Suggest correction - #3495 - 1999-11-12

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    $500 30
It follows "A penny for a spool of thread, a penny for a needle, that's the way the money goes..."

Show #3495 - Friday, November 12, 1999

1999-B Teen Tournament final game 2.
From the Theater at Madison Square Garden, New York City.


Chacko George, a junior from Slidell, Louisiana (subtotal of $7,800)

Kristi Jones, a junior from Warsaw, Ohio (subtotal of $8,500)

Emily Deveau, a junior from St. Johns, Michigan (subtotal of $2,500)

Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: We'll give you the counties, you identify the state.)
    $100 4
The Korean alphabet in common use today has 10 vowels & 14 of these
    $100 18
On March 3, 1999 this vice president told CNN that he "took the initiative in creating the internet"
    $100 24
Now at about 30 million, by 2005 they'll be the USA's largest minority group
    $100 16
In the lyrics of the song, it's how long "I've Been Working on the Railroad"
    $100 11
New London,
New Haven
    $100 1
This royal title is from the Egyptian for "house"
    $200 7
Austrians sing their national anthem in this, their official language
    $200 19
He was the first Virginian to serve as vice president
    $200 25
These CD-like discs are projected to replace CD-ROMs & video cassettes
    $200 17
"If you're" this "and you know it, clap your hands"
    $200 12
    $200 2
It's the fear of narrow or enclosed spaces
    $300 8
This Scandinavian language is also known as Dansk
    $300 21
FDR had 3 vice presidents, this Missourian being the last
    $300 26
Seen here is an artist's conception; it should be fully operational in 2004 after 44 launches
    $300 20
Among her parts we "plumerai" are her tete, bec & yeux
    $300 13
    $300 3
White-sided & bottle-nosed are types of this mammal
    $400 9
Plautus wrote plays in the "Vulgar" form of this ancient language
    DD: $1,000 22
Although a Democrat, he was nominated for vice president by Republicans at the 1864 National Union Convention
    $400 27
With current population trends, by 2050 this economically powerful Asian nation will have 20% fewer people
    $400 28
It's what caused my meatball to roll off my plate & onto the floor
    $400 14
Big Horn,
Lewis & Clark
    $400 5
(What's up, what's up? This is Shawn Stockman from Boyz II Men) An Oscar-winning 1993 Bruce Springsteen song mentions this city where my group first formed
    $500 10
Balinese is an Austronesian language spoken on the island of Bali in this country
    $500 23
Richard Nixon's vice president, he was the second sitting veep to resign from office
    $500 29
In April 1998 the trustees of this government retirement fund announced it will last until 2032, not 2029
    $500 30
It follows "A penny for a spool of thread, a penny for a needle, that's the way the money goes..."
    $500 15
    $500 6
One of Ben & Jerry's most popular flavors of ice cream, it's named for a Vermont band

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Emily Kristi Chacko
$1,900 -$100 $1,800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Emily Kristi Chacko
$3,100 $500 $5,100

Double Jeopardy! Round

(Alex: And yes, you must spell the correct response.)
    $200 14
The stakes were high for this peasant girl who was burnt at the stake in 1431
    $200 21
If Brandy & Monica have 2 songs each in the Top 40, together they command this percentage of the chart
    $200 5
This Brooklyn amusement park area lent its name to a type of hot dog
    $200 4
This will be grand when you spell...
    $200 1
Brittany is famous for the Belon type of this mollusk, used for eating, not pearls
    $200 22
Using your stick as a spear calls for a 5-minute penalty in this sport
    $400 15
This teen "asp"ired to be Egypt's queen but had to share the throne with her little brother, Ptolemy XIII
    $400 30
If Dave eats 3 Twinkies a day, he'll devour this many in January alone
    $400 6
Boyhood in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn toughened up this champ
    $400 10
Convince me you can spell...
    $400 2
Breton isn't a Romance language, it's placed with Irish Gaelic & Welsh in this group
    $400 23
Edible spears seen here
    $600 16
This "Good King" of Christmas carol fame was a teenage ruler of Bohemia
    DD: $500 29
If Abby jogs 2 miles a day around a 1/4-mile track, she does this many laps in a week
    $600 7
Brooklyn was the scene of the August 1776 "Battle of" this island
    $600 11
Give the word special treatment as you spell...
    $600 3
Better known for his work in the Seven Seas, he painted the Brittany scene shown here
    $600 24
Considered a type of spear, this dagger attached to a rifle muzzle dates from the 17th century
    $800 17
This mystic's misspent youth in his native Siberia was noted for its debauchery
    $800 27
Hank's mobile home is this long, 1 3/4 times longer than his 8-foot-long car
    DD: $1,000 8
In the 1600s Brooklyn was named for the village of Breuckelen in this country
    $800 12
Casually & cooly prove that you can spell...
    $800 19
Born in Brittany, he hit the Jacquespot when he voyaged to Canada & discovered the St. Lawrence River
    $800 25
Spear-like weapons being used ineffectively here
(while whaling)
    $1000 18
Isabella II, a teenage queen of this country, survived an assassination attempt in 1847
    $1000 28
At 50 cents a dog, it's how many dogs Jill will have to walk to buy that $43,500 Porsche
    $1000 9
In 1998 this Brooklyn congressman defeated Alfonse D'Amato for a seat in the U.S. Senate
    $1000 13
Your telepathic abilities might help you in spelling...
    $1000 20
The name of the Finistere region, which juts into the Atlantic, comes from Latin meaning this
    $1000 26
Alexander the Great's father made the soldiers of this land formidable by introducing an extra-long spear

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Emily Kristi Chacko
$9,100 $1,100 $9,400

Final Jeopardy! Round

One month prior to his hanging on December 2, 1859, he said that he had no design to "excite slaves to rebel"

Final scores:

Emily Kristi Chacko
$11,100 $2,200 $12,901

Cumulative scores:

Emily Kristi Chacko
$13,600 $10,700 $20,701
1st runner-up: $15,000 2nd runner-up: $10,700 Tournament champion: $25,000 + a 2000 Chevy Cavalier Z24

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Emily Kristi Chacko
$9,100 $1,100 $9,100
21 R,
1 W
7 R,
3 W
28 R
(including 2 DDs),
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $19,300

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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