energy, the one highest in order of presidential succession
    DD: $3,500 25
Good friend for Jesus sake forbeare / To dig the dust enclosed here / Blessed be the man that spares these stones / And cursed be he that moves my bones
    $600 23
1 of the 2 terms of endearment in the subtitle of the 4 Tops "I Can't Help Myself"
    $800 13
Of Canada's 10 provinces, it's the only one entirely unattached to the mainland
    $800 11
Any number raised to the power of 0 (n°) is equal to this
    $800 8
2 of the 3 U.S. magazines with circulations over 750,000 that have "Popular" in their names
    $800 21
Treasury Sec'y James Baker said he was on vacation when the IRS approved the revision of this form
    $800 27
"Subject fo the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1857..."
    $800 29
Buffalo Springfield classic subtitled "Stop, Hey What's That Sound"
    $1000 14
The 2 countries that own Little Diomede & Big Diomede Islands
    $1000 12
This branch of math was invented to solve problems with quantities that change or vary
    $1000 16
Called "The Magazine of Western Living", it publishes gardening, travel & cookbooks, too
    $1000 26
Freshman who replaced Sandra Day O'Connor as last in line from robing room to courtroom
    $1000 28
"Truth & History. 21 men... The Boy Bandit King--He died as he had lived"
    $1000 30
"Exordium & Terminus" was the subtitle for this apocalyptic 1969 #1 Zagar & Evans hit

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Elizabeth Ingrid Bob
$4,000 $3,300 $12,000
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Amusement complex with highest paid attendance of any in U.S. in 1986

Final scores:

Elizabeth Ingrid Bob
$4,500 $6,600 $14,000
3rd place: Capel handwoven wool rug + Jeopardy! computerized version or box game 2nd place: Harrison Furniture oak entertainment center & Emerson VCR + Jeopardy! computerized version or box game New champion: $14,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Elizabeth Ingrid Bob
$7,400 $3,300 $10,700
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
10 R,
3 W
24 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $21,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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