Suggest correction - #2174 - 1994-02-03

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    $500 30
Referring to a breakfast treat, store items that go quickly are said to do this

Show #2174 - Thursday, February 3, 1994

Tom Nichols game 4.


Lois Murray, a teacher from New Haven, Connecticut

Jim Proulx, a reporter from Fresno, California

Tom Nichols, a professor originally from Chicopee, Massachusetts (3-day champion whose cash winnings total $31,700)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 5
Now the capital of Poland, it was the capital of the duchy of Mazovia in the 15th century
    $100 1
After the death of Keith Moon in 1978, Kenney Jones became this British group's drummer
    $100 16
Babies should grow 20 of these, 10 upper, 10 lower; eventually they'll lose them
    $100 19
In July 1980 the Republican party nominated this former CIA director for vice president
    $100 3
In July 1993 this photo-filled monthly magazine became smaller & got a new logo & layout
    $100 12
Something that's simple to do is "as easy as" this dessert
    $200 7
The 2 longest of these in Poland are the Oder & Vistula
    $200 2
"The Camptown Racetrack" was this many "miles long"
    $200 17
Its slats should not be more than 2 3/8" apart & it should be built to last through several kids
    $200 21
On July 28, 1945 a plane crashed into this building, lodging in the 79th floor
    $200 4
Among the top 10 magazines, there's no "Best", but there are these 2 "Good" & "Better" titles
    $200 20
A more savory way of saying "from A to Z" is "from soup to" these
    $300 8
You can see many of Poland's historic sites while following a trail named for this astronomer
    $300 6
It follows "Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above"
    $300 27
In France this prenatal test is called "l'echographie"
    $300 23
This hospital insurance program for the elderly began July 1, 1966
    $300 14
The December 1992 issue of this new magazine named for women under 5'5" featured actress Nicole Eggert
    $300 22
According to a proverb, "the proof of" this "is in the eating"
    $400 9
Lenin's name has been stripped from the shipyards in this city where the Solidarity union began
    $400 11
This onetime drummer with Benny Goodman was portrayed by Sal Mineo in a 1959 film biography
    $400 28
Careful -- the baby can spread conjunctivitis, better known as this
    $400 24
On July 12, 1843 Joseph Smith announced that a divine revelation sanctioned this practice
    $400 15
Before her political career, Millicent Fenwick worked at this now century-old fashion magazine
    $400 26
It's another way of saying, "that's life", perhaps with Oreos in mind
    $500 10
These currency units come in notes of up to 2,000,000
    $500 13
In 1929 this crooner began using "My Time Is Your Time" as his theme song
    $500 29
It's the process of the baby learning to do without milk from the bottle
    DD: $1,000 25
On July 14, 1980, Billy Carter registered as an agent of this country's government
    $500 18
Pencilwise is the special puzzle section in the center of this magazine
    $500 30
Referring to a breakfast treat, store items that go quickly are said to do this

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Tom Jim Lois
$1,600 $500 $1,600

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Jim Lois
$3,000 $800 $2,800

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 10
During the Napoleonic Wars, King Ferdinand VII of this country was held prisoner in France
    $200 18
The most prominent men in his "Night Watch" painting were the ones who paid him the most
    $200 6
This heavenly body fell in love with Endymion
    $200 8
It's nicknamed the "Cream City" because of its cream-colored buildings, but it could be called the "Beer City"
    $200 22
In photosynthesis, a plant takes in CO2 & releases this gas
    $200 1
Leaving a bookstore with a complimentary copy of "Ivanhoe", you'd be getting off this way
    $400 11
In 1993 King Carl XVI Gustav of this country visited Brooklyn, N.Y. to see a play directed by Ingmar Bergman
    $400 19
Rockefeller Center hired Jose Maria Sert to replace a mural by this Mexican artist
    $400 7
When he learned that Metis was pregnant, this main Greek god swallowed her & Athena was born from his head
    $400 9
Founded as a fort in 1702, this city on the Gulf of Mexico was named for the Maubilla Indians
    $400 23
This part of a comet may be 100 million miles long & a million miles wide
    $400 2
The "Annabel Lee" author's reason for not writing is one of these
    $600 12
William the Good was a 12th C. Norman king of this largest island in the Mediterranean
    DD: $2,000 20
This art style fell between Mannerism & Rococo; Bernini was a great exponent
    $600 27
This founder of Rome eventually disappeared & became the god Quirinus
    $600 15
Breaux Bridge, a town in this state, claims to be the crawfish capital of the world
    $600 24
A funnel is the narrow cloud of one of these violent storms
    $600 3
Toy domicile for "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" author Roald
    $800 13
This Medici's uncle, Pope Clement VII, officiated at her wedding to future French king Henri II
    $800 21
In a May 1993 auction, this French artist's "Still Life with Apples" sold for $28.6 million
    $800 29
This messenger god killed the giant Argus after lulling his hundred eyes to sleep with his music
    $800 16
Because it was such a major meat-packing center, this Ohio city was once known as "Porkopolis"
    $800 25
It's the "point" at which vapor from a volatile liquid will ignite spontaneously near a small flame
    $800 4
Warning yelled by someone about to drop something on "Humboldt's Gift" author Saul
    $1000 14
This prince's mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg, was Lord Mountbatten's sister
    $1000 28
French for "source", it's the complete record of ownership of a piece of art
    $1000 30
He awarded Aphrodite the Golden Apple after judging her the most beautiful goddess
    $1000 17
This SW state capital hosts the Valley of the Sun Annual Square and Round Dance Festival
    DD: $2,400 26
Fish are poikilothermic, more popularly called this
    $1000 5
A person who goes on & on & on about poet Ogden's car

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Tom Jim Lois
$7,000 $7,600 $7,200

Final Jeopardy! Round

Laura Keene, who first came to the U.S. in the 1850s, was best known for her starring role in this play

Final scores:

Tom Jim Lois
$13,990 $700 $0
4-day champion: $45,690 2nd place: Zeos portable computer & Bassett computer workstation 3rd place: RCA Home Theater laser disc & CD player

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Tom Jim Lois
$8,000 $6,200 $5,800
22 R,
3 W
(including 1 DD)
13 R
(including 1 DD),
4 W
19 R
(including 1 DD),
3 W

Combined Coryat: $20,000

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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