Suggest correction - #1418 - 1990-10-31

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    $400 25
In 1982 Michael Vazquez became the first trapeze artist to do this many somersaults in the air in public

Show #1418 - Wednesday, October 31, 1990


Elaine Hyla, a librarian originally from Cleveland, Ohio

Ray Ivey, a word processing teacher from New York, New York

Mitch Paluszek, an attorney from Queens, New York (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $11,801)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 6
To visit the republic of Azerbaijan, you would travel to this country
    $100 21
Ringling Brothers' are 42 feet in diameter with wooden curbs 1 foot high
    $100 1
This conservationist created 5 new national parks, including Mesa Verde & Crater Lake
    $100 16
He was baptized Francisco de Asis Javier Cugat Migall de Bru y Deulofeo
    $100 26
Siegfried & Odile dance the famous "Black Swan" pas de deux in this ballet
    $100 11
This Bing Crosby hit is the best-selling record of all time
    $200 7
The only continent that's smaller in area than the U.S.
    $200 22
The main circus acts are performed under this, the largest tent
    $200 2
Once a New Deal Civilian Conservation Corps camp, it was called "Shangri-La" by FDR
    $200 17
She was Anna Maria Italiano, then Anne Marno; then she "Graduate"d to this name
    $200 27
Some swans choose these in a noisy display called the triumph ceremony
    $200 12
In the body the 3 main types are granulocytes, monocytes & lymphocytes
    $300 8
The Bay of Plenty of this country was named by Cook for the copious food the Maoris there gave him
    $300 23
In 1927 J. Ringling chose this Fla. city as winter headquarters for the Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Circus
    $300 3
He called himself "A lover of Bob Dylan's songs & Dylan Thomas' poetry" in "Why Not the Best?"
    $300 18
This person was born George Jorgensen in the Bronx in 1926
    $300 28
This swan, which is quieter than most other swans, is often seen in parks & zoos
    $300 13
It's another name for a termite
    $400 9
Ocean where you'd find the Marquesas Ridge, the Chatham Rise & the Aleutian & Guatemala Trenches
    $400 25
In 1982 Michael Vazquez became the first trapeze artist to do this many somersaults in the air in public
    DD: $500 4
In 1939 he became the first future president licensed to fly a plane
    $400 19
"Chorus Line" choreographer Michael DiFiglia used this middle name as his last name
    $400 14
The fastest-moving land snake is believed to be this venomous snake
    $500 10
2 oceans meet at Cape Agulhas, the southernmost extremity of this continent
    $500 24
Last name of the family of aerialists that was known for its 7-person pyramid stunt
    $500 5
His given names were the same as the full name of a 16th century leader of the Protestant Reformation
    $500 20
William Mitchell, who netted an Oscar for "Network", acted under this name
    $500 15
In this 1977 film, an international terrorist organization plots to blow up the Super Bowl

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Mitch Ray Elaine
$100 $900 -$100

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Mitch Ray Elaine
$1,500 $1,400 $1,200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 6
In the "Lord's Prayer" it immediately follows "Our father which art in heaven"
    $200 20
New England farmers frequently use plastic tubing & vacuum pumps to drain sap from these trees
    $200 13
Sailors named this place for the patron saint Mary of Good Air
    $200 1
His original title for "Death of A Salesman" was "The Inside of His Head"
    $200 7
The discovery of gold in 1848 gave rise to this state's nickname, "The Golden State"
    $400 10
After the flood "God blessed Noah and his sons, and fruitful, and" do this
    $400 21
As its name implies, Swedish julbrod is served during this holiday season
    $400 14
Argentina's 1990 loss to Cameroon was called one of the biggest upsets ever in this tournament
    $400 2
This playwright directed the first production of his own play, "Fool for Love" in 1983
    $400 8
It's sometimes described as "The Land of Peanuts, Pecans & Peaches"
    DD: $2,500 17
He asked of his father, "Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?"
    $600 23
Wild rice is native to this continent
    $600 15
Both the country & the Rio de la Plata were named for this metal
    $600 3
The first line spoken in this Edward Albee play is "I've been to the zoo."
    $600 9
It's been called "The State Where Man & Nature Gamble"
    $600 28
In 1818 he attained this rank in the Tennessee militia
    $800 18
The New Testament says "That the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in" this
    $800 25
To make marzipan, use a paste made from this nut
    $800 16
President Menem represents the Justicialist Party, more commonly called this
    $800 4
Teacher who told her "Little Girls", "If they want to get rid of me they will have to assassinate me."
    $800 11
"The Jumbo State"
    $800 27
Davy fought in an 1813-14 war against this Indian tribe
    $1000 19
God told the serpent "Upon thy belly shalt thou go" & this "shalt thou eat"
    $1000 24
The Italian name for the pasta that means little moustaches in English
    $1000 22
In 1984 Argentina settled its dispute over the Beagle Channel with this neighbor
    DD: $1,500 5
The Thomas Hart Benton painting seen here depicts the original cast of this T. Williams play:
    $1000 12
"The Blue Hen State"
    $1000 26
The last 3 words of his famous dictum "Be always sure you're right..."

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Mitch Ray Elaine
$5,500 $9,000 $3,000

Final Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: [Singing] "Davy, Davy Crockett, we've forgotten all about you.")
The tomb of Britain's "Unknown Warrior" is in this British landmark

Final scores:

Mitch Ray Elaine
$10,800 $11,500 $100
2nd place: Trip to Washington, D.C. + The Jeopardy! Book New champion: $11,500 + The Jeopardy! Book 3rd place: Service Merchandise gift certificate + NES with Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune and Fisher-Price video games + The Jeopardy! Book

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Mitch Ray Elaine
$6,000 $6,600 $3,000
19 R,
2 W
(including 1 DD)
17 R
(including 2 DDs),
3 W
10 R,
3 W

Combined Coryat: $15,600

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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