Suggest correction - #7519 - 2017-04-27

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    $800 10
Parts of the whole, or those who congressmen have to keep happy

Show #7519 - Thursday, April 27, 2017

Alan Lin game 4.


Troy Steinmetz, a fundraising manager from Santa Clara, California

Jennifer Fuquay, a stay-at-home mom from San Antonio, Texas

Alan Lin, a software engineer from Santa Barbara, California (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $64,800)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: Even though each correct response will end in "um".)
    $200 9
His bestseller "Angels & Demons" was his second novel to hit the big screen
    $200 4
There are still a few thatchers around, mainly working on this part of houses
    $200 13
Retired names no longer used for these by N.O.A.A. include Igor & Marilyn
    $200 14
Here's a work of art: a traditional bûche de Noël cake garnished with mushrooms made of this frothy mixture
    $200 8
This swimmer drew a 10-month suspension after his story of a Rio robbery didn't hold water
    $400 10
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button " was based on a story by this Jazz Age man
    $400 5
An out-crier was someone in this occupation; what's your bid?
    $400 26
2-word term for the soil or gravel in which gold is found, or what you "hit" when you make a fortunate discovery
    $400 22
For some, only ricotta will do as the marquee ingredient in this cake
    $400 1
(NBA Commissioner Adam Silver gives the clue.) In 2009 the NBA announced that the NBA Finals MVP Award would be named for this man who played on 11 NBA championship teams
    $400 18
Things are going our way; we've got this, also called Big Mo
    $600 15
Several of his books have been filmed, including "No Country for Old Men"
    $600 6
Sean Connery's first job was as this bottle bringer who was made less necessary by modern home refrigeration
    $600 27
In 1865 physicist Rudolf Clausius coined this term for the measure of disorder or randomness in a closed system
    $600 23
It's the trademark name for the specialized cake pan and the cake it produces
    $600 3
This now-retired Lion AKA Megatron once burned Dallas for 329 receiving yards
    $600 19
In the middle of the category, it's from the Latin for "the middle"
    $800 16
This 1971 novel by William Peter Blatty scared the devil out of moviegoers in 1973
    $800 11
(Sarah of the Clue Crew gives the clue from Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts.) Blacksmiths might make machinery or repair tools, but perhaps their best-known job was this one, that required special nails and was essential to early 19th century transportation
    $800 28
Kids shouldn't use this word on the playground, but they can use it to describe acids like palmitic with long carbon chains
    $800 24
Some bakers use beets as a natural food coloring for this "textile" cake
    $800 2
In 2012 it became the first school to have players go 1-2 in the NBA draft--Anthony Davis & Michael Kidd-Gilchrist
    $800 20
It's the nicer way of calling it a mental health resort
    $1000 17
"Love & Friendship" is based on her novel of manners "Lady Susan"
    DD: $1,400 12
A tipper was a specialized fletcher putting metal tips on these
    $1000 25
The cute little piggy cake decor is made from this almond paste confection
    $1000 7
Over 150,000 fans came to Bristol Motor Speedway in this state for the biggest NCAA football crowd ever
    $1000 21
Small, 8-letter piece of plastic used to play guitar strings

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 13):

Alan Jennifer Troy
$2,800 $0 $3,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Alan Jennifer Troy
$7,400 $1,000 $6,000

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $400 9
He built a wall to separate "Romans from the barbarians"; no word if he wanted the barbarians to pay for it
    $400 1
Kelly Overton on Syfy's "Van Helsing" can save the world-- her blood makes these human again
    $400 4
So... you're intensely attracted to one parent & jealous of the other? I'm afraid you have this complex, Rex
    $400 24
The beginning of a capital, name-wise...Crosby? No. Stills? Nuh uh. That third guy? You bet! & that town loves music!
    $800 14
This leader liked raiding Britain so much in 55 B.C., he tried again a year later
    $800 2
B.B. King would be surprised to learn that on "The Walking Dead" Lucille wasn't a guitar, but one of these
    $800 28
In May 2016 this 96-year-old used a technique he invented to save a choking fellow seniors' home resident
    $800 10
Parts of the whole, or those who congressmen have to keep happy
    $800 5
Tics may be part of this 3-letter condition marked by repetitive behavior
    $800 23
The first name of Messrs. Martel & Lindbergh begins to take you home to this capital
    $1200 15
Marcus Carausius founded an independent state in Britain & took this name, like Rome's first emperor
    $1200 3
John Turturro has problems with his feet & Riz Ahmed has problems with the law on this HBO show based on a BBC show
    $1200 27
This congressman and senator died a few years before the Civil War, which he tried like heck to avert
    $1200 11
A "working" this proposition is a tentative explanation of facts
    $1200 6
Open wide & name this infantile Freudian developmental stage
    $1200 18
The last name of NFL great Franco helps get you to this capital in the state in which he played
    $1600 16
The Romans suppressed this Celtic group whose name means "knowing the oak tree"
    $1600 21
After season 1 of this ABC show, Regina King, Felicity Huffman & Timothy Hutton switched to different roles
    DD: $2,000 26
His determination in exploration got him the Congolese nickname Bula Matari, "breaker of rocks"
    $1600 12
Adjective for the relationship of the two houses seen here
    $1600 7
In psychology the distortion of evidence by the viewer's motives or expectations is this kind of "bias"
    DD: $5,000 19
The 2 capitals with the complete names of months within their names
    $2000 17
Legend says Joseph of Arimathea brought the holy grail to this town in Somerset, now home to a big music festival
    $2000 22
"All Hail" this lemur king on Netflix; he likes to move it, move it
    $2000 25
This colorful mobster whose life inspired the movie "Goodfellas" died nonviolently in 2012
    $2000 13
A designation by winemakers indicating the grapes are from a specific place
    $2000 8
The recognition that things exist independent of one's actions or awareness is this kind of "permanence"
    $2000 20
The two capitals that have a Greek word for "city" at the end of their names

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Alan Jennifer Troy
$14,600 $3,000 $8,600

Final Jeopardy! Round

When it was first marketed in the late 1970s, this toy was given the Hungarian name "Buvos Kocka"

Final scores:

Alan Jennifer Troy
$19,600 $0 $14,601
4-day champion: $84,400 3rd place: $1,000 2nd place: $2,000

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Alan Jennifer Troy
$16,200 $3,000 $13,600
21 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W
(including 1 DD)
5 R,
2 W
20 R,
4 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $32,800

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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