Jeopardy!: The Greatest of All Time Final Jeopardy! Round clues (8 clues archived)

#8, aired 2020-01-14SHAKESPEARE'S TRAGEDIES: He has 272 speeches, the most of any non-title character in a Shakespeare tragedy Iago
#7, aired 2020-01-14IT'S ALL GREECE TO ME: This area of Greece, home to Pan, is synonymous with a rural paradise; it's a setting for Virgil's shepherd poems the "Eclogues" Arcadia
#6, aired 2020-01-0921st CENTURY OSCAR WINNERS: These 2 foreign-born directors have each won 2 Best Director Oscars, but none of their films has won Best Picture Ang Lee & Alfonso CuarĂ³n
#5, aired 2020-01-09U.S. POLITICAL HISTORY: These 2 now-defunct parties each gave the U.S. 4 presidents in the 19th century Democratic-Republican & Whig
#4, aired 2020-01-0819th CENTURY LEADERS: Tall, lanky Joel Barlow was an ambassador carrying messages between these 2 world leaders, both mocked for being short Napoleon & Madison
#3, aired 2020-01-08INFLUENTIAL WRITING: Its second line is "All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope & Czar, Metternich & Guizot..." The Communist Manifesto
#2, aired 2020-01-07ASTRONOMERS: This man's name was given to a comet that crashed into Jupiter in 1994; he's the only human whose remains lie on the Moon Shoemaker
#1, aired 2020-01-07PRESIDENTS & THE BIBLE: "Silent" Calvin Coolidge was inaugurated in 1925 on a Bible open to this 6-word first line of the Gospel According to John "In the beginning was the Word"
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