Suggest correction - #7422 - 2016-12-13

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    $400 7
On April 13, 1861 Major Robert Anderson surrendered this fort to the Confederates

Show #7422 - Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tim Aten game 8.
Cindy Stowell game 1.


Cindy Stowell, a science content developer from Austin, Texas

Garrett Levenbrook, a food executive from Montclair, New Jersey

Tim Aten, an editor from Vermilion, Ohio (7-day champion whose cash winnings total $107,499)

Jeopardy! Round

    $200 18
"Dilbert" creator Scott &
First Lady Abigail
    $200 13
(Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C.) In China, giant pandas, with their black-&-white fur, were thought to be a physical manifestation of these two principles that come together to create peace & harmony
    $200 2
This denotes a dominant male
    $200 28
Any sort of little nibbles that are eaten with the hands, not cutlery
    $200 22
Georgia has 2 official state nicknames-- "Empire State of the South" & this fruity one
    $200 1
Through digital magic, Carrie Underwood sings "I'll Be Home For Christmas" with this late king of rock & roll
    $400 17
Rivers of Weezer &
Mario of New York
    $400 9
Including the giant & sea species, they're the most aquatic members of the weasel family
    $400 4
It continues with 159265358...
    $400 24
In 1991 a group of artists came up with this as a symbol of support for those living with AIDS & HIV
    $400 29
There was a hot time in this old town after it fell to besieging Union troops on September 1, 1864
    $400 3
Darius Rucker & Sheryl Crow are among the pairs who have recorded this chilly duet that begins, "I really can't stay"
    $600 19
"Lost Horizon" novelist James &
heiress Nicky
    $600 14
A cackle is a group of these African mammals, one of which is heard here
    $600 6
The name of this brand of watch also denotes some fatty acids
    $600 25
It's what the guy seen here is holding
    $600 5
This founder's name is on the Girl Scout National Center in Savannah
    $600 10
In a classic but odd pairing, Bing Crosby crooned a medley of this carol & "Peace On Earth" with David Bowie
    $800 20
Actor Jeffrey Dean &
rich guy John Pierpont
    DD: $1,000 15
While it feeds mainly on termites & the insect in its name, this toothless mammal also enjoys avocados
    $800 7
Here's a very small clue--3 of its 4 letters are vowels
    $800 26
Formed from the evaporation of ocean water, it's 98% sodium chloride & popular with chefs
    $800 23
He ran an unsuccessful 1966 campaign for governor before a successful one 4 years later
    $800 11
Justin Bieber joined this singer for a superfestive version of her "All I Want For Christmas Is You"
    $1000 21
Glass House architect Philip &
wrestler Dwayne
    $1000 16
(Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C.) Extinct in the wild until recently, Przewalski's horse, the only truly wild horse, has been reintroduced back into China & this landlocked neighbor to the north, where it is a symbol of national heritage
    $1000 8
Psi is the name of a Greek letter & is also found in the names of these 2 other Greek letters
    $1000 27
The existence of these storage organizations made heart-lung pumps for open-heart surgery possible
    $1000 30
Northeast Georgia is covered by this "colorful" southern range of the Appalachians
    $1000 12
Good grief! Sarah McLachlan & Diana Krall dueted on this song 1st heard in "A Charlie Brown Christmas"

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tim Garrett Cindy!
$1,600 $1,000 $1,400

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Garrett Cindy!
$5,000 $2,400 $2,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And finally, we take you [*]. T-H-E, those three letters, will come up at the end of each correct response.)
    $400 19
1931 saw the first appearance of "The Joy of" this--remember, it's books of the '30s, not the '70s
    $400 7
On April 13, 1861 Major Robert Anderson surrendered this fort to the Confederates
    $400 1
To abhor or feel intense disgust for
    $800 15
It arose from the teachings of a man who lived in northeastern India sometime between the 6th & 4th centuries B.C.
    $800 12
There were no webslingers or Stan in the 1985 William Hurt movie "The Kiss of" her
    $800 20
This novel came out in 1936, was the No. 1 fiction bestseller of 1937 & hit the big screen in 1939
    $800 8
Though Fritz Todt built this Nazi line, also known as the West Wall, it wasn't the Todt Line, but was named for this Wagnerian hero
    $800 2
To put your sword away
    $1200 4
In the 1st century B.C., this epistle apostle called for God to curse competing preachers
    DD: $4,000 10
The Russkies invaded the U.S. in this Swayze flick, & despite the cries for "Wolverines", neither Logan nor Stan showed
    $1200 21
The title of this book that spawned several movies didn't refer to its detective hero but to lanky Clyde Wynant
    $1200 24
Pairing veterans with the community at large via physical & social activity, team RWB is short for this, natch
    $1200 9
Button Gwinnett died in 1777, less than a year after doing this; that combination makes his signature worth $1/2 mil.
    $1200 3
This anise-flavored liquor was made legal in the U.S. in 2007
    DD: $2,000 13
The 1947 discovery of these gave scholars glimpses into early Judaism
    $1600 11
Jake Gyllenhaal was not a teleporting X-Man in this 2014 movie, but rather a psychotic L.A. newsman
    $1600 22
(Hi. I'm Jill Biden.) As a military mom, I was proud to launch an initiative with First Lady Michelle Obama to help service members, veterans & their families that is fittingly called "Joining" these
    $1600 17
Stenka Razin, who led an uprising of these horsemen of the steppes, was the subject of the 1st Russian feature film, from 1908
    $1600 5
To give $100 of each $1,000 you earn to the church
    $2000 14
A Persian prophet founded an -ianism named for him over 2,500 years ago & we need his name
    $2000 16
No room for Stan in the tank with Brad Pitt & Shia LaBeouf in this 2014 movie that wasn't about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s boss
    $2000 25
Ding! Ding! This hard-boiled 1934 novel was James M. Cain's first
    $2000 23
The uses of the military inside the U.S. are limited by the act called this "comitatus"
    $2000 18
Jesuit missionary & explorer Isaac Jogues gave the falls that empty into Lake Huron this French name
    $2000 6
It's carried by the grim reaper

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tim Garrett Cindy!
$11,400 $2,800 $12,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Cuba's second-most populous city & a South American capital share this name that refers to St. James

Final scores:

Tim Garrett Cindy!
$7,800 $1,800 $22,801
2nd place: $2,000 3rd place: $1,000 New champion: $22,801

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tim Garrett Cindy!
$11,400 $2,200 $9,400
14 R,
0 W
11 R
(including 2 DDs),
8 W
15 R
(including 1 DD),
1 W

Combined Coryat: $23,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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