Suggest correction - #3660 - 2000-06-30

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    $200 16
Miller told this future wife, "You're the saddest girl I've ever met"

Show #3660 - Friday, June 30, 2000

Alex brings his kids, Matthew and Emily, onstage with him at the opening of the show.


Brian Lohmann, a teacher from Los Angeles, California

Jeeks Rajagopal, a library technician from Fallon, Nevada

Bill McCormick, an attorney from Corona del Mar, California (1-day champion whose cash winnings total $4,500)

Jeopardy! Round

    $100 28
After renouncing polygamy, this admitted to Union as 45th state
    $100 9
In this animated 1995 film, Annie Potts was a real doll - Bo-Peep
    $100 18
It's the official state insect of Arkansas -- how sweet!
    $100 1
In 700 B.C. Greeks first crossed this sea to colonize Samothrace
    $100 6
In 1991, his character of Jesse married a Rebecca; in 1998, in real life, he married a Rebecca, Rebecca Romijn
    $100 13
"____ Gang"
    $200 30
Death claims this antislavery novelist whose most famous work was serialized in 1851
    $200 10
Carmen Ibanez fights the bugs as a pilot in "Roughnecks", the animated version of this Heinlein tale:
    $200 19
This Cambridge, Mass. university is named for a man who graduated from England's Cambridge Univ. in the 1630s
    $200 2
Bahrain is composed of several islands in the Gulf of Bahrain & this larger gulf
    $200 7
According to the Italian version of Encarta, Antonio Meucci rang in first with this invention, 5 years before that Scot
    $200 14
"This ____ House"
    $300 29
Founded in 1746, the College of New Jersey renames itself this
    $300 23
This 3-D tomb-raiding woman has done commercials for the Sci-Fi Channel
    $300 20
Race a Model T while holding a pig in your lap in the Pig-N-Ford race at this state's Tillamook County Fair
    DD: $200 3
Indenting the coastline of Alaska, Norton Sound & Kuskokwim Bay are inlets of this sea
    $300 8
After hiring Reginald Barnett Hollingsworth to be your butler, you should address him this way
    $300 15
Actress d'Abo
    $400 27
Using his daughter Clara's nickname to label it, Leo Hirschfield introduces this chewy "roll"
    $400 24
Vanessa Angel played Lisa in the TV series of "Weird Science"; this actress played her in the film
    $400 21
Roy Rogers once said his birthplace was roughly where second base at this city's Riverfront Stadium later stood
    $400 4
The Korean Peninsula borders the Yellow Sea to the west & this sea to the east
    $400 11
In 1999 Crayola decided to rename its Indian Red crayon, the first renaming since 1962 when this became "Peach"
    $400 16
Drew Carey's home state
    $500 26
A tale of doomed & impoverished artists, this Puccini opera premieres in Turin
    $500 25
Webbie Tokay is a cyberspace supermodel created for this top modeling agency
    $500 22
Want to see a 2,000-pound pillar of salt? Head for the New York State Museum in this city
    $500 5
Some say the Weddell Sea is an arm of the Antarctic Ocean; others say it's part of this larger ocean
    $500 12
In 1999 she & Stedman Graham taught a "Dynamics of Leadership" course at an Illinois college
    $500 17
"Green Acres" character

Scores at the first commercial break (after clue 12):

Bill Jeeks Brian
$0 $1,700 -$700

Scores at the end of the Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Jeeks Brian
$1,500 $3,300 $500

Double Jeopardy! Round

    $200 20
One of these off Belize, like the "Great" one off Australia, is listed
    $200 23
Title that completes, "That is why all the girls in town follow you all around, just like me, they long to be..."
    $200 2
She won Olympic gold in the heptathlon in 1988 & 1992
    $200 16
Miller told this future wife, "You're the saddest girl I've ever met"
    $200 26
Heavy equipment salesman William Jefferson Blythe didn't live to see this son of his born in 1946
    $400 21
Though the object seen here is listed as in the United States, it was made in this country:
(Statue of Liberty)
    $400 11
"Hangin' around, nothing to do but frown, rainy days and Mondays always" do this
    $400 3
This poem by Friedrich von Schiller was the basis for the choral finale of Beethoven's 9th Symphony
    $400 1
Miller took this last name of his best-known character from the film "The Testament of Dr. Mabuse"
    $400 25
An IBM salesman in the '50s, he founded Electronic Data Systems in the '60s & made a billion
    DD: $600 22
These islands, made a national park by Ecuador in 1959, were made a World Heritage Site in 1978
    $600 10
This song says, "And when the evening comes we smile, so much of life ahead"
    DD: $500 28
Hospitals & desperate causes
    $600 4
This 1993 film starred Kieu Chinh & Tamlyn Tomita
    $600 5
"The Crucible" opens in 1692 in Reverend Parris' house in this Massachusetts town
    $600 19
Born in 1896, he followed his father, Jacob Winston, into the jewelry business
    $800 13
The historic center of Zacatecas in this country is just steeped in heritage
    $800 9
This 1973 song, a No. 1 adult contemporary hit, was featured on "Sesame Street"
    $800 27
Lost items & the poor
    $800 6
Outspoken views about drugs & sexuality led to this surgeon general's resignation in 1994
    $800 14
Miller's 1956 testimony before this committee got him cited for contempt of Congress
    $800 18
The Washington Redskins' stadium was once named JKC, after this ex-encyclopedia salesman who owned the team
    $1000 12
This 73-mile-long heritage site was built back in 122 A.D. to keep northern invaders out of England
    $1000 8
Wait a minute! 14 years after the Marvelettes, the Carpenters topped the charts with this song
    $1000 24
    $1000 7
He also wrote "Anna Livia Plurabelle" & "Tales Told of Shem and Shaun"
    $1000 15
Play title that completes the line "Sure, he was my son. But I think to him they were..."
    $1000 17
His name means "coal miner", but he was a book salesman who started a weekly magazine in 1895

Scores at the end of the Double Jeopardy! Round:

Bill Jeeks Brian
$2,100 $5,900 $1,800
(lock game)

Final Jeopardy! Round

Last name of the director whose production company is called 1492 Pictures

Final scores:

Bill Jeeks Brian
$3,700 $7,500 $3,600
2nd place: a trip to Outrigger Hotel, Waikiki Beach, Hawaii New champion: $7,500 3rd place: a Samsung Worldwide Hi-Fi stereo VCR

Game dynamics:

Coryat scores:

Bill Jeeks Brian
$2,100 $6,000 $2,300
14 R,
3 W
20 R
(including 1 DD),
2 W
11 R
(including 1 DD),
6 W
(including 1 DD)

Combined Coryat: $10,400

[game responses] [game scores] [suggest correction]

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