Suggest correction - #3352 - 1999-03-16

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    $100 21
It's the central library of the Roman Catholic Church

Show #3352 - Tuesday, March 16, 1999


Lee Diveley, a geographic information systems analyst from Columbia, South Carolina

Betsy Mills, a homemaker from Monticello, Illinois

Robin McCreery, a claims representative from Coos Bay, Oregon (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $10,800)

Jeopardy! Round

'50s TV
(Alex: Where?)
    $100 21
It's the central library of the Roman Catholic Church
    $100 16
Before debuting in this series, Jerry Mathers had appeared in 2 Bob Hope movies
    $100 4
Meaning "settlement by a bridge", it's the first name of a man who settled Utah
    $100 7
It's a "cumulus" word for an accumulation of gnats
    $100 1
1775's "Shot Heard Round the World" was shot at the battle of this town
    $100 23
Its 3,400-square-mile metropolitan area extends over 8 administrative units known as parishes
    $200 22
Developer of the decimal classification system, he directed the New York State Library, 1889-1906
    $200 17
Word that completes the line sung by Jimmy Nelson "N-e-s-t-l-e-s, Nestle's makes the very best..."
    $200 9
Using the meanings of their names, they become Farmer & Watchful Gershwin
    $200 8
Just thinking about a "grist" of these insects gives me hives
    $200 2
Back in 1964 Surgeon General Luther L. Terry labeled this habit a "health hazard"
    $200 27
The area between this city's Allegheny & Monongahela Rivers is called the Golden Triangle
    $300 24
Only 2 presidential libraries are not administered by the National Archives: Hayes' in Ohio & his in Yorba Linda, CA.
    $300 18
Dum de dum dum. This cop show won an Emmy as Best Mystery, Action or Adventure Program of 1952
    $300 10
Edgar means "rich spear" & this name, stifled a lot in the '70s, means "rich war"
    $300 13
If a drift of these mammals drifts into your yard, don't cast pearls before them
    $300 3
The Supreme Court held that blacks couldn't claim U.S. citizenship in the 1857 decision named for this man
    DD: $800 28
The Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition of 1905 brought 3 million visitors to this city on the Willamette River
    $400 25
The life & career of this female senator from Maine is on display at a library in Skowhegan
    $400 19
In the 1950s this western was the top-rated series of the season 3 times
    $400 11
To explain it all, this name from a 1740s novel was made novel by Melissa Joan Hart
    $400 14
A sedge is a group of these birds, perhaps the sandhill type seen here
    $400 5
In 1894 riots broke out during a railroad strike targeting this company
    $400 29
Northwest Airlines & The 3M Corp. are headquartered in suburbs of this capital on both banks of the Mississippi
    $500 26
The Lilly Library at Indiana University has one of this man's 1,453 printings of the New Testament
    $500 20
A future Oscar winner for "Charly", he played Rod Brown of the Rocket Rangers
    $500 12
First name of actress Miles, this 4-letter feminine name is from the Russian for "faith"
    $500 15
In the evening you might watch for a watch of these nocturnal avian singers
    $500 6
In 1797 3 French agents later known by these 3 letters asked U.S. trade representatives for a bribe

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 15):

Robin Betsy Lee
$2,600 $400 -$800

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Robin Betsy Lee
$3,700 $1,400 -$200

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 1
Of this country's hundreds of islands, Crete & Euboea are the 2 largest
    $200 16
In 1914 he married Rose Fitzgerald, a daughter of Boston's mayor
    $200 11
George Kennedy won an Oscar in part for beating the heck out of Paul Newman in this movie
    $200 21
In 1997 a made-up war record helped get M. Larry Lawrence buried at this Virginia cemetery -- briefly
    $200 4
Jo's older sister
    $400 2
A 7-mile tunnel through Mont Blanc connects Chamonix, France to this country
    $400 17
In 1998, using his persona from "My Cousin Vinny", he cut the album "Vincent Laguardia Gambini Sings Just for You"
    $400 12
A brutal murder is solved in this 1967 Oscar winner
    $400 22
Per his widow's wishes, this architect was moved from his native Wisconsin to Taliesin West in Arizona
    $400 5
Noted novelist Norman
    $600 3
A German valley renowned for its coal deposits is named for this tributary of the Rhine
    $600 18
He was inducted into the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame in 1989 & the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990
    $600 13
Judith Anderson played Big Mama Pollitt, the matriarch of a greedy Southern family, in this film
    DD: $1,000 23
Imre Nagy, this country's leader during the 1956 uprising, was reburied with honors in 1989
    $600 8
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, for example
    $800 6
This river flows through Toledo, Spain on its westerly trip to the sea
    $800 19
He uses his muscle to oversee a $400 million health & fitness empire based in Woodland Hills, California
    $800 27
Some images of this "Enlightened One" show a top-knot which symbolizes his supreme wisdom
    DD: $600 14
After "Body Heat" steamed up the screen, Lawrence Kasdan cooled down & directed this movie next
    $800 24
Carl Weiss was exhumed to investigate his alleged 1935 assassination of this former Louisiana gov.
    $800 9
Dastardly deed "in the Cathedral"
    $1000 7
The name of this waterfall on the Brazil-Argentina border comes from a Guarani word for "great water"
    $1000 20
This Democrat from Delaware served as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee from 1987 to 1995
    $1000 26
The beliefs of this religion appear in books like the "Lao-Tzu" & the "Chuang-Tzu"
    $1000 15
As Rev. Clayton Brooks, Dick Van Dyke led a townwide effort to quit smoking in this 1971 film
    $1000 25
In 1991 this 12th president was exhumed to see if he'd been poisoned by pro-slavers
    $1000 10
Wilkie Collins' gem

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Robin Betsy Lee
$6,500 $7,600 $200

Final Jeopardy! Round

6 of his albums landed on Billboard's Top Pop Catalog Chart for May 30, 1998, including 3 in the Top 10

Final scores:

Robin Betsy Lee
$500 $2,199 $1
2nd place: Trip to Ireland, with airline service provided by Aer Lingus New champion: $2,199 3rd place: Pair of Jaguar Watches

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Robin Betsy Lee
$6,500 $8,200 $200
20 R,
2 W
24 R
(including 2 DDs),
8 W
(including 1 DD)
6 R,
4 W

Combined Coryat: $14,900

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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