Suggest correction - #892 - 1988-06-21

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    $1000 3
The "Traveling Emperor", during 121-129 A.D. he went to Spain, Gaul, Germany, Athens, Britain, Africa & Syria

Show #892 - Tuesday, June 21, 1988


Tom Schmidt, a computer salesman originally from Wood Haven, New York

Linda Mossman, a substitute teacher from Elizaville, New York

Steve Herron, a letter carrier from Shawnee, Oklahoma (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $18,200)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: This applies to people from the state, not the city.)
    $100 7
Gimbel's made it policy not to fire anyone because of old age after his "Death of a Salesman" opened
    $100 1
One went to market, one stayed home, one had roast beef, one had none & one cried "Wee, wee, wee"
    $100 2
On Christmas Day, 1941, this British crown colony fell to the Japanese
    $100 9
Though she was born in Toronto, this silent screen star became "America's Sweetheart"
    $100 20
George Luger became a big shot when he invented one of these in 1898
    $200 8
His "Tropic of Cancer" was printed in English in Paris in 1934 but not in the U.S. until 1961
    $200 3
They ate their pie with their mittens on
    $200 14
He signed the famous letter warning FDR that Germany might be working on an atom bomb
    $200 10
Of Richard Burton, Julie Andrews or Robert Goulet, the 1 who won a Tony for "Camelot"
    DD: $500 11
New Yorker who topped pop charts in 1955 with the following song about a Texan:

"There's a yellow rose in Texas that I am gonna see / Nobody else could miss her..."
    $300 4
Reposing on a low stool, she imbibed coagulated milk
    $300 15
The "PT" in PT boat stood for this
    $300 16
This glamorous Swede promised to marry John Gilbert but stood him up at the altar
    $400 12
Barry Goldwater said he chose this man as his running mate because "He drives Johnson nuts"
    $400 5
Though he ate like a slob, he nonetheless concluded, "What a good boy am I"
    $400 17
He said 1942 was "not even the beginning of the end but... perhaps the end of the beginning"
    $400 18
She was "Miss Deepfreeze" in 1953, but warmed up to William Holden 2 years later in "Picnic"
    $400 24
John Dunlop made his 1st pneumatic tires for this kind of vehicle
    $400 22
The husband of a vicereine
    $500 13
An economist, he headed the Major League Baseball players' union from 1966-83
    $500 6
In the 2nd verse, she "fell fast asleep & dreamt she heard them bleating" but "they were still a-fleeting"
    $500 19
She played a ballerina-turned-prostitute in the 1940 classic "Waterloo Bridge"
    $500 23
In the early '30s he produced the 1st piece of plastic embedded with polarizing crystal
    $500 21
Date of birth, date of marriage, date of death, or in another context 36"-24"-36"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 10):

Steve Linda Tom
$1,100 $100 $800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Linda Tom
$1,100 $600 $2,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Words which are spelled the same, but pronounced differently & they have different meanings. We want you to give us both pronunciations.)
    $200 14
On the moon, these include the Jules Verne, the Plato, & the Giordano Bruno
    $200 6
Canadian province whose name is Latin for "New Scotland"
    $200 7
Beethoven thought about basing an opera on this play & even began a witches' chorus
    $200 5
In most months the ides fell on the 13th, but in March, May, July & October it fell on this date
    $200 24
Symbol in the center of the Japanese flag
    $200 8
To conduct an orchestra, or a poor conductor
    $400 21
Its atmosphere is made up of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen & 1% mixed gases
    $400 13
Despite its name, this South American body of water is an estuary, not a river of silver
    $400 22
Verdi's is "Moor" famous, but this "William Tell" composer wrote an "Otello" opera, too
    DD: $1,400 4
If a Roman showed you his domus, you'd be looking at this
    $400 25
To see the only North American national flag w/out red, white or blue, "come back to" this Caribbean island
    $400 9
Book of the Bible the Silhouettes might ask you to get
    $600 23
This planet was discovered in 1781; in 1977, astronomers discovered it has rings
    $600 15
The Atlantic Ocean isn't named for a lost continent but for these Moroccan mountains
    $600 18
Mozart's rival Salieri wrote an opera about this comic character from "The Merry Wives of Windsor"
    $600 1
In 73 B.C., Spartacus assembled a force on this site that would explode with force in 79 A.D.
    $600 10
The top of your head or a paste of liver
    $800 26
In 1967, the U.S. probe Mariner 5 & the Russian probe Venera 4 arrived there within hours of each other
    $800 16
Britannica says this city got its name from the Greek phrase "Eis ten Polin", meaning "in the city"
    $800 19
Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I wrote the opera "Timone Misantropo", based on this play
    $800 2
Rome helped the Mamertines defend Messana setting off their 1st war with this city-state
    $800 28
Not surprisingly, this tiny country takes its flag's colors from those of France & Spain
    $800 11
A line of seats in an arena or a loud fight over who gets to sit in them
    $1000 27
Its visible surface is called the photosphere
    $1000 17
South Sea island group which Captain Cook named for the "royal" group that sponsored his voyage there
    $1000 20
His opera based on "Measure for Measure" is called "Das Liebesverbot", which has a nice "ring" to it
    $1000 3
The "Traveling Emperor", during 121-129 A.D. he went to Spain, Gaul, Germany, Athens, Britain, Africa & Syria
    $1000 12
Put the tennis ball in play a second time or secure a court for your next match a week early

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Steve Linda Tom
$6,300 $8,000 $5,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

He is the oldest member of Congress

Final scores:

Steve Linda Tom
$0 $12,601 $10,400
3rd place: Maytag dishwasher + Jeopardy! box game New champion: $12,601 2nd place: La-Z-Boy reliner & al/sy lamps + Jeopardy! box game

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Steve Linda Tom
$6,300 $7,000 $5,000
20 R,
3 W
12 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
14 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W

Combined Coryat: $18,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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