Suggest correction - #7585 - 2017-07-28

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    $1200 16
In a recent movie Colin Farrell is given 45 days to find love or he's going to be turned into this title animal

Show #7585 - Friday, July 28, 2017

Last game of Season 33.


Dan Viafore, an audio engineer from Los Angeles, California

Mary Duffy, a games editor from Louisville, Colorado

Shadi Peterman, a high school history teacher from St. Louis, Missouri (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $6,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Each correct response will be a word made up of some of the letters in "vulnerable".)
    $200 4
At the tequila bar, lick the salt off your hand, drink the shot, then suck on this
    $200 23
A fan named Annie Wilkes breaks a writer's illusions of safety in this novel
    $200 1
It's the Hellenic Republic
    $200 11
The character behind bars in this game is Jake the Jailbird, put there due to the efforts of Officer Edgar Mallory
    $200 7
Anthony Geary won Emmys in 4 different decades for playing Luke on this soap (& Luke wasn't even a doctor!)
    $200 18
A carpenter uses it to measure a horizontal plane
    $400 5
Completes the title of an 1847 novel featuring "a gush of blood, and a hideous sucking noise": "Varney the..."
    $400 6
There's "no play" for this character who comes under the influence of evil at the Overlook Hotel in "The Shining"
    $400 2
Its 83 divisions include 21 "republics" & 2 "federal cities"
    $400 12
In 2013 this educational toy company "jumped" over its competitors by introducing a kids tablet with WiFi
    $400 8
This host's Top 10 list of "Least Popular Dr. Seuss Books" includes "If I Ran the Knicks"
    $400 19
A smear, or last night after a few too many cocktails
    $600 14
The Amer. Academy of Pediatrics says this habit fulfills a need of all infants but around age 5, maybe worry a bit
    $600 24
Her mother is the domineering & ultra-religious Margaret White; don't wait up!
    $600 3
Formerly Upper Volta, still 2 words
    $600 13
2 of the characters in this game are Cutie Cone & Giggly Gumdrop
    $600 29
Jeff & Beau's dad, he starred in "Sea Hunt" on TV & picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue on film in "Airplane!"
    $600 20
Mr. Ives, or a knot in fabric
    $800 15
H. Cecil Booth's version of this contraption was used to clean up Westminster Abbey for a coronation in 1902
    $800 16
An encounter with an amoral politician makes a psychic contemplate murder in this work
    $800 9
It's greatest width is 7 miles, so a walk from Austria to Switzerland... no problem
    DD: $2,400 21
Sales of this game first known as Pretzel got a big boost in 1966 when Eva Gabor & Johnny Carson played it on TV
    $800 27
If we rebuilt Steve Austin in 2017 instead of 1974 when this show premiered, the title number would be $30 million
    $800 22
Audacity; you've got a lot of this, pal
    $1000 25
The ultimate hitchhikers, these suckerfish attach themselves to other fish, like sharks
    $1000 17
It could only be this ageless creepy clown in "It"
    $1000 10
This peninsular country's only land border is with Saudi Arabia
    $1000 26
Created in 1914 and still fun a century later, it was inspired by watching kids play with simple items like sticks
    $1000 28
For fashion & style that's "Trendy@Wendy", check out this host's show
    $1000 30
To wash

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Shadi Mary Dan
$200 $1,800 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Shadi Mary Dan
$2,800 $9,000 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 3
A wise man, or the Salvia officinalis in his garden
    $400 6
Severe otitis media can lead to a perforation of this membrane
    $400 12
The 1821 Plan de Iguala, named for a city in Guerrero, led to this country's independence from Spain
    $400 13
Nine-ball is a standard pro variant of pocket these
    $400 20
On TV in 1971 Alan Shepard called one of these a "little white pellet that's familiar to millions of Americans"
    $400 1
In "Bubba Ho-Tep" Bruce Campbell plays this "king of rock & roll" who sets off to nab a mummy with a guy who thinks he's JFK
    $800 4
"Dis" word means careful to keep things confidential
    $800 5
(Sarah of the Clue Crew shows lungs and alveoli on the monitor.) The exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen takes place in tiny air sacs in the lungs called alveoli; smoking can make breathing difficult by causing the destruction of alveoli in this chronic lung disease
    $800 19
It completes the palindrome "A man, a plan, a canal--"
    $800 14
Ether, time, space, soul & mind team up with these better-known 4 as the 9 substances of the universe in Hinduism
    DD: $3,000 21
The only U.S. prez to be present at a shuttle launch, he watched John Glenn's return to space after 36 years
    $800 2
Billy Connolly isn't a dog in "Fido", but rather one of these undead minions
    $1200 8
There's a little mammalian insectivore in this word meaning "sharp in judgment"
    $1200 7
The 2014-15 outbreak of this deadly virus was larger than all previous ones combined
    $1200 28
Named for the city where it began, the Colombo plan was created in 1950 to provide aid to the south of this continent
    $1200 27
This Californian was long seen as the swing vote of the nine on the U.S. Supreme Court
    $1200 22
For Nov. 4, 2008 a county clerk in Texas beamed these traditionally paper items to the ISS; later they were beamed back
    $1200 16
In a recent movie Colin Farrell is given 45 days to find love or he's going to be turned into this title animal
    $1600 9
From Latin for "touch", it's sensitivity & skill in dealing with others
    $1600 10
A runner's high is produced by the release of these hormones, nature's opiates
    DD: $4,000 24
Comrade, the first of these was begun in 1928 & lasted until 1932
    $1600 26
These mythological warrior women served as the 9 handmaidens of Odin
    $1600 23
Hills on Mars are named in memory of people who perished Feb. 1, 2003 on this craft
    $1600 15
As the title character of this film, Jake Gyllenhaal is plagued by visions of a 6-foot rabbit named Frank
    $2000 18
In math this adjective describes a number expressible as a quotient of 2 integers
    $2000 11
It's the word for a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus
    $2000 29
The Schlieffen Plan, named for a field marshal who died the year before, was used by Germany at the start of this war
    $2000 25
The ninth of his name, this French king led the seventh crusade, but was captured in 1250 & had to be ransomed
    $2000 17
A favorite of Kubrick's was this 1977 black-&-white David Lynch horror film about a man with an unusual child

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Shadi Mary Dan
$16,200 $21,000 $8,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

The title subject of a 2007 bestseller, it was discovered in Australia where today it's a state emblem

Final scores:

Shadi Mary Dan
$11,200 $9,599 $7,199
2-day champion: $18,000 2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Shadi Mary Dan
$14,000 $17,000 $8,400
16 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
22 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
13 R,
1 W

Combined Coryat: $39,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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